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Everything posted by DukeOfNachos
Whatever flap securing mechanism we use on the pouch is fine right? I didn’t see anything in the cell saying it has to be Velcro? These guys are really floppy, it’ll be nice when I put a form in the bottom and poke the edges out more.
I believe I loosened the cod a smidge when I hung it up for the night I just wanted to get the “as close as I have “ view infront of you guys so I could fix anything between things getting g done, hopefully I can get the pouches done this week and the boots done this weekend, and infront of our GML prior to EoM. As always thanks for the dressing tips and the answer to my questions!
Ok last stretch with the pouches. Here’s my question (it’ll prolly sound dumb) so the instructions say to sew two back to back and then flip inside out… you can’t flip it inside out of all 4 edges are sewn though right… sewing isn’t my forte I’d rather deal in solidworks 😕 of that’s the point topside seams would be easiest to hide.
Ok, so the witching hour came, codpiece is finished. So I had to make sure we had no CCT! So full suit up minus pouches (that’s next), balaclava (I didn’t pull it from my TIE bag), and the HH-66 is on order for my boots! Edit: the uh white line on the back of my vest is already fixed (Go black sharpie!)
Ok, post garrison shenanigan suit up. Waiting on the good stuff to get here to cement my boots. So here’s the latest with the belt dialed in, and the cod pattern hanging, it hits at the Apex of the crotch so I’m figuring another inch should do fine yeah? Post suit up, wondered how much room I had from boot top to knee armor, mocked it up over my jeans, 1” between knee and boot top.
Ok, holster is trimmed and riveted, now to suit up and make sure everything fits, that’ll have to wait till after the garrison party though
Ok, boot tubes are sewn, just need glued, down. Blousing band is sewn in to the right boot. The holster can be installed whenever right? Onto the holster, I have questions… SC holster has the cut in the side as shown below. The front piece that drops in can’t really be trimmed to fit into the slot unless I do some major cutting. Would it be better to just line up at the blue line I have marked and maybe rivet it into place, same with the front. Would the Front be reversed as there’s not alot of clearance to fit the tool etc up front? ->assembled mock up -> reason?-> how would this be cut??
Ok, more cutting, I think I’m there though! Velcro and blousing band will be here tomorrow, so now to transfer the pattern to the right side vinyl and we’re good to go! Mk.3 Next question after flipping the pattern for the Right (holstered) boot: Should I just do the basic flip the top by an inch and sew it shut while i wait for the velcro/blousing strap to get here, or just wait and get it all banged out when the other bits show up?
Yeah I think I overshot about 1/2” I was just being overly safe when I made my pattern I’d rather have feedback here before doing anything crazy. Also I didn’t know if I needed to fold over that side some.
@OnkelPaschulke this I’m not aware of and I just finished my morning Caf so I’m slightly lost as this is truely my biggest endeavor besides doing Jawas . Could you shoot me an image?
Ok mark2 in the books laid out the pattern on parchment paper, prepped it, transferred to vinyl, I just need input, as in the below photos it looked like the rear part was kinda wide , I made the one side 1” bigger to account to Velcro which isn’t installed yet, which may be part of the excess in the rear but besides that it looked about ready.
Ok, boots , I’ve read @cheesewhoopy boot tutorial and maybe I’m reading something wrong but here’s my question. Measure around calf+2.75 would be ~20 but when I figure out the distance between the hole 2” each side of center (10”) and the. Distance from the farthest edge->edge is 10” so it’ll be 5” from the edge of the hole right? -> Tubin’
Yeah I was trying to dial more the soft parts. I figured since I was already there I might as well slap the armor on
Happy Friday pathfinders! Suited up to have the armory team tell me about the gear, love you guys! -> Soft Parts (Cod pattern) ->270 (mostly armored, pauldrons aren’t attached to chest here) Still to do: -> Need to adjust my belt/straps. -> Shoulders aren’t connected to my chest piece as I need to redo the connection for Lancer. -> Need to install the upper straps on the knees. -> Install Velcro on the vest/ suit -> Finish boots
Man that was a fast ok! Congrats!
So since the H&L was over 2” difference for a good fit I just snipped it and rehemmed/affixed the hook. Good fit now over a sweater (gives the same fit as my suit) will get a reshot tomorrow at lunch/after work.
I think its safe to say that it's almost off )like the hook is catching the edge of the loop to get it to the point I'm at in that photo, it may be time to seam rip/cut the ends and reposition to bring it in.
So I have the Velcro in back, it looks like I may need to add another strip to get it cinched though. Or I could just seam rip the Velcro off, cut and reattach?
Ok positioning should be correct this time. -> Front -> Left -> Right Navel is 1” above the lowest snap, top of the belt is sitting there. I have a feeling that when I made the bund I made it maaaaybe 2” too long, that could be fixed by adding an extra strip of Velcro to cinch it in.
Ok suited up so I can try to figure this out, bund feels like it’s short. But here goes ! (Daughter said I looked deep fried on the left) -> Trust the process… After I posted this I messed with s’more settings on the photo, my boxes cover the edge of my riding patches so It may be fine, I haven’t added Velcro to the vest/bund but with it being already closed etc is it still the right point to install the hook and loop? I could see maybe some on the rear of bund as well as maybe a small strip on each side of the vest area to make sure it doesn’t dip under the chest piece?
@Chopper @Aradun I’ll do that in the morning, I think I could hand sew that small bit after trimming if need be right 🙄. Took to the boots tonight (I mean they’re going to take awhile to do so might as well start now ) …baby steps! -> pinned boots!
So bund is formed, figuring out Cod while I get the vinyl ready for my boots. In placing the pattern from @Aradun are my riding patches ok, they’re not fully covered by the Cod and I’m sorta freaking out? -> for the love of murderous tree bears..
Ok, new year, new sewing machine! Back on the cumberbund, got the bunting socked in just need to suit up and see how it sits. -> Bund laid out. -> Bund Ribs!
Thanks @OnkelPaschulke I’ll have to try that, second boot isn’t as clean as my first, no injuries on the second one though
So with my machine down for two weeks till I replace it I decided to tackle notching my boots. Took about 3 hours and a lot of hunching over to get it done, but it’s at least some forward progress. -> RT boot so all done using a #17 chisel and a standard blade. Is there some way to easily clean it up, kinda afraid of putting an end mill bit in there on my Dremel.