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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by LENOX61

  1. Looking good bro!
  2. Congratz Allen !!!!!
  3. Looking good bro !!!!!!! ......... # 26 should be on the way!
  4. Hey Grumpy......check your PM and e-mails.
  5. Checking in bro.. ........
  6. Congratz Drew and welcome to the 41st Elite..........THE SWAMP. B)
  7. Looking good so far bro. Don't worry about the purple tint, it fades away in time (I had the same when I dyed mine). You might want to take a black Sharpie to the stitching, but the color looks great. Your bucket is also looking good. Keep it up.
  8. Sweet......double whammy! Great to see the Kashyyyk craze infecting others.
  9. I did the same with mine.......lookin good.
  10. Matt- Where did you get that Kashyyyk Fathead???
  11. I agree with Kevin.....the boots appear to be a light tan. This does not exclude the concept of having white boots; however, if one would go that route, weathering must be a necessity in order to show different tones. I also agree with Tony.....considering the main feature on the Kashyyyk armor is the camo pattern which definately is not white, why would there be white boots? No matter what world or universe you would be in, the reality is white would almost instantly be coated with some sort of mud, debris, or planetary material casting the appearance to a different shade of brown or tan. This also does not include the concept of any fighting which we all know from EPIII, the Kashyyyk did plenty of with the Wookies. I was around when several debates took place. I watched and listened to the different views on this subject then and am doing again now. This was definately one of them. I studied the various film prints and high resolution pics which were available in 2010 when I constructed my costume. I still believe light tan is the way to go. Just my 2 Galactic Credits.
  12. Looking good Justin...keep it up.
  13. Wecome Matt!
  14. If you haven't invested in a dremmel (or a variation of one), you might want to consider it. The dremmel makes the build go a lot easier when it comes to cutting, trimming, sanding, grinding, or polishing any part of your armor.
  15. Welcome back Ski!!!!!! Glad to hear you are home and safe!!
  16. Cool.........about the pouches (not the weather- brrrrrrr). At least your at 10 degrees........ we got down to 4 degrees on night shift about 5 nights ago. I almost had to call in a favor to borrow Midniterider's duster.........he-he-he.
  17. Looking Awesome Matt! I love the way you brushed on the colors. That makes it look more realistic and original. The only thing you might want to add is some weathering (possibly ripping one or two of them and adding some drbris). I know my weathering techiques are a considered little extreme to some folks , but I think it adds more realism to the concept of warfare as depicted in EP III. Anyway.........looking fantastic bro!!!!!
  18. Welcome to the 41st Elite brother.
  19. Looking Awseome Drew! Keep it up.
  20. Looking good Allan!!!!
  21. Hey Zack, welcome. Glad to see another Kashyyyk in progress. Keep up the good work.
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