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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Heavy

  1. Hi there has been some talk about gloves and there where one, who put this link up : http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Brand-New-Leather-Motorbike-Motorcycle-Gloves-size-M-/181059016455?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Gloves&var=480210653070&hash=item2a27f55707 those are nice :-)
  2. Wow that looks awesome
  3. Good to know Rob that I´m doing it right... I haven´t put anything together yet. Just gathering a lot of info/pics and the small details, that I´m going to need for the armor. Don Jarr greblins for exampel is also ok... The box with the armor is standing in my bedroom, so I´m just waiting for my suit to get here from MC, and Marcel is on the other soft parts and boots So a clear note on the straps measurements is kind of a must soon, so I don´t have to replace them...
  4. You´re right Rob, I don´t have to - but putting a lot of money and work in a custome, I just want to make this armor as screen accurate as I can. When I set myself a goal, I´m in it all the way, so following the Lancer Spec. is (I guess) a nice pointer in the right direction, ye ? Do I get a badge, if I go Lancer ? I didn´t know that... weee
  5. I would like the overlap for the belt as for Lancer spec. , because I haven´t been able to find any ref. pics where we can see the side buckle... Regarding the chest strapping - 45 is perhaps more accurate, so now I have to buy some new strapping for that or when will this go on air ? I´m really interested in making my armor the best and most accurate way, so I´m surfing the internet for ref.pics. and are looking my SW movie over and over again for details And the discussions in here are great for getting advice - so thanks everyone
  6. Do you mean, that for Lancer, there shall be no side buckle on the belt ?? I think for the straps the measures are fine... I´m about to start my build soon, and I would hate to make it wrong for Lancer Spec., so please make this correction fast, if there is going to be one... I have got the makita clips, so check on that
  7. This is a really nice guideline - thanks Terry
  8. Oki thanks Patrik - just that there is quit some money to save on these rather than the aker... Hmm perhaps I just should bye me one and see if it can work...
  9. Are there any of you who have experience with these? I'm not so good at technical things, so I really appreciate good advice http://dx.com/p/asua-178-multi-function-megaphone-voice-amplifier-mp3-player-with-fm-usb-sd-mmc-microphone-black-103321 http://dx.com/p/asus-198-multi-function-mp3-player-megaphone-voice-amplifier-w-fm-usb-sd-microphone-white-101937
  10. Big thanks
  11. Hi Jim Could you please send me that one too ? that sound´s like a must have in the TB in the future Thanks
  12. It going to be hard to make everyone happy - but as long as one from the 501st. members, can send us newbies into contact with a dealer through asking question about parts in a thread, I´m happy. Since I´m, hopefully, going to use both the DLT-19 and the biker scout pistol myself on troops, I hear you regarding others will see it and perhaps this will give my dad some work... + the ones my dad has allready sold to other members are going to be shown off too. Anyway, my dad is not doing this as a form for moneymaker - he´s just proud if someone wants to use his work and because he loves to be in his workshop, working with wood and making new things. But I can see the good thing in a vendor being registreret through 501st. - though I don´t think I´ll ever be able to get my dad into an armor
  13. Well... I think you guys are thinking of me in this case... I´m new here in this forum and I´ve put an interest-thread up in the trade-forum, because my dad has made a couple of DLT-19´s for some members of the NG and me. Those members was so thrilled about it, that they said, we should put them up for sale, if my dad was up for making more. I´ve put the thread up in NG and FISD too without problems... Before becoming a member here I was at the FISD forum, because I was going to make a TK armor and had allready ordered it from TM - but after talking with some of the other "low" members af NG, I was persuaded to go ahead with a TB instead. Here in Europe we have problems getting prop-weapons from outside Europe. It's hard to get dealers to send it, harder to get through customs and then it costs extra in tax. My dad is an old military man, he got the gold medalje for operating a machine gun on foot in the army and he knows, how guns work and how to make things in wood/pvc/metal. Therefore I did as the NG members said about letting others have the opportunity to grab these "weapons" that are otherwise difficult to obtain + easily going to cost a lot of money. And here one should not wait for months to get things couse he won´t take more orders, then he can make the props in time. But he doesn´t want to make, say 5 riffles in advance, if no one wants to buy them, it´s a lot of work. He can make one in 2 weeks and the payment is not done, until the prop is ready, which is a risk for my dad. Everything is handmade from scratch... Therefore I made the thread to see, if there where any interested... My dad is not making a lot of money out of it - he´s getting his materials covered and a little bit of his workhours/power at the toolshop... but he is retired and can therefore spend several hours in his workshop, which he does. If he is not satisfied with a part, he does a whole new one all over ... things must be in order. Right now he´s making a biker scout blaster for me all in wood, and so far it seems, that it will be one really nice piece like the DLT-19. It would really be sad, if we newbies can´t be allowed to get into the tradeforum, when we have a great product to offer. I am in favor of a system, where the "bad" dealers can get on some kind of blacklist - but I also believe that we new ones must have an opportunity to prove our worth before you cut us out of the community in advance. If you want some kind of validation for the DLT-19´s, I can get the NG members, who bought one, to send you that in a pm or here in the public forum.
