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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by stasz

  1. Well, you're in the right spot! Check out some build threads, the galleries, and don't hesitate to ask any questions. This is a great crew here.
  2. I used a regular t shirt and a tutorial from... I can't remember who it's on the boards somewhere. But I didn't get those raglan style sleeves like yours. It looks really good, brother!
  3. Nice! Looks like you made it from scratch?
  4. Gotcha. For some reason I was under the impression that you only did fiberglass buckets. When you have a minute, could you shoot me a pm with some info on your buckets?
  5. Looks fantastic Chef! Any plans to offer a kit?
  6. Your other closures (bund, vest) will go right over left.
  7. Yes, Mirrored was the word i was looking for! That Rivet Gun will work fine. Nice price too! Here's the rivet size you want:
  8. The longer stripes are for the tank. SC includes the shorter ones (I think) for the holster, but they aren't there on the screen Scouts, so we skip that. Pinstripe looks good to me
  9. The boots should close outside over inside. Your right boot looks right, but the left looks like it's closure is inside over out. Hard to tell from the pic tho. If the Velcro to attach the crotch strap to the back of the bund is on the outside, your bund might be inside out. I had mine that way for awhile, then hand an "aha!" moment Side Note: When you're ready for submission pictures, you don't want that white background. The armour gets washed out on it and details are will be harder for your GML to discern.Pick a background that's contrasting to the white/black armour.
  10. I love the look of BCs but I could never comfortably play the "spiky guitars of doom" as I call them My arsenal has slimmed down over the years but I still have a Dean Evo, '74 Tele Deluxe, Washburn MG-52, and a late 70s Yamaha SG-200. What's with Scouts and guitars? A lot of us play!
  11. I love the straps incorporated into the bridge covers. Super slick!
  12. You hit the ground running! The thigh suede was definitely tricky for me. Probably the toughest part of my build, as I would insult the worldwide sewing community by claiming to be one of them Good luck with your project. We're here to help!
  13. Thanks, ya'll! That was the first part of my build, and was very fun and satisfying to work on. Props to the maker of the tutorial. I just followed the blueprints
  14. stasz

    Flight Suit

    Adding the collar flap, suede thigh patches, suede mudflap, and the thigh elastic bands. The required components are listed in the CRL, and there's several build threads and tutorials in the Soft Armor forum that will show you exactly what needs to be done
  15. Nice work, Brother! (And nice jacket!)
  16. Nice! I tried sticky Velcro in the boot and some sewn on my suit leg, but went too close to the top of the boot. Might hafta try this.
  17. After you trim, you could also heat those shoulders a bit and flatten the arch to get it closer. I found that once I had the t strap and shoulder "bridge covers" on, they didn't pop up as much.
  18. Careful with the dremel for sure. I was using my cordless (which is only 2 speed) on my thigh boxes and started to melt them more than grind anything away. A variable speed will give you much more finesse. An exacto or lexan scissors work fine. After the dremel incident I got gunshy and got a pair of curved lexan scissors for the rest of my trimming
  19. Don't worry about the tank not sitting flush. The Screen Scouts had gaps on their tanks: Your build is looking good!
  20. Thanks for the clarification and great example pics, Jim!
  21. I remember seeing something like that as well, but always took it as the plastic part. "One piece or made to look like one piece" - something like that.
  22. That sounds like what mine were doing when I had the straps running through the boxes. They were sort of "floating". That's why I cut it into two pieces and joined inside the box. I know some of the guys (griffin?) have said they run theirs right through. I also remember seeing someone added some weight inside the box to help keep it down and sit more realistically.
  23. Word. Looking back at your last post, are you talking about how the belt runs behind the clip, or coming out of the buckle?
  24. I couldn't get the boxes to lay nice with the belt running through them. I only used snaps because I had them and I was burned out on sewing Velcro by hand. But they worked out well.
  25. I undercut the slots on the buckle a bit on either side, a little longer than the top. If that makes sense I also used snaps and snap plates to attach the "front" belt piece (from buckle to thigh box) and then from The thigh box to the back nylon belt webbing, instead of running the whole belt straight through the thigh boxes.
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