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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Digger

  1. Oh man so tempted... Helmet looks good so far. What ya think? will it be ready before midsummer?
  2. Oh wow! That looks really good suddenly. Great work!
  3. "It looks like there's still some excess on the left side of the faceplate that hasn't been trimmed?" -Chopper I think there is very little room to trim the back. Just look at img 5777: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1p7iK5icCP5PoCu3Xkn3SZlsSpW1LaIhp It's hard to get the face more towards the back when the topside is already against the dome. In the end it may be a question of leaving that wobbly line on, or trim it and have a gap between the plate and bucket... I don't know
  4. that line is a new feature. If you need the shoulder to be slightly bigger, it will have that dented line on it... 🤔 I'd save the sizing of the shoulder bell for later. When the chestpiece and the arm pieces are done, then you can compare it with reference photo's from the films and see how yours is going to look best.
  5. I have been wondering about that for a while now, since my holster is also SC and the blaster is DVH. Let me know if you figure that one out 😛 There's another magnet on the blaster though: This circle on the grip is also a powerful magnet. I used it to connect it to my boot. I glued a rare earth magnet to the inside of my boot, it's the little circle (just below the strip that strengthens the structure). I made sure the correct side was facing towards the pistol, otherwise the magnets would repel eachother. Check if your DVH has a magnet there, i hear older models have different magnet setups. Still i'm thinking of adding some white plastic under the holster to place the other magnet underneath and have the blaster be connected on 2 points... to be continued...
  6. Very nice how you managed to fit the two dome pieces together. I think there's still room to do Chopper's suggestion even if holes are already drilled, because the holes in the visible part (the visor) are good already. On the dome piece: drill a hole further back towards the back of the head. One thing i notice with several finished SC helmets is that when viewed from above, the lid hits the dome piece, if that makes sense... like this SC helmet on the left: Yours is nicely lined up with the dome, which i think isn't normal for SC. (like the altmann on the right lines up nicely) So when you line up the 2 pieces (face and dome), look at the sides and don't worry too much about the top... -Picture reference was taken from the "Ultimate helmet comparison" thread.-
  7. Almost every piece on that picture looks different from what i bought a year ago. Looks better, but also like alot more plastic to cut. If my eyes aren't deceiving me then those Thermal Detonator caps are indented! awesome! id exchange certain bits of that set for my bits anytime.
  8. The only clamps i have are a set of 6 for 2 bucks... I used a visible rivet on top and bottom to attach the tank to the backpiece. That needs no clamps/waiting time... A bit like this one: Pandatrooper attaching tank&tanktop How would you go ahead and glue them?
  9. The white velcro that comes with SC is a sticker. Cut a piece off and stick it on the inside of the biceps piece. Also sew black velcro at the end of the black elastic strip. Now you can put it on the biceps piece and take it off aswel.
  10. great! thanks! those 2 pictures are very helpful, (really new to sewing every bit of info helps). I'm working on my 4th set of pouches now haha, the others weren't good enough... Anyway this is great training.. Wax on, wax off! anyone need some spare "almost good" pouches? 😛 That looks like very nice cotton by the way.
  11. there's a thread about that trader though, buyers beware! that doesn't look very promising.
  12. High-fiving kids that had the guts to come closer that's just awesome. I guess i'l go for basic first, but i want it to look perfect, so in time everything that needs fixin will get new attention. -After this comicon i added length to my Codpiece so now there is no black between bund and belt. (When i made that part i didn't have a flakvest yet so i just attached it to the belt instead.)
  13. Question: When you build the pouch box as in the DK5IDE pattern, it says (at the top seam) "Fold twice and sew after building the box"; After doing this, there is one visible sewing line at the outside, correct?
  14. Yes that was fun! i met a bunch of real pathfinders and learned how they keep their helmets open. twisting the bolts much tighter, which might not work with helmets with returnedges at the back of the vizor I'm on the right.What do you see that needs fixin?
  15. Strider chestpiece looks flawless, those return edges really are neat! just wondering, how long will they soak in tea you think?
  16. it's on haha it really is on the pants! I followed Panda's version with the folded edges, so it really is 2 layers of thick leather on top of the pants. Sewingmachine lost a needle along the way and i bent another one trying to do the thickest parts by hand. the front looks ok i think, but the backside is probably a bit too low so proud of my little baby muhahaha! There's a Comic con today, perfect time to test if everything stays put. And somebody can take proper pictures there, because these selfies just won't do xD
  17. holy bejees those patches are a tough nut to crack! One TB suit and i'l go from being a sewing rookie to Imperial Ace... AND il swear off sewing for the rest of this century. Yes they're a little baggy behind the knees, i opened the outside legs to get those patches on so i might aswell take it in a little. Affraid i look too thin, because i'm a thin guy.
  18. Aaaaallright! after a short break, i'm back! There's a whole lot of stuff i have done that i am not yet satisfied with, like the pouches are not how they should be. and the codpiece is attached to the belt, as i didn't have flakshirt to attach it to at the time. I'm happy about the DVH blaster though: it's DVH with a little metal paint to make it look less rubber-y Now i'm about to start the patches on the flightsuit but i'm worried maybe the pants are too wide/baggy. What do you think?
  19. Is the bund staying up when you move around? I am thinking maybe the flight suit is causing your bund to slip, looking at the legs, the black suit is a bit baggy/loose. If you put something tight over something thats too big anyway, then the tight stuff is likely to move around.
  20. Maybe yes... But the decals seem darker than the bolts aswell to me
  21. The transfer/sticker above the snout is the correct colour aswel, is it not? I think the paint on the right of your picture is too dark. the new one isn't the exact right colour, but it isn't more wrong than the old one If you can't find Spike's paint, maybe your local modelling store has Vallejo. This comes close: Vallejo -Light grey RAL7001 pictures in google may be a bit misleading so here's a comparison picture (this helmet is Altman ) the bottle is vallejo.
  22. Very nice bits. Chef's stuff also looks like very high quality when seeing it up close
  23. Alright i followed the exact same course and i believe it worked out well. Went to a sewing store and the lady suggested the blue pen. marked the lines on the front side and just painted the thread over it. and after using a spongebob those lines were gone in a breeze. Thanks for all the advice guys, im on to the codpiece next!
  24. Hey guys, i just learnt how to use a sewing machine and have a problem: So i have started something that will at some point look like a cumberbund And now i'm supposed to do 6 stitchlines to create 5 ribs dead centre. Do you have any tips and tricks to help make those lines evenly spaced and straight? I used pencil to draw lines before but those are really hard to remove afterwards. Advice
  25. Question: why are you using brown thread? I have been using white thread on the boots so far, is that wrong?
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