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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Digger

  1. Now this is just a suggestion, do not attempt this without consulting veterans: How about clearing the inside of the good shoulder bell, heating the wrecked one up again as before (but less hot, only enough to bend the twisted part) and then pressing it into the good bell's inside? Again, i'm no expert. don't use this without confirming this will not result in catastrophic events.
  2. Well i don't know them which means nothing, because i'm new, but seems like a good idea to ask around first. I cannot find anything about them and the lack of information on their site is impressive. No names, no references. Maybe they just started setting it up...
  3. I ordered an SC kit last week and as i am the skinniest guy i know, i may be having the same issue. Your fix seems like a good one. Will you let us know how the bending goes?
  4. This is going really fast!
  5. about E6000, there are bigger tubes 59ml (2 ounces) for sale at Amazon.uk and Amazon.de They ship all over Europe, i think Norway is no exception, but you will have to see for added shipping costs in there. (shipping to me -Netherlands- adds 1$). It's alot cheaper than buying the tiny 6ml tubes. p.s. the two different amazone have different kinds of stock, but the deutsche one is all in german language. they also have dremel 200 / 3000 and rivet guns.
  6. remember the screen accurate back armor humps didn't fit perfectly. So don't worry too much about that just now... looking good so far
  7. There are several. I thought they would all be hidden behind armor, but this one is near the throat Brilliant.so simple and yet so effective! it worked, Thanks it was a bunch of teeth indeed. they didn't leave big holes though. Thanks for the advice guys, next hurdle! one pouch to be removed from leg is actually integrated into the leg stitching itself.
  8. Ok so i may have made a little booboo on the choice of coverall. I ordered something online (the cheapest one but it fits nice and tight.) and it has some problems, most of all visible buttons. It's one of those circles smashed into the fabric with a factory machine and this one is hiding in plain sight. visible side: inside: what is this called anyway? I want to replace it with some velcro to lock the top of the suit. I tried getting something thin in between, but it's giving me a hard time. Do you know if this can be removed without ripping the suit?
  9. I guess all cartoon suits are simplified versions to save time and money. but.. you're making a rebels suit, or you're making a RotJ suit https://imgur.com/a/Fy88f from this angle to me it seems both options are viable but i'd say suit and neck are so tightly aligned, it seems sewn together at least. the shoulder pads and earholes are huge by the way. -edit- wow photobucket is being a dork...the link is to an imgur image now.
  10. Great tutorial. going to try it out this week. Lets see how long it takes to learn the basics of using a sewing machine.
  11. I'm glad to see how this is turning out. Doesn't just underline how helpful the veterans here are, but shows that the good vendors out there, are indeed... good vendors!
  12. Hey there troops, i stumbled upon a video review of the gloves and there is explained how to measure your hand size properly to get the right wampa wear gloves. Now on a normal video such as this: https://www.leatherg...m/np/sizing.htm (as shown at 0:25 seconds), you just go around your hand and read where the tape hits full circle. In this particular WW review, the guy shows how he measures his hand and he measures full circle + a bit from side of hand to his palm! at 12:30 of this vid this seems odd, but then at 13:55 - 14:05 he shows it's because normal gloves are different from his WW. If i measure normally i get at least one size smaller than if i measure the way as in the review. , What is your thought on this? are WW gloves just really small?
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