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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Gree23

  1. Highly recommend this as well. Top notch company and pretty quick turnaround. Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  2. Dry clean Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  3. Keep up the great work! Cant wait to see parts coming off the printer Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  4. Got my Squad Leader belt done today. Boy was I worried about doing this but man am I happy with how it turned out. Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  5. Second round of sanding done. Helmet has been washed and is drying for another coat of primer filler. Also got belt boxes and hand guards printer, sanded, and primed Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  6. Any news on this build? been almost a year!!!
  7. Does anyone know where I can get this belt buckle in a 3d file?
  8. That looks perfect! Great job! Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  9. AT ACT Helmet status. Will let it sit till tomorrow then sand and rebondo
  10. 8 Rolls of filament ordered for the start of my ST build. Also have used the day to prep all the files. Everything is loaded onto the memory cards and ready to go once the filament comes in. I am thinking that making my own shirt might be a pain in the sand trap so may end up buying one, but we shall see. Stay tuned!
  11. Wow ok over a year since I posted here. It's funny how this hobby takes its twist and turns. So this is the current condition of the helmet posted earlier in the thread, but it is no longer a Shoretrooper helmet and has become the start of a AT ACT helmet. I got a Tanker kit from another member and will be completing both those kits here shortly. Had some issues that do not align with the current CRL so fixing those. Also found that the previous back and chest that I printed here are WAY TO SMALL and I will be sizing those up. Another change is that I have pivoted from a Shoretrooper Squad Leader: The Mandalorian to a Shoretrooper Squad Leader: Rogue One. I think it would be cool to keep the costumes in line and from the same movie at first. That being said, I will be posting up my ammo case and some greebles and such for sale. Will also be posting my gloves as the kit I got came with some and I do not need two sets. anyways, I am going to order filament and will start slowly printing parts for and will keep yall updated here.
  12. Nope I am just a dummy lol. Didnt see there was a page 2 LOL
  13. Been over a month and a half, any updates???
  14. Any updates? I see you asked questions on another build about scaling and was wondering if you had started printing yet? wondering where you are at on everything. We are kinda similar in size and so wanted to see what you had found. Keep us posted!
  15. Matty, You are in Star Garrison huh? Are you currently part of the 501st or is this your first costume? I am one of the GMLs that will be judging your costume once you submit so watching this build closely. Also, have you done anything else since Feb? interested to see how things are coming!!!
  16. Wow. Thats ashame. Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  17. Yes the etsy link is reputable. But you also could reach out to keep trooping and ask them if they would do just the vest and what that cost would be. You never know. Or buy the set and sell what you have. Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  18. Welcome! I would have to also second that of Studio Creations! Especially if its your first kit. The kit comes almost ready to wear, is pre-trimmed, and looks amazing. Super affordable and the price you see is shipped, so no back end $100 tack on for shipping costs. They also have a ton of great how to ok their site, super good people to work with. Just for reference as far as "sizing" goes....i am 6'1" and about 235 lbs. My kit is Studio Creations and fits great! Good luck to you and keep us posted on what you decide to do! Cant wait to have you join us Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  19. Yes its approvable. Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  20. Contact studio Creations
  21. Bam there it is Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  22. If not Studio Creations, contact Ross at RWA Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  23. Studio creations might. If not, they back and tank is really affordable. Reach out to them and I am sure they would work something out with you. If not, they website sells directly Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
  24. Yep. this is definitely the way to go. Not sure what other method you could use to fix this issue. Seems you have your answer! Good luck and keep us posted please!
  25. Drill out the rivet and make ABS paste Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
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