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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Donovan

  1. You're detanator greeblies are on the wrong side
  2. Lol the sc on the left should cut more of the visor area out, its too small
  3. I would pull your belt down a bit in the back. A trick I use to keep it on is to safety pin it in place, you can't see it either
  4. For your base boots I recommend palladium boots also trey a smaller opening
  5. Mine wont stand up with the holster when I'm not wearing my boot but it will if I am. I just have a smaller opening in the boot. Make it just about as big as your calf
  6. I also think the faceplate is too short, or the blinder is too long. Co pared to the top two images, the screen used helmet has more face plate sticking out the bottom of the blinder. I think the face plate looks nice, but its too wide and short. And the blinder is too long.
  7. Can I get an image of the helmet at the same angle as the picture of the bottom left scout in batninjas first comparison pic between CBS and screen used?
  8. I like all the angles of it except the front on view. To me the face plate looks too big. The ear holes I don't mind too much but just the faceplate looks too big in my opinion.
  9. Ooh I wish I could go to sdcc
  10. The ear holes and lens area throw me off. Idk there's something about it that throws me off l
  11. Its bigger than the other fan mades, its close too original size but I think its bigger
  12. Negativeeleven I disagree, I have an sc helmet and a hardhat liner fit perfect in my bucket. when I upgrade I'm going to put the 3m headgear in though
  13. Wow good eye!
  14. Isn't the padding inaccurate too? Because wasn't it a head band kit used on the screen used helmet? So there's already two inaccuracies right off the bat from efx. But then again its a collectors piece and not meant for trooping in which is a shame. But knowing how this is made from the screen used molds I know someones going to recast it. No doubt about. I love this helmet but I don't think its for me because I'm not a hard core collector, I buy pieces like this if I could troop in it but its just so nice and expensive I would be devastated if it were damaged
  15. Oh and round ur edges to save you from some poking or stabbing lol
  16. I would just bring your biceps up a tadand maybe move the pouches in a hair but man it looks awesome!
  17. I really do love this helmet a lot its just too much for me lol. I'm not one to spend so much on something I'm scared will break if I drop it. I'll just have to do some eBay hunting after it goes down in price because I still want thus helmet
  18. I've got wampawear gloves I honestly prefer them to the SA gloves. They're thinner and not so bulky
  19. That's true nut untrue for me XD I don't have money for either
  20. I've dropped my abs bucket down a flight of stairs by accident, not a scratch. It was probably like 15 stairs.man abs can take a beating and that's why I prefer it to fiberglass. Like Mickey said, I'm looking at something to troop in and I like to wear it for extended periods of times and I've worn fiberglass buckets and they're heavy and uncomfortable. Its a beautiful piece don't get me wrong, I would love to have one but it being fiberglass and the price are not in my taste. But then again I'm not a "collector" so I guess this isn't the product for me. Its just so hard letting a helmet made from the screen molds pass by like this. I'll definitely try to pick one up on eBay once these things drop in price, that is if they do, because currently $700 is way too much for a helmet that will without a doubt get banged up and scratched.
  21. If it were offered in abs wed be all over it. It still looks amazing overall but price is an issue for us all
  22. I guess id have to get a full on comparison between the two then because I have to disagree with you. Don't get me wrong, the efx helmet is BEAUTIFUL but for the price, its going to be hard for many people to obtain in such a short time
  23. Gino I agree most of the fan mades are very different from this helmet but, the LW helmet is almost exactly identical asmade in the thread you told me to look at. There was a comparison between LW and efx and they were pretty dang close.almost identical
  24. TB7076 and chef I highly agree with both of you. I really do like your idea of offering these as abs kits, I would definitely get one with out a doubt
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