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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by 4505Marcel

  1. Evening troopers, I just wanted to announce that from today Mike aka Chex has agreed to take on the role of the BSN XO working alongside me as second in command. Our former XO Andi (cyberscout) acquired a new real life job in the summer doing something he loves that takes alot of time and devotion meaning long hours, and so hasnt been able to log in for quite sometime to fullfil his duties here. Real life and family must come first at the end of the day, so I wish him the best of luck in the future. I received several pm's asking of his whereabouts, I just wanted to explain his situation. So please join me in thanking Andi for all his hard work, and also congratulating Mike on his promotion. As you were troopers!
  2. You could add a little foam to the inside as mentioned above bro, that will help no end
  3. Also ask advice on what blaster suits what armour, as some blasters simply wont fit at all well. My hyperfirm sits lovely in my SC holster, and I also use the magnet method although I recon it wouldnt be needed really
  4. Forgot to say are you having a level two or is the level 1 all that is needed? Im keen to see the Kashyyyks in the lancer programme aswell, if its something you guys want
  5. No problem mate, Matt LDR set it up with me. Let me know when you have the pictures ready bro.
  6. I would recomend melting the hole either wile making the hole with the soldering iron as Mike says or after with a lighter to avoid the webbing fraying, and use the biggest backing washer you can find. I also glue mine down with epoxy as the rivit only holds the middle.
  7. If you look in my sale thread for cummerbunds, there is a link to a lady in Germany who makes them also on the first page ;0)
  8. Weathered 100% bud, just dont go too heavy as we are not sandies. Scout weathering is a real gripe of mine, basically we were given black rattle can splats. Man thats utter rubbish, where would we get black splats from in a forest. Shame there wasnt much thought went into it and they rushed what really is a great costume, I personally refuse to just have just black splats as I like more real world, while I have a hint of black splat, I used greens and browns also to replicate what we would have really got in a forest, Ive sort of swiped a sponge down the side of various bits to look like branch whacks, and I used a oily brown flicked up the front with a tooth brush to look like hydraulic oil splats from the speeder.
  9. I found it just naturally bends once together to be honest, clips would help though I guess
  10. Your still good to go with your other parts, you just need to add a few details, its no big deal bro and youl end up with a much better costume. I understand what your saying but in two years things do change sorry.
  11. Alot of the costumes within the legion have come on leaps and bounds Edwin, and we as scouts needed to catch up, hence my decision to add these updates to the standard CRL as parts being clearly seen on the screen scouts.
  12. Agreed camera flash is not a problem, youve got to remember the light from the arc in a weld will be far greater than a flash of a camera. Thats what the lense is designed for at the end of the day
  13. Bonus if he has mate, it will be usable for sure
  14. Im not sure any one would have a set laying around that had been yellow'd with age or the sun bud. These things dont tend to sit about
  15. Do you mean the bridge above the shoulder??? If so you want that as close as possible, ideally touching. Reason being the bigger the gap the bigger piece of fabric you are going to need to wrap around it, wide wraps are not too good on the eye. If you mean the sides then mine are about 50mm apart, but a gap there is fine
  16. I can do everything on my own, never really had an issue. Is your chest armour too wide for your frame, meaning you cant move your arms inwards? Id say the hardest part to put on is the rear bund closure, so I just put it on the wrong way round and twist it round once closed.
  17. Unfortunately you cant really reverse that, its just old age and too much exposure to sun. But as Patrick said gve it a rub down and a coat of paint if possible. Depends what it is your trying to do I guess
  18. Yes either is fine, it does say either in the CRL bud
  19. Well it's christmas eve and the big guy is on is way, just wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past year and to wish all of you a very merry christmas and a happy / healthy new year on behalf of the BSB staff and myself. This year has seen quite a few changes within the BSN, in its overall layout with new sections added in which I thought would be of interest to the masses. I owe alot to Jim (Griffenx) for working along side me bringing my ideas to life within the BSN, web stuff is not my thing and needed his skills to do it, so thank you mate. Its been great putting faces to names in the show your face thread, and also as I am quite keen on different costume genres, it's awesome looking at your other costumes too. Most of the sections are working well, which is good news. Something else I'm really happy about is troopers attitude changing towards the scout costume standards in general. When I put my neck on the line to update our CRL quite a while ago, to include some major components that had been left out. I got quite a bit of flak over it, but reading threads now we all seem to be striving to go that one step higher all the time for a closer to screen look, with discussions being posted all the time about certain components, which we never really had in depth. I hear all sorts of good things from many troopers, which makes it all worth while. Yes Ive had a couple of doubters post pm's at first, but in general good things more so recently. It is what we needed to move forward, the scout isnt a so so costume, it's a fantastic costume when done right, and deserved to have more recognition as a worthy costume along side any of the others in the legion. I think you all deserve a massive pat on the back, in keeping the BSN the friendly informative place it is. We have seen quite a lot of new members this year, injecting ideas keeping it fresh and fun around here. The BSN has allways been one of the friendliest detachmants and I'm proud to call this home. I'd also like to say a MASSIVE thank you to all the staff from myself, and on behalf of all the troopers for all your hard work throughout the year. Well thats about it, enjoy christmas and new year celebrations. Be safe, have fun and look forward to anouther great year in 2013 Peace and love to you all Marcel
  20. I have an earth magnet mounted in the handle on the greeble and a corresponding magnet behind the holster, doesnt tend to fall out.
  21. Buy some new elastic its only a few pence bro, best to do it right
  22. Yes through the hole mate, go around the outside and then into the hole. Have a bit of velcro stuck in the sides of the knee armour and a corresponding tab on the elastic. I also have a piece of velcro in the flat of the knee and a piece on my flight suit to stop it moving job done. This is basically the same for all the armour parts except for the shoulders, I still have the leastic and velcro, just no slots for it to go through
  23. It does look like a very poor cast mate, you should always expect some bubbling as it is near on impossible to get it perfect. But that is quite bad, its going to take a lot of work filling those up. I would contact them, but they sent it out so they will know what its like.
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