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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by stasz

  1. I love the location shots! Looks good, brother.
  2. Welcome, R.C.! You're in the right place. The answers that you seek are within. Patience is mandatory and the research and building is 1/2 the fun. Good luck!
  3. Well my brothers, I've submitted my pictures to the Great Lakes Garrison GML for approval. I want to thank everyone for sharing their knowledge, experiences, and encouragement. You've all helped make a dream come true for this guy!
  4. Well, I haven't trooped with them yet, but they do give with bending/reaching/moving naturally. I used Dritz hammer-on snaps hoping they wouldn't wad up the bund which they didn't. But it took a little time lining up the male/female halves, just to make sure things didn't pull weird once it was done. I'll give an official result after a troop or two, but aesthetically I really like how the snaps hold the pouches.
  5. A few more pics wrapping up my build: I did do snap plates on my thigh boxes. Same idea as Panda uses on his buckle piece. I like how it came out: I may have gotten a little "snap happy", but I also used snaps to attach my pouches to my bund. I couldn't get them to stay put with Velcro -always ended up crooked- though I still use it under the chest armor to snug them up. And my mudflap: leftover faux suede from the riding patch, finished edge, and sewn to my jumpsuit: To be continued in Stasz' Pre-Clearance Pics!
  6. Thanks, brother! My mom laughed and said it's the first time she'd ever seen me wear a belt where it's supposed to be
  7. I've got to give props to Dan, as he was the first Scout I saw up close and in person. His rig really inspired me to go for it (as well as his interaction with my apprehensive son - Dan actually asked my son if he could get a picture taken with him) it was so great. Here's TB60688 with Bob: Seeing Dan and Bill (a Clone Trooper who I also happen to work with) with all those kids pushed me to make this dream happen. I don't know Dan personally, and I don't know Bill well but they inspired me to make this happen, and I'm grateful to them for that. Here's my adjusted bund. I took an inch off the top and hitched up the belt. It felt a LOT better. Things felt like they were where they should be. It didn't close the pouch/belt space as much as I thought it would, but I'm 2/3rds torso. I think this is as good as it's going to get
  8. Congrats, brother!
  9. Archer yes. All day. Yeah. I had to figure out the push + pop method too. I bet everybody's first pair has one sketchy boot and one really good one I have enough vinyl left over that I want to do another, better pair and I think I'll use these base boots. You shared the link earlier. Thanks!
  10. Wheels, man. Wheels. They look sharp! Was it easy cutting on the soles? The color looks great. Nice job.
  11. You spelled "badasses" wrong Yep, way too low. I knew it didn't feel right. Should be a pretty easy fix though.
  12. Thank you! I didn't set out for Lancer. I wanted to do the heel cuts because it looks awesome and just didn't feel like scout boots without it. I did the 2nd knee strap to help keep them in place. Now, that being said, I really wish I would've used real suede because I think I'd be pretty much there. Now, the plan is to get approval, get some troops under my (properly placed) belt, and make the necessary adjustments for Lancer.
  13. Thanks! I think when I measured I went too low thinking of where my normal belt sits. Gonna do a quick alteration after work.
  14. I might have to take an inch-ish off the top of the bund. Then I won't be sagging Did you mean the Bund? It may be helped by taking some off the top. It may also be helped by getting some more practice suiting up
  15. Yeah, the belt felt low. I may have to whack an inch off the top of the bund. Thanks guys!
  16. Well, it's about that time. I'm getting proper submission pics on Saturday, so I wanted to get these up here for my brothers to dissect. Known issues from pics: Level out thigh boxes (fronts too high) Thermal Det crooked (can't wait for new clips!) Missing balaclava Lemme have it!
  17. Magnets as clamps. Great move! I learned that trick repairing guitars and violins.
  18. Sexy white go-go boots he says You're off to a great start!
  19. Good Lookin' hardware. Is that resin or hard rubber?
  20. Scouts helping Scouts. 'tis a grand thing.
  21. You're just factory fresh! Weathering is only a matter of preference, not a requirement. If other scouts in your garrison are weathered, it may have been suggested for uniformity. The mantra you will hear is "less is more" Some scouts prefer to let it happen au naturalé, some scouts come that way out of the gate. You'll find several threads discussing the how/where/what... a lot of thought should go into it, I think, for realism's sake. Color, placement, method of application, should reflect what would really get you grubby whipping through trees at high speed. I remember someone mentioning a tutorial for Sand Trooper weathering that was good, but unfortunately I don't have a link.
  22. Wow! I remember reading somewhere that the Scout is "no longer a costume that someone's brother in law builds for them over the weekend"
  23. That's the stuff right there. Looks good!
  24. It looks like your bund is pulled down a bit, leaving that gap between the bottom of your chest armor and the top of the bund. A tab of velcro on the armor/bund can help sort that out and keep it from slipping. Your pouches could stand to come in a touch. Do you have elastic on the shoulder bells? The legs are a kinda poofy around the knees. Is that a redkap suit? Mine did the same thing and I was able to get rid of it by taking in the legs about 1.5" and adding stirrups to the bottom to keep them put. Those are a couple things that pop out to me. Nothing major though.
  25. Just a touch. I'm looking at the space from the center rise to the outside.
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