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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Here is the reference that I have been seeing a lot lately. Also some info here http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=15973&hl=patch&fromsearch=1
  2. Congrats and well done brother
  3. Thanks everyone Awesome thanks I believe it does http://www.bikerscout.net/lancers/
  4. Fantastic news, many thanks to all of you on the review board also a special thanks to Mickey, I'm sure he's sick of me by now . I thought this photo might work well for my lancer profile.
  5. I managed to grab some more suede from a fellow scout and have just made another butt flap slightly longer, hopefully this one works better.
  6. Can do, expecting rain today but hopefully there will be some sunny patches in between
  7. Basically to have them looking square to the body and space between chest and belt (or slightly over the belt), one size does not fit all. Photos would help
  8. Hello and welcome, I had no issues with my SC helmet and armor, they also provide lots of info for assembly and quick shipping. Good luck what ever you decide
  9. Nice work, looking forward to the progress
  10. I used Velcro on mine, glad I did as it allows you to adjust the height and position of the pouches if needed, depending on were your cummerbund sits.
  11. Thought I best show both sides replaced
  12. Not sure how I missed that one, a little more research and back from the local hardware store and hopefully success
  13. Purchased them from a local hardware, can't remember the brand I as it was a while ago, just measured them. I will go on the hunt for replacements.
  14. I wasn't happy with how dark some of the photos came out, couldn't make out some of the strapping, so just in case you would like a better set I've borrowed a light box and kitted up again.
  15. Been a bit slack applying for this one, been approved for a couple of years now, updates done, new cummerbund made and finally time to submit for Lancer. For your consideration: Name: Glen Rhodes TKID: 85421 Alias: Q Garrison: Terror Australis Height: 182cm Weight: 72kg Helmet - Studio Creations Decals - Trooperbay Armor - Studio Creations Flight Suit - Redkap Gloves - Wampa Wear Flak Vest - Self Made Cummerbund - Self Made Pouches - Self made Boots - Self made Blaster - Self made 3D print
  16. The three of us received our approval, just waiting for our 501st details update The Tenacious Triker Trio
  17. Awesome work, congrats on approval
  18. Congrats Andy
  19. As if I would mind LOL, pouches are underway bud, 15% smaller and looking much better
  20. Thanks Rob, new pouches are in the works, had my hands full yesterday hosting an armor party and as I was the only member that could sew I spent half the day modding others undersuits and overhauls, taking up, taking in and moving pockets LOL. I will get kitted up again as soon as my GML gives me basic approval, then I will take new photo's all of the required shots needed for Lancer. Thanks again for all of the positive comments, this forum is definitely run differently than others I belong too, thanks all
  21. Very nice, looks like I have another blaster to build
  22. LOL thanks Lou, got some new templates on the go, 15% smaller for the pouches, should knock these out soon, still waiting on our GML
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