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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Witness

  1. The CRL on the main legion site says: So the answer is no, you do not need cuts to be a 501st Pathfinder
  2. That was my first set of boots I made back in 2008. The soles aren't as harsh two tone as it seems in the photo because of the lighting I used. You want to try and find a boot that is single colored on the sole without threads on the top if possible. Even my later set of boots which I made and sold dozens of to people are no longer acceptable for Lancer because of the white threading on the top of the sole. That photo should probably be replaced in the CRL.
  3. For non canon events you can carry anything you like if your garrison event coordinator allows it. I have seen scouts carry all sorts of BFGs at non canon events. I've even carried an E-11 with a shoulder strap on it to replicate this: and this:
  4. Nice! It's too bad it's a clearance type item, no longer in regular stores. The eBay sellers seem to have quite a few of the Lugz Matrix in various sizes. Those soles could be easily modified to look like the Siera Sneakers, at least on the sides.
  5. I want to first to officially offer congratulations to Marcel (4505) for winning the interim election for Biker Scout Detachment Leader. You will do an excellent job carrying on with this great detachment. I hope you and your team carry on with the excellence that you have been know for already. The detachment will do well in your hands and we can only expect it to get better under your leadership. Good job mate! Dave
  6. We have a forum here The Swinging Ewok Cantina | Getting Started | Biker Scout Vendors Listing
  7. Please note I edited my message above. Sorry to be off topic again.
  8. Yep, we know that. We allow the mesh to cover up things like fans and such inside the helmets for basic troopers. The movie helmets were made to be worn 15-30 minutes at a time, us troopers have to wear them 4-6 hrs or longer at a time sometimes. It is cosmetic and does not affect the aesthetic of the helmet for a basic scout. It's not like people put silver or white mesh in. I still suggest people have no mesh and it will most likely become a rule for Lancers at some point. (hint)
  9. Be careful how much harsh black you add. There are two things to remember about weathering. One is that you need to look very closely at the screen shots or screen used items to determine how and how much weathering there was. From this picture and others in the reference gallery, the "dirt" was almost airbrushed and smudged on. Too much paint can make "dirt" marks look harsh. I used smudged acrylic paint for the recesses of my armor and a rattle can of black to make oil and dirt marks. Not saying mine is the best representation, but as you can see, it's not as harsh.
  10. LFL has a history of mixing up costume parts or putting things on backwards in promo and museum shots. The MOM exhibit is a perfect example of this. No det greeble, and lots of other missing parts and attachments. The blu-ray photos have a skin tight undersuit as well. Always go with the screen captures. Another example of this is when I was researching my Old Ben costume and found some great shots of the Ben costume from the MOM exhibit and Smithsonian and the mannequin was holding Luke's EP VI saber.
  11. Please see my post here: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8821
  12. Alrighty, now that someone has posted the Blu-Ray pictures, I have to talk about the knee pad and other things. I have had this discussion with John Donaldson (lonewolf) from UK about a month ago? I was holding off until the Blu-Ray was released, so here we go. On the new disc we have: Strapping as seen in the shot above is accurate. Let me explain why. What you see here is 2 straps on each knee. One in the place we see in all of the fan made armor and one at the top. If you look closely at existing pictures, you can see the other strap and how it is connected. (From the MOM exhibit borrowed from Studio Creations website - Thanks Jeff!) These clearly show a rivet with a strap around the back of the knee on the MOM exhibit. Now... let's look at screen shots: If you look closely, you can see the rivet there. So, what do we have? A second strap with rivets that none of the makers do and we have yet to add to the CRL or Lancer specs. Now, this week I am extremely busy on through the weekend. What I intend to do is get to work on changes to the CRL and Lancer specs over the next few weeks based upon changes noted in the Blu-Ray releases. If anyone has any hi-rez images captured that they can send me, please do so by email to tb3627@live.com and I will add them to a gallery. It looks like we will have to revisit the specs before Christmas. It should not be a problem getting them passed through Legion, it's just a matter of documenting. Changes will not be major, the knee is just an extra strap and rivet which can bee retrofitted to existing manufactured costumes. Also, we finally know what the detonator greeble is: This detonator greeble can currently be sourced through the Rebel Legion. It I believe is used by Endor Troopers as a rank badge and on the Boushe costume belt. Perhaps MonCal will start making it since it makes the belt too. Stay tuned, more info to come! Dave
  13. Welcome to the Pathfinder Jason.
  14. That's good, but I meant the PDF showing assembly of the SC thermal detonator using zip ties and connecting to the belt buckle. Does anyone have PDFs of the assembly instructions? Or just a picture of the thermal detonator portion.
