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Everything posted by zarintyr

  1. i am halfway done with the back part. ill post a photo in a few. i did make a tiny mistake though, will try and fix it with piece of the carved rubber.
  2. I have a question before i start cutting. Ive seen two types of cuts. The marcel cut and plus cut. Which is better? Also..do i cute the front part or only back part of the boot?
  3. Ok. Side chest joins are 45mm cotton webbing and not elastic then ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Is it elastic or just cotton webbing? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I envy you Grif...my armor didnt come in pure white. I am in the painstaking process of spray painting my entire armor kit. T.T
  6. Thanks! Looked everywhere. Ordering tomorrow
  7. 40$ At a Japan online shop and for the next few days the online shop offers free shipping. ( the tan ones in the corner) http://s77.photobucket.com/user/Jeffrey_Bublitz/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpswhucdbbu.jpg.html
  8. http://www.djdesigns.eu/product/biker_scout_t_pieces Don jarr's shop site
  9. I ordered my td ones from don a few days ago. I'll see if he has tbits. Thanks Can't believe ks gave those to me
  10. Has anyone ordered armor from KS? I notice the tbit is completely different than the one other scouts have.
  11. Thanks. I ordered them from Jarr last night, he shipped it out on the same day. Awesome. 12$ with shipping to Japan. He said he has his own shop now.
  12. i put a thin layer of batting in mine and looks a lil thing, but better with thin batting than none. my gf made mine..did a very nice job too. took bout an hour*^^* (well she made two..but first was a tad too tight..so she re did it) only costed me 15$ to make.
  13. I really dont like having a non pure white suit, especially If i want to troop in it. haha.
  14. Yep. Going hunting for urethane paint this week and hope to start painting this week also. Trying to find a buddy with a sprayer I can use.
  15. hmm. so if i can fit into a M snug..should definitely order L? so picked up a nice balaclava for 6$.
  16. might change to sc later , debating.
  17. I have a KS bucket and quite happy for now (aside from me having to repaint it)
  18. Oh. Different batches with color difference? Very interesting! Yes. I'll end up painting mine to be more accurate.
  19. Another trooper here has a KS bucket. It was a little pink, he repainted with urethane. The GML here suggested I recolor my armor. Guess that's what needs done. Time to hunt down some white urethane:)
  20. I noticed..my KS chest piece is different than other troopers. The collar area is different Also the color is not pure white like other troopers. Has anyone ordered any armor from KS before?
  21. I'm in Japan. Not sure how much shipping would be. I'll also have to check 3d printers on how much to print.
  22. Is there a vendor/ trooper here that makes these? My TD is lacking them
  23. for some reason..i thought it was gonna read (lingerie under the suit)
  24. 3inch strips on your cummerbund ? The back side that straps together?
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