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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Oblivian

  1. Ja, nein? 11.5 mid with half turn in/seam. Tucked about 1.5-2 under the armour here Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  2. I'm awaiting arrival of my stuff. However I think the trick is to seam-rip the outside of the legs. And lay flat, attach, have at it and zip the legs back up again
  3. The vest was a bugbear until today. It was going to be left out for my target event coming up in march pending completion if CO allowed
  4. Slowly but surely. Too fussy to whip it out fast and go for it lol Just checking that vest would be fine with ribbing added as is on the mock. And no, not done bridges (cutting the material for covers now) but have velcrod rear strapping to back plate. And front is still lose till I work out bund and vest layering Not even got to boots or cutting to mount pack on. Too scared
  5. Yes, sorry worded wrong. Aware of the sleeve length total. I mean the ribbing, where the neck to shoulder area is. I can see in screencaps it starts under shoulder by armour bridge and down. Just checking the sleeve area isnt too exposed with this type of cut I have here around that area. Like if the whole sleeve you see was ribbed, its not too much frontally exposed up to the neck
  6. Vest 2.0. Raglan with padding full length of sleeve acceptable?, or can I start it uner the bell skipping top of shoulder/ so much at front
  7. So the further back join and subsequent bridge cover wont need to be modded to bring forward? And velcro As in don't stick it to the centre like I did.. 1.5 sq atm. I intend to align, get approved then move to a more permanent dome setup Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  8. Shoulder alignment time. Now I've discovered an issue. Comfortable placement is a bit far back for the shoulder bridges.. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  9. You have me worried now. Followed pandas belt, short end out. But see others have done long end out I thought I read approx 1" tail out the back Part way panda'd ready to bend and glue Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  10. Reassuring My E6000 arrived yesterday, so as long as I use it sparingly on the armour parts I'll have enough for boots! (2oz tube) Now to find those boot calf and bone plans that are eluding me from Army Scout..
  11. The alternate is of course some elastic cord, secured from 1 endcap to the other to ensure they are pulled in at all times, or at least a loop to secure said items to with a caribina or similar.. I may invest in this myself since it just dawned on me
  12. The other trick I see is use laser level line. Or I tried this morning with a test, a slight slit in cardboard with a torch behind works too
  13. Posssiiibllyyy Have to have someone whos not also mid-build check on it to confirm Example CRL is a goodie.. flush on it appears square
  14. Re storage.. Just TD ala pandatrooper with pvc pipe added. And some electrical tape to make it more snug. A tapered cup would do similar. Makes it removable if need be and secure enough if not As long as I got someone keeping an eye on my 6 Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  15. Your downwards may need tweaking. Take a look at it square on. Think it's meant to have a squared look from the back (above here) Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  16. Another expensive visit to craft store. White vinyl. Wasnt able to find marine type with less marbelling. But sure as heck hope its passable. Other stuff I got free (PVC) seems too thin, and in depth CRL noted no shine Appears yellow here due lighting Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  17. Same liner I ended up with. Mine the squares that secured it sits on the lip of the helmet top just right for stability Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  18. I took a leaf out of a local TKs book.. One of my TD ends is removable but quite secure pens ala keys can hide in em!
  19. Im thinking due heat the shorter the better. So will ensure its low enough for bund but not fall out. Suggestions to what density batting/wadding to install for ribbing? 75-100gm ish? Awaiting E6000 still to progress which is worrying me for March targer
  20. Vest: End it somewhere near the belly button? Long enough to not bunch under the cumberbund. Not long enough to stick out the bottom of it yes?
  21. So the right throughs close, and the normals open? Or round the other way not sure what you call slash heh Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  22. I'm clearly too picky Being overtaken by other builds now. Momentum has slowed Awaiting E6000 to do some snap-dome work, greeblies and attach L plate for tank top attachment before moving to the more detailed soft part mesaurements once chest armour is in place Going with the T- velcro or other? I'm considering a Tstrap, but domed in rather than velcro so it sits on the webbing rather than the plastics
  23. This was my hiccup and disappointment during the week. I had already drilled and filed my slots to the same width of the supplied elastic after a glancing look here. Thinking, sure... it'll stop edge fray too at minor expense of possible weakening. Only to find squeezing it is in more popular and suggested there Thankfully I didn't go any wider than the actual elastic. I've adopted the 2" cutin half for now with velcro sewen in. Not a lot of room to move getting on/off so will have to hammer down my sewing and make 1 side strap easily removable or replace ASAP with a similar long length cross type that users have done
  24. Top right goes on to say "reserved for the most experienced scouts and high-risk missions" A little odd to combine a different vehicle for something we all think isn't intended for..
  25. Just found this in a local store.. Tfa scout it seems. Heh Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
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