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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by DukeOfNachos

  1. Hah no worries . Always happy to dispense info on the build if needed just hit me up!
  2. @SoCaliBuckeyeit passed , using all parts from the SC kit for the detonator (including the zip tie ) so I think it’s good to go.
  3. I literally glued my strap to the velcro as well.
  4. I bought a pack of like 60 when I started on my kit off amazon after going neurotic on build threads and using my RL job skills to figure out what I needed. Needless to say I could supply a few builds with webbing/zipties/anchors for my local garrison
  5. What about putting Velcro on the scout belt front ”buckle” and then like where the rivets on each side meet the bund? I mean that’d work as long as you don’t share the bund with a RoTJ scout kit
  6. For laces I took the originals out on my boots and just put the elastic ones for the first 3-4 holes (up to where the dog bone covers) works like a charm.
  7. Washer for 1/8” pop rivet. 3/8” OD
  8. The RotJ scout has a elastic strap that goes around the front/back part of the shoulder bridge. Remnant scouts don’t. Also you don’t have to deal with rank stripes
  9. You don't need to worry about <1" shoulder bridge covers either
  10. armorsmith is pretty great, used it for sizing my Mando armor before my printer died.
  11. Congrats! now we can commiserate on getting to Lancer
  12. Thanks team! Glad to finally be in the ranks!
  13. And as of 8:15am (PST) approved
  14. How I did my belt rivets.
  15. Ok, just wanted to notify incase something was wrong. 👍
  16. @BikerScout007 FYI, page one pics aren’t showing, but when clicking it works.
  17. Good luck! I’m playing the waiting game as well
  18. It comes down to close enough for government work. same boot, only bigger
  19. GML Pics submitted, gotta get it in before nominations I believe that on the way outside my one bicep may have shuffled down a tad, hopefully GML wont ding me on it. once this is all in I'll have to add the velcro to lock everything into place.
  20. Cements here! Whoo so this stuff dries super fast…HH-66. -> Left foot. Pair, minus holsterPair w/ holster, ISO
  21. Should be there now, Imgur showed duplicates on the app and when i deleted the duplicate it apparently deleted both...ugh technology.
  22. We’ll well, progress since Tuesday. Sewed up some pouches, ordered some pouches, and sewed my dogbones. My pouches aren’t nearly as great as Pilot Bay pouches but they’ll get me basic clearance ;). So sewed on my loop to the bund and attached my temp pouches. -> Ghetto pouch So as soon as the glue gets in tomorrow I can assemble my boots and get ready for some approval pics!
  23. Ok so after talking to one of my sewing aficionados, I’m just putting that pouch as a learning measure ;). Now that I know how it’s sewed I’m just going to cut another pouch and affix the Velcro.
  24. @Retrofireok that makes sense. I just didn’t want to stick that pouch back in the machine for Velcro. I’ll just hand sew it on this one and do it correctly on pouch 2 ;).
  25. Snap, and or magnet maybe, I’m just spit balling
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