  15. For future reference, please note that people are allowed to do non Legion or Detachment swag runs relating to the costumes presented here. That would be Biker Scout and Kashyyyk Scout. Other costumes or swag relating to other Star Wars items are not allowed. These forums are not to be used as a general merchandise market. I will note than even though I am not in favor of allowing this, there is no Legion or Detachment rule currently regarding this. I have concerns related to copyright infringement, but we have contacted the current Legion Merchandise Officer and it is ok Legionwise. All I ask before you mock up and post a sale thread is to contact the current Detachment Merchandise Officer (Peaches) and let them know what you are doing. We do not want to have any conflicting runs of the same item at the same time. All non Legion and Detachment swag runs are to appear in the general public Trade Forum. As they are not Legion or Detachment merchandise, they would be open to the public. Non Legion or Detachment swag may not have any logos or wording which may be interpreted as being associated to the 501st Legion or the Pathfinder Detachment or Lucas Films in any way. If you have any questions, please contact me. David Granger
  16. You don't need the greebles, just the tube on the detonator and attached to the belt. If someone can get her the instructions for the Studio Creations detonator, she'd be squared away.
  17. The greebles are one item we never had a decent shot of. I'll get some pics posted up on Friday if I can. If anyone wants to beat me to it, help yourself. I'll get a gallery up with any new photos.
  18. Now, this is from the Magic Of Myth exhibit. The detonator is missing the greebles (buttons and knobs) and no, at this point we do not have an accurate photo of them. A lot of people use the greebles from MonCal.
  19. Congratulations Nathan. Now, do you want your title bar to show Biker Scout or Kashyyyk Scout or something else...
  20. As Marcel said here, Lancer is about looking like the film scout, not about looking like the intended view of what people think a Biker Scout should look like. You've done well Grant, but you just need to change a few things to be more accurate. I'll remark what i have said on a few other applications: Lancer is voluntary and is about appearance overall, not just the sum of good parts. We are geared to look as screen accurate as possible. The only times we give leeway are when things are not possible, like I will not ask someone to reform the Studio Creations knees to make them more rounded. It's things within reason. We won't allow additions of things that are not in the movie or removal of things because they aren't comfortable as others have tried to do in the past. Certain things are harder to make more screen accurate, such as the armor and the boot soles. The soft items are easier to make and modify, so we ask that they be as accurate as possible. As you can see from the following shot, there is a clip used to hold on the detonator, so the idea of a clip is attempting to do it right. But, the clip you are using: This clip is not even close and detracts from the detonator because all you see is the two massive clips. This is why we suggest the Studio Creations method of using a zip tie to hold the detonator onto the belt clip. it's better to not have the clips than to have something that is so large. The clips are barely visible in the film, so in this case trying to be close, none is batter than too much. We try to approach Lancer with an eye for as close as possible, and when we can identify a method of doing something that is overall asthetically better, we try to get people to do it. We can't possible put every little thing into the specifications in writing, we do expect people to do as much research as possible when assembling their costumes if they intend to apply for Lancer. In most cases, that requires they become a Pathfinder first, and then be able to view previous Lancer applications in this forum. You've had an advantage being 501st and having access here even without having your Biker Scout cleared in the Legion. You are very close, just a few more modifications. But again, it's up to you.
  21. This is a better picture. There is no point to discussing this picture. I didn't feel it required a discussion. I have always thought he required an arc, not a chevron. I even remember having to change mine when I applied for Lancer. I don't know how the chevron got into the spec, it should not be there. The above picture is probably the best view of any picture. There is also a picture that can be zoomed in in the screen shots gallery, it is also an arc, not a chevron. I don't feel this requires a discussion. I wish it had been changed previously, last year for that matter.
  22. Black Scout (Shadow Scout) with a sniper rifle is canon. Black Scouts are from the Expanded Universe, books, comics etc. Black Scout is not a White Scout and not from movies
  23. This is a more direct version of what I was asking, in a roundabout way...
  24. What kind of helmet is it? What is it painted with? Got any pictures?
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