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Alex's Shoretrooper Squad Leader Build


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Sorry I haven't updated a lot lately, I've been caught up on other things. Waiting for my undershirt has really slowed me down as well. I do plan to attach the cover strips and straps to the shins soon though and that should, save for painting/weathering, finish up the shins. So that's something I guess? Pics when I do it.

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Waiting for gear is a buzzkill on working on the kit. Keep chipping away!

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  • 5 months later...

Bet you all thought I'd given up! Hah!

Well, I kind of did. I lost all motivation and then I had a job search and now I have a new job that's really murdering my energy levels BUT BUT BUT LOOK WHAT ARRIVED FINALLY!! MY UNDERSHIRT!! AND NOW I CAN MEASURE MY TOP PLATES!! AAAAHHHH!!

This one's from the Dark Side Closet but I will have another one coming shortly from Geeky Pinks as well, as she's gone back into production and I'm still on her list. So YEAH. Soon, I will be measuring top plates WOOHOO!!



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Glad to see you back at it!!!!

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8 minutes ago, Minimo said:

Glad to see you back at it!!!!

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Thank you! ❤️ A lot was getting in my way and my exhaustion is still a thing but I've decided to set myself a soft goal of next summer for finishing! So I'm excited. 😎

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  • 3 weeks later...

Super frustrating to finally get my undershirt/neckseal only to have the people who could help me vanish for the next month. That said I do still have to work on my helmet so I'll try to hit the Canadian Tire and get some of that brownish primer stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Recording for posterity's sake.

My plans are somewhat limited now due to weather, but since my helpers are returning at the end of the week, plans are thusly:

1. Fit upper plates (chest, back, shoulders) now that I have undershirt

2. Try to figure out some sort of rigging

3. Finish up leg armour

4. Paint everything when weather warms up, unless by some miracle I find a heated place I can do it

So yeah, that's how it's all looking right now. Sorry I'm not that exciting. Uuuuuuuugh.

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Hey that’s all the stuff that makes a pretty good set of armor that much better. Keep up the great work! Let us know if your need any help with the rigging there’s some top shelf Shoretrooper armorers here about that would be happy to help should you need.

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19 hours ago, Retrofire said:

Hey that’s all the stuff that makes a pretty good set of armor that much better. Keep up the great work! Let us know if your need any help with the rigging there’s some top shelf Shoretrooper armorers here about that would be happy to help should you need.

Hey! Would you be able to send them to this thread please? I don't even know where to start with the rigging and will definitely need help. :) Thank you.

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I used nylon webbing and snaps. Some places were ok with some strong Velcro.

Took a few troops to really nail it down for me.

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So my Garrison had our X-Mas get together and I managed to elicit a promise for an armour party soon in the new year from one of our members as well as a promise of help, so that's reassuring. He's also the one that's printing me my blaster. I thought he already had but he said he was waiting because he wanted to coordinate with me on weathering so. Eh. 🤷‍♀️ Not like I'm in a rush with this thing anyway.

But yes, HOPEFULLY there will be armour partying soon and potentially progress. We shall see.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Sorry I haven't been updating a lot lately. When work's not been draining me dry of energy I've been fighting a lot of anxiety and depression and that's a pretty knockout combination. I do plan on attempting to fit my chest/back plates and doing whatever sanding is left hopefully soon though. Seeing this one through to the end come hell or high water. I wanna march those beaches dangit.

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Looking fwd to your next progress!! It’s not an easy build, but it will be worth it!!!!

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  • 3 months later...

Oy! She's still alive?! Yup. Still working on this? Yup...technically!

Made connections at the first con I've trooped in three years with a fellow Garrison member who's an approved Shore - wonderful guy - and he offered to print and send me some shoulder strap brackets and better sized/more accurate handplates! Plus he sent me a (future) mini-me! What a wonderful guy.

What am I waiting for? An armour party or someone I can bribe to come help me I guess. Been battling anxiety and depression since my last job let me go when the contract expired. Got a potential interview coming so hoping things will get better from here but...yeah!

This is 100% still in my mind. All the time. Every day. Glaring at me like my unfinished clone trooper and custom Mandalorian. Why haven't you finished me Alex...Xl3Q3hv.jpg

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Trimming my backplate and stupid question - does it sit flush on my back or is it supposed to have a lip to it? 

Ugh I feel so stupid. Ehehehe.EVHbGku.jpg

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Not a stupid question. The back plate does come up from the back of the armor. 9454401ecaecfb1f989fbe93cb3a2482.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

I'm really sorry for my lack of updates/action everyone. I've been actively job hunting and my anxiety/depression has been pretty vicious. I'm also still waiting for an armour party, because right now I don't have the energy to endlessly fiddle with everything until it's 100% (or even 95%). That said I'm looking at training myself into a new industry which will hopefully turn out to be fruitful for me so once all the dust settles things will hopefully get back on track.

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Met with Garrison mate today at Obi-Wan marathon event thing. Have been promised armour party sometime soon.


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8 minutes ago, LTCAlex said:

Met with Garrison mate today at Obi-Wan marathon event thing. Have been promised armour party sometime soon.


That’s great!!! Look fwd to seeing more of your build!!!

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  • 1 year later...

Oy! Now that I've gotten my Biker Scout done, gonna rest a bit, recover (because what a build) and then restart this one again...


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  • 10 months later...

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