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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Oblivian

  1. I have a sudden feeling I've not made my belt curve enough. And if I attack it with a heatgun again the glue shall give up or ill make more holes (the heat decided to make one of my box indents shrink, so the belt edge now has a dip)
  2. Gotcha. Read wrong. A local TB engineered elastic to the end of his belt, and a tightening method like backpacks have. He has waist movement and adjustability. But its a lot of work behind the belt ends moulding mounts.. And fake rivet mount works due to his size. Too many options to make a final decision :/ Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  3. You shaved the drop boxes too? Any particular reason Interested to see drop box level, and how you handle the webbing attaching to the belt. I think I need to bend (made a mess of the sectional joins with a water pot before the heatgun and probably not glued by much after releasing clamps ) the rear rivet tabs or the webbing is nearly pulling straight across the back with 4" velcro and around me it only just goes onto the belt and enough to wrap/glue to the inside of the first rear box beside the rivet
  4. What the.. who did that lol. I'll see if its me or pulled from whoever approved me. I even put the curves in the dropbox slots on a slight angle (used my roll of painters tape as a guide) so when aligned on the leg they sit a little more horizontal exiting.. then I realise I hadn't accounted for attaching velcro (last minute adjustment bonus behind the box) AND put the curve the wrong way! http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=14505&hl=&fromsearch=1
  5. I'm equally being as ocd everything is sanded 3 times using different grade paper to make it baby butt smooth heh. I did make a couple of questions in the forums, but felt it too imposing so moved to asking in my own build thread Wrong time, around elections and I think timezone has hindered some things. I have to ask, wait overnight, get reply and have while day of work before being able to make a move. So often had a day or 2 of no progress. Now I rely on prior acceptance comments and picture as guides while I contemplate how to mount the webbing to back of the belt and drop box levels I even made my webbing cuts in those (dropbox) curved so it remained within the indent bounding while allowing the full width to be run through without bunching.. Over thinking Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  6. Not making my progress speed feel any better lol I went even further with checking the squareness of the shoulders by marking where the actual centre line should have been. However didn't bother trying to square them in fear of boobing it up. So if you look REAL close, theyre about 5mm longer on the left edge. Seems to be his mould is skewed there too.
  7. Already ripping ahead on what has taken me WEEKs. Of course I added my stripes post assembly, which means no wrapping behind the already attached tank fail. Notice the shape of the bottom of the tank, I trimmed my left side up to be more symmetrical. I also curved my top edge - the downside is, the hole (yours is centre.. lucky! I have 2 after redrill) is in line with the form on the back armour right where Pandas L bracket sits! So my rivet buldge hits the slot I had to cut to fit the L through and not nicely flush. Hard to explain, but my L doesnt sit like an L, it won't. It sticks out 10mm toward my back unless I heat/shape/glue at risk of melting the backplate armour up
  8. I'm a bit scared to do them. After the reality of not making our biggest event of the year I threw in the towel early the night before and not yet re-visted.. Much like the fear I have of being picked on with approval photos despite how picky I have been on myself Now I'm more functional to be able to, boot thread here http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=903
  9. I spotted in the ArmyScout boot thread he trimmed some off his. I've not made such mods as yet (or sized it up for that matter) as I've not completed my calves. Reminds me, I must fit my left before copying the right pattern. No dobut got different size muscles poking out Watch your usage of elastic too. If you follow CRLs they differ from the instructions - you'll find yourself needing more 1" if like me. As you swap a couple around. Similarly, don't go too nuts cutting the side/back slots - seems 1 3/4 is the norm, not 2" like it has on paper. So mine are now too wide (made to fit the 2" elastic like it has!!) I flushed up the left overhang (facing it) on my chest, as youll see it drops lower than the right. As a result the front/rear alignment may not be as equal. And watch sizing off the arm opening.. take a measure to them and see if yours differ as much as mine the mould seems to have a bit of a twist
