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Everything posted by stasz

  1. It's not unheard of for the chin to peek out a touch, especially if you were to open your mouth wide. But with the balaclava on it's very well hidden and blends in with the upturned collar. That being said, Stroker is correct. Altmann's is a great option for you!
  2. No, Rhodes is right. Marker from making the lines to cut out the pieces...
  3. I'm wondering if it's a reaction with adhesive? Just looking at where the stains are - on the dogbone stitches and the upright fold over... an adhesive to hold things down while they were stitched? Does the stain up top line up with the folded over edge on the inside? If they "beefed up" the thread with something, beeswax? Maybe that reacted? Or the thread itself? I'm totally guessing and offering nothing in the way of rectifying it. Sorry I've never seen that before. That line on the upright is almost perfectly straight... Weird.
  4. They restock fairly regularly. If you're on Facebook, "like" their page. They always post when they get items back in stock. I've always ordered my gloves via their Amazon store, but I did order some vinyl cogs from their odd website without issue (but I use a prepaid debit card for online stuff).
  5. Yep. Sewn to the bund is the original build method. As it stands now - for basic clearance - it doesn't matter how they are attached. I've had mine attached to the bund with snaps, with Velcro, had them attached to the inside of the chest with Velcro, but as I'm upgrading for Lancer they'll be sewn directly to the bund. You can see it pretty well in this shot:
  6. Damn. This looks fantastic, Constantin! Hooray for another one piece belt!
  7. Maybe elongating the upper front would get it more in the ballpark? I'm going to scare up a picture of him fully suited up too...
  8. I'm not sure if this was the final placement on his suit, but mainly wanted to share that pic for an idea of how they actually look (going much further out to the front of the thigh than a lot of us have).
  9. Gah! I always do this. Sorry, didn't realize this for the Kashyyy.
  10. Here's a link to the thread I just posted regarding some new patch templates: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=15973&st=0#entry143785
  11. My Garrison Mate Todd (Silver Fox) and his wife came up with a new riding patch template for Todd's snow scout. He shared them with me, and I'm sharing them with y'alls. I'd love to hear some thoughts on these. They're based off what was seen in the SW costume book and to me are much more accurate than what we've had in the past for patch templates.
  12. Good lord that looks cozy. Nice rig!
  13. Thanks for the comparison shots! These are always helpful for Troopers investigating different sizes, and this shot runs the gamut - small, medium, large... We should try to get the "definitive" helmet comparison shots at Celebration next year. I bet there will be one each of every reputable maker floating around that we can get together.
  14. I'll take some pics for you this evening after work.
  15. Got a magnetic closure in mine. Love it.
  16. Welcome to bs.n Chris! That's a pretty common rig, SC armor with a KS bucket. And it's definitely decent. That's what I have, actually.Though there are some more bucket and armor options out there depending on your budget, time frame, and melon size What little SC lacks in perfect accuracy they make up for in availability, turn around, and customer service. The KS bucket is decent, but the armor is off. It can be made to work, but often bits are swapped out with pieces from other makers anyway... Have a peek at the armor and helmet forums. Check out some build threads, and some finished costume show-off threads to get an idea of what you like and what will work best with your body type. If you have any questions, holler. We're here to help! What costume(s) do you currently have approved?
  17. The pilot holes should be the exact diameter of the business end of the rivet. If you went bigger, I think you'd run into more issues with potential cracking or stretching out the vinyl where the rivet passes through. If you attach the holster by one side - top and bottom -then lay the vinyl inside the holster evenly, nice and flat, and then install the top and bottom rivets on the other side you should be fine there. Unless you're using some crazy thick vinyl it should really confirm to the shape of the holster nicely. You don't want the vinyl stretched super tight from rivet to rivet. That could stress and crack the holster at the pilot holes or tear the vinyl.
  18. Are you making a properly sized pilot hole and using a baking strip on the inside with washers? How close to the edge are your rivets rivets? I only ask because I haven't seen this as a common issue aside from the holster experiencing some type of duress.
  19. I think Griff is right. NI. You could tell for sure if there's a shot of the indents on the lower back of the helmet. NI has the two leftmost indents "fused" together.
  20. Check out Winter's WIP. He might have more info on this style.
  21. I love this method of combining the shoulder bridge wrap with the shoulder bell strap: Personally, I have the typical T-strap and wrapped around bridge covers but I'm changing to this style.
  22. Welcome to bs.n, Ingeli! I'm a TB who went TI earlier this year. If you modded your TIE flightsuit, you should have no trouble with the Scout suit. Most of us make our own boots as well, though there are some great boot makers out there. The tutorial is great. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
  23. That's another advantage of the Scout - it really fits loss of different body types well. With the SC, you really shouldn't even have to do much trimming. A lot of getting the look right is going to lie in the positioning of everything. I highly recommend snaps or Velcro to keep everything in the right spot versus relying solely on the elastic strapping. Do a dry run fitting, post up some pics... You might be surprised. Aside from the bells and maybe a nip on the shoulder straps you may not have to do much "sizing" at all.
  24. Perfect! Looks great, man.
  25. Congrats, Trooper! Well done.
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