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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by 4505Marcel

  1. Yep I use 4oz wadding all around my bunds and cod. I use large poppers in my cod bottom also to join the 50mm elastic which is sewn into the back of the bund as velcro in my opinion is pants and comes undone alot. Pouches I supply with velcro on the top tabs so people can stick into the chest armour if they so wish, but personally I have mine sewn onto the bund intself, as i have my sound system, batteries and speakers in the pouches which are a fair bit of weight so would trust velcro alone
  2. I have earth magnets holding down my face plate, drilled into just below the chin strap slot. Works a treat with a satisfying snap shut
  3. I just used a Halfords appliance white here in the UK, not a perfect match as the SC armour has a milky white colour to it but fine all the same once weathered
  4. disfunctional family yep thats us
  5. I trimmed quite abit off the bells, biceps, forearms and knees for my misses and then pulled in the armour a touch not much to be honest, quite abit off the shoulder bridge parts on the chest and back also.
  6. When I saw this thread title I thought wow ive never heard this from SC armour, and looking at the picks really the thread should be re-named as to not give SC a bad name. personally I feel maybe the thread title is a little harsh for something so simple to fix and obviously not a bad pull at all bro. Theres nothing more than 5 minutes work there, and to be honest they could be trimmed any way to suit you body shape better. You should see some of the kits ive built over the years, SC scout still to date is one of the only kits that you can buy and more or less put on out of the box. Not trying to upset anyone or have a go, so please dont think I am. But the thread title doesnt fit the thread contents one bit
  7. I wouldnt get the pouches made 5x5 they really want to be rectangular rather than square
  8. As others have said ditch the pouches they are WAY too big for your frame, your bund should start at the bottom of the belt andideally on a lady they will end up at below the bust, if not you get a baggy bund to take into account for your boobs You also really want about a 25mm pices of bund showing above your pouches to tuck neatly under your chest armour. Shoulder pieces as said a nice T pice that will wrap around the gap and then a piece of black 25mm webbing to allow you to hang your shoulder bells on The cod piece is way too wide and also the ribbing on the front for you in my opinion also, no big deal to fix though Marcel
  9. Welcome to the squad brother
  10. Well done mate, glad to have you in the brotherhood of Lancers. Now go stomp some Ewoks
  11. Superb job mate the armour looks wicked
  12. Congrats on your Lancer status matey
  13. Welcome to the Lancers dude well done
  14. Thats great news thank you. And this means im the second in the 501st to get the hat trick deployed status on the Scout, Stormtrooper and Sandtrooper. Now got to push the Tusken Raider and Boba Fett through. THink im gunna spend the afternoon stomping Ewoks
  15. Forgot to add a close up of my boots
  16. Think thast just about it
  17. Hi pictures for my Lancer request, hope all is well More pics to follow
  18. Any news guys if faux suede is what most use and OK for lancer as Im about to start my flight suit? Cheers
  19. Is Faux suede acceptable for Lancer? I would have thought it would wash better than real suede in the machine and probably inside out flight suit is my guess? Cheers
  20. Do you guys use real black suede for the mud flap and inner thigh pieces? Or is it the faux suede man made, if its the real stuff is it sewable on a normal machine? Real suede is just the inside of the leather isnt it? How does it cope in the washing machine? Good idea about the bud flap being removable ghose, but I would think its a bit more difficult to do with the thigh pieces? Cheers
  21. Nice one that answered my next question
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