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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Stroker

  1. I wish! Let us know.
  2. Its about to drive me nuts. It's always the little details I let get to me.
  3. I was looking at the pictures and noticed there seems to be black fabric of some kind thats on the inside of the helmet around the ear holes. I know a lot of TB's paint there inside of the bucket black it out to hide the inners beings of the helmet. So my question is it a fabric or black plastic cut and glued into the back of the helmet around the ear holes?
  4. Got mine today,I love it! Also its very light but also very sturdy at the same time. He got it right this time.
  5. Strokinghorns is my eBay ID
  6. Man looking at these pictures gets me amped! Been 6 weeks and still no helmet,I trust the man he answers all my emails. Like waiting on Christmas
  7. By any chance the order I placed last month will it have the new elbows?
  8. Title says it all. I've searched and couldn't really find anything about it. Can someone throw me a bone?
  9. Yeah I just started on mine thought I might save some money by just buying a pair BUT like stated above they are garbage. Thanks for the in put. I bought everthing I needed for less than $50 bucks.
  10. Nice! I can't wait till I get mine! One questions is the paint a glossy white or a flat white with a clear coat?
  11. Anybody know the guy? Is he from the forum here? I see he's selling boots and cumberbuns. Anyone have any input? Sorry mods if this is the wrong forum.
  12. I just picked one up. now gotta get with Jeff and get my armor.
  13. Got it. Thanks!
  14. Where can I find the CB helmet? Now I don't know which one to go with! I've always donned a fiberglass helmet,hell I don't know!
  15. Does the bucket from Boiliva have more room in it than KS? How about the weight? Its smooth I'll give it that.
  16. Not Bad! Do you plain on commissioning anymore?
  17. What did KS tell you about their helmet problems? Just curious,because that's who I plan to go with here in the next month.
  18. Great info guys,I'm thinking of going with a KS helmet and I had been looking at the SC armor for a while. My wife refreshed my memory about fiberglass helmets and my accident at SDCC 08 when I got a little hot in my Master Chief helmet and had a hell of a time trying to get it off. I chatted with a guy over at SC and gave him all my measurtments and said I shoudnt have a problem,so I guess we'll see. I also got in touch with KS. So if you guys have anything else you wanna throw atme,go ahead.
  19. Thanks guys for all the info! I'm very picky with everything I do and more so with this project. It's sucks to be on the taller side when it comes to things like this.
  20. Hey any help is great! As for the bucket I was going for fiberglass as the rest of my prop helmets are. I don't care for the vaccformed helmets,never have. I was told SC has a pretty nice armor kit,also the chest piece is a bit bigger than everybody else's,is that a fact? I just wanna now who's kits run on the bigger side and what my best options are being am a bit taller and bulkier than the average scout.
  21. So I have read a many post on diffrent kits and what not. But I cant seem to find one for a guy my size. I'd just like to know what bucket and armor kit to buy. Really I would like all the advice I can get. I'm selling off my Ghostbusters Proton pack to build this dream. So I'm 6'5 athletic built, broad shoulders,monkey arms, and a jug head. Knock me out guys with advice,you can even make fun of my monkey arms. I just wanna get it right.
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