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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Nexous

  1. Congrats Teri! From Shadow to Lancer Scout, very pleased to have you alongside us.
  2. Part of me thinks folks working on new Star Wars just forgot what Scouts looked like and are throwing random pieces together.
  3. Instagram will remain, I currently have full control of that. Facebook was the only of the two affected by the "Single Admin" situation -- we have two admins now so in the event one is sick or unable to do something the other may handle it. Moving forward this will be the format.
  4. Thank you everyone for your patience, this has been a major task that all of us have been working on since the beginning... With the new Facebook page we'll be able to add command staff members (which was not previously possible due to the Admin situation)... and with the extra hands on deck we'll be able to get appropriate support out to those having forum issues or any general questions. Beforehand it was a cumbersome game of telephone reading someones issues or question and then forwarding it to someone and then copy / pasting that response... as you can tell, fun
  5. Looks the same to me
  6. Can't call it quits have the photos Mickey sent ya
  7. Congrats! Welcome aboard, if you send or post up an action shot I'll announce it on our social media
  8. Officially? They aren't canon as stated above. Personally? Not a fan of them on costumes outside of Sandtroopers (even FO Troopers seem off) But, realistically... after you're approved.. if you wanna wear one and the Garrison / POC of the event are cool with it, go for it.
  9. Congrats! When you have a chance could you send me a nice action-post shot in full garb, would love to share your recent approval on Facebook with a nice send off
  10. Congrats! When you have a chance could you send me a nice action-post shot in full garb, would love to share your recent approval on Facebook with a nice send off
  11. I ended up replacing my lens from SC w/ what they have on Trooperbay, unsure if it's the same. Needed to replace due to scratching. But vision seems pretty clear for me, it's sort of like wearing dark green sunglasses
  12. Nexous

    What a year!

    Excited to meet you face-to-face at Celebration... and thank you guys for introducing me to the Command staff and getting me involved, it has been an absolute pleasure
  13. The tank looks so dang narrow
  14. Looks like the link is broken
  15. These are okay :)
  16. I believe this is CUCBlack, he sold things on the Pathfinder boards, but had major issues with his local post office and that caused missing items and large delays... on the other hand, his stuff is quality. Just be aware... Etsy is a different world and he is held more accountable through them
  17. Was about to ask a similar question. While I tend to side with membership, I'd like to know what sort of proof or recasting there is as good measure to ensure we're not wrongfully going after someone. Feel free to PM Command if you'd prefer to keep it private.
  18. Ew kidding, welcome aboard
  19. I don't think they will in the immediate future, I can try asking people I know that work with them and see if they have insight
  20. I believe that's an absolutely fair point. Discrimination or alienation of any member is absolutely not the goal of the higher level stuff. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Hopefully Wang Gang offers up armor too, their stuff is cheap and 100% accurate
  22. Yeah, I am 99% positive Orca's (or replicas?) are going to be Level 2 and higher.
  23. For those that are 501st member and have access to the main board, Eric (LMO) posted an update with a clearer understanding of his decision. I would advise reading it
  24. A guy in this one build group I am in purchased Timberland Chelsea Boots because he has some really large feet, not 100% what the LMO decision on those will be since they do have a logo imprinted on the bottom and the design isn't exactly the same. "timberland chelsea boots" is what I looked up on Amazon. Timberlands Orca Bay
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