  10. Yep, I started an updated SC thread somewhere with those same notations. And different pipe now among other small tweaks. He's listening Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  11. I'm building em But if you mean the core boots, faux leather from the warehouse for about $40 (25-30 when on special) Kmart also have a pair of actual leather for around the same price. its mostly the sole were interested in
  12. Well my recut to 2" fitting are sure to be sloppy then later on :/ Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  13. Too tight for calves? Sit funny here as no arch cut and leaning over. But only about a finger width gap around. Legs dont bag over top At least Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  14. Issues handling the floppy around the bridge Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  15. Oh for sure, just a shame I've run out of time to complete boots :/ Mock pattern from the build thread looked good on paper but didnt quite fit. And held me up completing belt last night *sniff* Have bought it all to work in the hope of downtime to do some more bits today. But struggling. Drop box are also holding me up, I see they often sit about level with the cod/just below the belt by about 2-3". But to date I've been sizing below my hips. Hate to cut into the webbing to find me chomp too short! Not worked out if I want to velcro to plastics or top of the bund yet. They have slight overhand on the edges of the armour parts so may end up bund attached. Can't quite work out what I'm going to do with the webbing onto the belt, be it glue + rivet, or sew some elastic on and attach by that so has some movement. Knowing my luck spending all this extra fussy-ness I've got something too long or too wide with the cod and will get told to adjust. Fingers crossed it wont!
  16. Thanks to bwattsup guide.. Ta-da! Next stop. Boots. 2 days to make and dry. Little worried now... And of course finish the belt boxing/straps. Any tips on good sitting level Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  17. Yeah.. Baggy.. But can hide that till I take em in And of course pouches! I was going to shrink my 7x6 per template. but fitting them in now I dont think I need to. The gap seen is 7.5"
  18. So I'm running out of time. Fast. This weekend is our largest Calendar event where I hoped to premiere I had to bite the bullet and just get it done, so bund was seen last night. Finished tonight. I need to work out where to sneak the elastic from the cod in to the flaps as I forgot to double side the flap with Velcro for the elastic end to attach to So close. Need to start bonding the boots (toe stretching issues) Complete belt. Complete webbing to boxes. Attach arm greeblies (finding screws to help with this) Attach tank (panda method has the rivet hole a bit close to the L bracket exiting the armour) patches and finish vest With luck gml may let me test run without vest if I complete rest of list :/ Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  19. And how far back does one need to stretch. Pins keep popping out from sides so I have to resort to the sole So running out of time with a week to go till largest event of the year Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  20. Errr So the tank topper rivet. Doing panda method, It's not clear if its resting on the platform and riveted through it, or just for show and stuck down on the square moulding beneath. Any input? Mine appears to be too close to the back of the armour to be able to go through the L bracket! The hole appears to smack into the edge of the square on the back panel
  21. I've chomped out the thigh patch pattern found here, but it does seem... small. You think I can find the one where someone used 2 of them overlayed on each other to make it wider.. nope I have an event in 2 weekends time, a major one I was hoping to appear for. but other than the ribbing I can't bring myself to sew up the bund properly without a solid path of adding velcro to hold it up (to 1 panel so hidden) or not :/ My 3 month target is slipping away
  22. Dang, been left in the dust. I wonder if i got my shoulder bells too high now. I have them 4.5" from the inside of the armour shoulder strap to end of the 1" velcro under the bell. I can shorted, but not make em longer once cut
  23. Yep it's not inline with the red line that's for sure. But was, once. Odd. Sent from my XT1092 using Tapatalk
  24. Out of curiosity.. Used the Offset hole on tank topper, or re-drilled the 'middle' one thats been filled CRL calls for 'in the middle' and if I was to do that (the filled one and ignore the drilled), its a lot more centred along the back of the tank too!
  25. Yeah go larger. I was 9", that was a L on their sizing, but went XL and theyre snug. Hopefully give as they soften Now, I read it right that theres 6 stitch lines producing 5 Ribs on bund to make it more accurate rather than the 'trooper choice' 7?
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