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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Oblivian

  1. I'm still a noob. But a determined one with most the expensive parts on hand already About to enter stick white stuff together phase *gulp*
  2. _yussss_ $50nz and I got a $30 voucher for that store. Tomorrows addition then I left abit off, soft brown top and a slip on loop. But can mostly be hidden away by the vinyl
  3. I was just about to ask the same of these sole colours Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  4. Was looking at the same image yesterday in the costume bible and noted that Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  5. Ditto. 6.3 and 40. Guessing the world's size variation went to 42. Just right. Can take in but not grow em more Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  6. Todays trip to the hardware store ended in some 32mm PVC pipe to end-cap the detonator, and a donor hard hat for the liner (such a waste) Just an idea, and as it turns out may be OK for its purpose. The way it sticks into the lid is small catches. And as it turns out these points can rest on the front of the helmet and places the forehead padding right where it needs to be close to the visor! With some velcro dots behind it this should be able to be seated there semi permanently just fine without too much adjustment The downside is my head still rests on the top of the bucket, and not into the "X" sling itself. On the rear, the intention is to bend a couple of strips of plastic into the shape of the rear. And mount using a screw at each of the the back 2 contact points. In turn this will be attached to a strip foam attached in the 'dent' area of the back of the helmet. And again velcro dot at the lower points to the helmet ridge for added stability
  7. Just looking at Pandatrooper and another locals ones from 2013/2014 it appears they added most these features additionally. Even sourcing different greeblies for the tanktopper Dunno, Just thought it may be of interest to anyone following such threads to realise they are now included as of current date
  8. Just noticed, instructions and kit now include (what appear to be accurate) Detonator Greeblies. And suggest riveting a 2nd strap to the knees (lancer spec) and include 1" elastic as part of the kit. Also a white circle for the tank topper included So it does indeed seem as if the kit has been brought up to a more suitable all in 1 package
  9. After reading a few of the tutorials from users completed in the past years I started to notice some of the mods made to the SC armour to make them more pleasing to the eye and closer to screencaps appear to now be integrated into the latest builds being dispatched. So I thought while I have a fresh box infront of me I would take some snaps of a couple of parts I noticed an adjustment of. Someone like to confirm? Feel free to ask for a before of any other parts you may be wondering about before I start chomping into them in the near future (hopefully pics below) Included decals now have the red stripe that most paint or added with their own vinyl There appears to be soft returns on the forearm plates now that people were adding At the same time, can someone confirm the tubing now looks a better colour.. or will it still need a coat of grey
  10. Most have it bookmarked http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9781&st=0
  11. Heat, Pin. Rinse, repeat. Theres some guides (pandatrooper for a start) that show the best methods
  12. I don't have one (yet) having only received my kit yesterday. But it also alleviates any fan noises if you add them and have seen/heard them from airsoft guys etc
  13. Throat mics can be a little clearer than one taking reverb from inside the bucket also.
  14. Redkap CT-10 Overalls are the quick and dirtiest method. There is a few guides if you search redcap. Essentially remove pockets, add collar, sew up pocketholes and take in legs/arms Helmets come in Kits with armour, or whole from some makers for a fee. Boots can be made from walmart/cheap dept stores. Again, search boot tutorial. All here
  15. Both the SC 'instructions' and Pandas guide tend to lean on making soft Velcro "T" for attaching the front/rear plates on the shoulder. And then covering with the canvas like elastic bands. Still the best way to go?
  16. And so begins the crazy selfies with half done mods Hopefully start the sanding edges, shoulder trims and decide which T strap method to use on the weekend Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  17. Visuals? I just grabbed some packing foam for a start from work, but issues tacking it down with fear of paint removal. But have access to those cheapo safety helmets if they drop in easy enough Is the idea to keep the hinge bolts fairly lose? I note they have a tiny amount of play but start to strain if you lift the visor too high. I can *just* slip it on with the front velcro'd closed. But would be easier with a bit of room
  18. Pinch me.. is it Christmas already? After dishing an additional $140 for release I had a box of plastic turn up today :D:D ANNND then a call from the office of a pickup ready... with a certain unexpected Altmann bucket enclosed. Happy times!
  19. Got mine from Amazon/redkap direct. And as I'm 6.3 got the long. Thankfully the long does mean leg and arm. Theyre proportioanl remeber bit usually means length. And an extra at the waist for luck. Fit just right. If anything almost too short in the body. But not being crotched so far! Just a squeeze to get in. The colar is a bit odd. Gap in the middle and a dome flap that probably won't close or meet up if you are like me. But the flap you add can help hide this Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  20. Tight across the knuckle ribs. So err on the larger sizing fyi Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  21. When customs decide the chunks of plastic you purchased from the US to fundraise in need to be held onto and additional money added to their coffers
  22. Progress. Wampa Gloves: Check (and yes they tight fit even on +1 size) SC kit enroute for start of new year
  23. Pig sueue comes in smaller grades of thin 1-2mm. Its finding it thats hard. Tandy Leather seem to stock cheapish piglet hides which should cover. But hard to get my side of the world
  24. http://www.wampawear.com/biker-scout-gloves/
  25. When your daily 'Joy they're on the way!' happiness updates are let down at the end of the day Taking a LA holiday!
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