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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by mickeymark34

  1. You are doing a great job so far. As Chopper recommended to me, I bought the Rustoleum Painters 2X White Primer and Gloss White. I think my helmet looks great.
  2. Thanks for the input guys. I will make those adjustments. I will be bringing the sleeves up to standard. I already moved the drop boxes back and they do seem to sit better now. I will have Velcro attached so it will keep my cummerbund in place. Next time I will try to position the cod strap in a better spot so it doesn't bunch up. Again, all the input is greatly appreciated and I thank you for taking a look.
  3. Still having issues with Tapatalk. Will add more as I am able. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. I still have to add the decals on the back of the helmet. I will do that tonight. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Thanks Jason. I was trying to post more but Tapatalk was having issues. I’ll give it another go.
  6. Hello Scouts. I suited up for the first time with all the pieces together. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. I had to reglue a part of the left bicep, and it was drying at the time of the pictures being taken. I have a concern of the length of the sleeves on the flak vest. It will definitely be a learning process on dressing right, but I will get it in time. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Boots are officially done. Also, I gave my dome and cap it’s final coat. Going to let it dry a few days, and put the decals on it. I think tomorrow will be exciting for me as I will be doing a test fitting. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Got the dog bones glued on. Next up, holster will be attached. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Just finished cutting the vents into my holster. I’ll try my best to clean them up a bit. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Worked on my cap and dome gap. Got the primer on, hopefully it will pass at Lancer with the final coat. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Studio Creations. There are other makers out there though. There is a thread that compares the different armor makers.
  12. Thanks Dennis. I am excited to finish up.
  13. Boots are almost done. I glued one side of each boot last night, and tonight I will glue the other sides down. I’m slowly getting the helmet together as the spray paint cures. I glued the greeblie on last night, and added the fishhook decal. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. I was going to weather my kit eventually. I like your thinking @BikerScout007. 🙂
  15. Good afternoon everyone. I was going to glue my snout greeblie in, but had a quick question before doing so. Do you current Scouts ever have to touch up the area around the snout to keep it "fresh"? If so, should I just screw the greeblie in so I can remove it easily to touch the paint up on the snout?
  16. Have fun, and good luck on your build. I have Studio Creations armor as well, and so far, I am pleased with it.
  17. Tonight, I'll work on getting the tubes glued down with Shoe Goo. I'm waiting on Bondo Spot Putty to arrive so I can finish my helmet at get the dome and cap painted. Hopefully I'll be able to start taking submission photos within the next week.
  18. Working on the boots right now. Following the Cheesewhoopy tutorial I trimmed the excess material off of the toes and cut 1/2” strips to cover the line. I’m hoping the CA glue I used holds the strips down properly. On one, I used a little magic tape to hold it down while it cures. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. I do have 1/8 washers, and popped the caps off. The clips are now on securely. I’ll sand the caps and tube ends down to get them glued back on. Thanks for the help @Stroker.
  20. Should I remove the caps of my TD before adding the washer?
  21. I do have some. I’ll try again using some.
  22. Here’s a photo for reference. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Good afternoon everyone. I’m attempting to use 1/8 Diameter rivets with a 1/2 inch grip to attach the clips to my thermal detonator. When I tried attaching it to my belt on popped off, and I noticed that that part of the rivet that should have been inside the tube was curved and not flat. Am I doing something wrong?
  24. My flak vest from Steph’s Imperial Outfitters arrived today. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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