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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by mickeymark34

  1. Congratulations.
  2. I had a buddy of mine help me with the soft goods on my Scout. He has really good sewing skills. I ended up getting my own machine, and he gave me a tutorial on how to use it. I've done some minor things such as hem my flak vest sleeves, I took in the legs on my flightsuit, and some other odds and ends. I'd say if you could, get a sewing machine and try making them yourself. Perhaps someone in your Garrison would be willing to help you out.
  3. I would highly recommend emailing Jeff for instructions to assemble the helmet. It didn't come with my armor and I had to email him to get some. It may save you a little bit of a headache down the road.
  4. Excellent work! Looking forward to seeing your celebratory "Approved" post.
  5. Thank you everyone. I had lots of great help from some awesome Scouts along the way. Couldn't have done it without each and every one of you.
  6. Nice job on the weathering. What method did you use?
  7. Email Jeff and ask him if he can email you a set of instructions for helmet construction.
  8. [mention]Chopper [/mention] I’ve made the recommended changes. Here are the photos. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Good evening, and Happy Father's Day to all you Pathfinder dads out there. I am going to eventually weather my Scout. I saw a video posted by @Pandatrooper, and he said he weathered a Scout helmet using an airbrush. I have always wanted to try airbrushing, and what a great way to try it out. I have seen the video from @Strider. as well, where he uses spray paint to weather his armor. What method would you guys recommend?
  10. Thank you guys. I will work on those items and send in new pictures when I am done.
  11. Hello @Chopper. From your feedback, I adjusted my cod by widening it, and I added buckram to stiffen it up a bit. I took two inches out of my legs so they are not so baggy. For the vest, I hemmed the sleeves up to shorten them, and added bits of Velcro to help hold it in place. I was able to then have my biceps sit higher. I widened my buttflap by an inch on both sides. I also raised the straps on my legs. While dressing I was mindful of where they should be positioned. The following photos are with the new adjustments. In an earlier post I also showed that I removed the tank topper greeblie and had it sit more straight with the back of the tank. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Yes, sir. Taking pictures of the adjustments I made for my Lancer application tonight. I hope I did a good job.
  13. With the help of my wife rethreading it (I had bedtime story duty), I was able to sew the Velcro onto my flak vest. Thank you guys. 🙂
  14. I have made the mistake of not putting the presser foot down. But I was making sure that it was down last night. I'm going to rethread it right now, and use the advice you guys gave me. Hopefully I will be giving you guys some positive news soon.
  15. I was sewing it with the hook side facing up.Im thinking I may have had it threaded wrong. I’m going to re-thread everything tonight, and try again. Could it be that my bobbin was low on thread?
  16. I’m sewing the hook side of Velcro onto the T-shirt material of my flak vest. The thread is knotting up after a few stitches and the needle stops.
  17. @M.J I’m having a tough time sewing the Velcro onto the shirt material of my vest. I put some on my flight suit just fine. I’m thinking the material is too thin. Do you have any advice for this?
  18. Thank you Corey. I will work on it today.
  19. I have an update. I have done most of what was listed above, but I have one last order of business, which is my Flak Vest. Tomorrow, I have a plan to hem the sleeves up to shorten them to Lancer specs. My concern is the collar, and feel it is too wide. In the photo below, you can see the left side of my collar popping up on my shoulder. Here is it resting on my flightsuit. I was thinking of adding Velcro to the vest to keep it in place. Or perhaps adding the sleeves to a new shirt with a smaller collar. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. As others have stated this will be a great reference for current and future Scout Troopers. Thanks for putting this together.
  21. I'll have to wrap my head around how to add a piece to narrow the opening. Perhaps my friend will know how to do that.
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