  14. Small question : If the trade forum are being locked down for non-members of the 501st. - how are we then going to find the things we need for our armor, so we can become 501st. members ?? I think a separete forum for us newbies with a vendor list and information would be very nice to have, if the trade forum is being locked down. Here the bsn admin. could easily put the trusted vendors on and write down those not to buy from.
  15. Yep that´s the one I use ;-)
  16. Hi I´ve got a pattern for Lancer spec., if you want, I can mail it to you. For some reason I can´t upload it in here
  17. Hi Just a quick question - is the lens on the SC bucket dark enough or do you have to replace it ?
  18. Big thanks guys - it helps a lot with the links and others great input on how to... I´m using Morten´s build and yours Patrik to check from also. I´ll make sure to take a lot of pictures on the way Oki - so the rivet goes from the top down into the tank... super - now I can get going on the build. And yes SC still puts a build-instruction in the box, but I want to make it a little bit more like Pandatroopers regarding to the belt, so I was just wondering about the buckle. - SC has cotton webbing for the box straps now. Marcel : is it okay to use a metal L for fasten the tank to the back plate ? Again thanks
  19. Hi all Just bought a SC kit and is now waiting for the helmet (also SC), and the soft parts are being ordered tomorrow from Marcel The flightsuit is on it´s way (I hope) from MC, and I´ve ordered the DonJarr Greeblin for the TD. My dad is almost finished with my blaster made out of wood... So question : I´m a bit confused about the tank and how to put the rivets correct. I´m going for lancer, so it would be quite a bummer if I´m doing it wrong. Tried to look at old posts here in the armor forum, but that only made me more confused... I´m on it regarding the L-part to fasten it on the backplate. Can I use a metal piece or shall the L-piece be plastic? Is the rivet to be put on from above through the detailplate or from the inside of the tank through the same plate on the top ? And regarding the belt - SC delieveres it in 3 pieces, and for Lancer it must be in one - so I need to glue those together. Anyone knows, what I shall use for it and where to get it here in Denmark ? Just looked at the lancer text again, and regarding the belt, it say, that there shall be a side buckle in the back of the TD ? Can someone please link me a photo of that, it´s a lot easier to do it right, if there´s a photo as ref. Thanks in advance - I´m hoping to get my build ready for my son´s 6 year birthday on the 1st of april - and perhaps making it my first troop for the 501st./NG.
  20. Yes I´ve found that one too - but thanks :-) Everything is a big help
  21. Wow that´s great ! Thanks a lot - now my dad can get to work on that one too :-) Cheers !
  22. Hi all Hope that someone can help me out ;-) Right now my dad is making a DLT-19 blaster for me, and it´s coming along great. So the next project will be making a pistol out of wood - I´ve found some great tutorials and pictures of some great props, but somehow there´s never any measurements on any of those. Can someone please help me with the lenght etc. for it, so that it holds the Lancer spec. ? Thanks in advance and greeting from Denmark
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