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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Heavy

  1. Thanks Barry - yes I´ve almost reached the finish line, just need one more pit stop...
  2. So got reply from my GML - I need to downsize my pouches, that was the only thing, everything else was excellent. Tomorrow I´m of to my parents house to downsize those and take a new pic for approval + perhaps a better action pic with my DLT-19 rifle this time
  3. http://www.nordicgarrison.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=6817 try this one, Lisa makes some fine ones
  4. I don´t have a dremel, so l used a small drill to make small holes around the line of the decal, and then I sawed the rest out with the blade of a jigsaw - sanded it and it ended ud really nice - and it gives much more air and sound into the bucket, so I´m glad I did it.
  5. Thanks - haven´t heard anything from my GML yet...
  6. So all finished and now I have to wait, x my fingers.... the pics are sent to our GML ...
  7. Didn´t quite get finished as I thought, since my gloves was a bit slower to arrive... But I got my gloves today, and well, they "fit like a glove" - so tomorrow I´m of to my parents house for the final pics ... almost there now...
  8. Thanks Mike - I hope my build will be good enough for Lancer - just need a few components for that.
  9. Just checked the 501st. side for the Tb and here the text doesn´t say anything about the suit being in one piece for level 2 ? Flight Suit For 501st approval: See the Scout Trooper Flight Suit page for detailed images of the patches described below. The undersuit is a one or two-piece black textile suit, such as military flightsuits, motorcycle racing suits, industrial work clothing (Dickies), or similar suit modified appropriately. Must have a suede or faux suede butt flap attached above the waist hidden by the cummerbund, rectangle in shape. The flap should be slightly narrower than the width of the trooper and stop slightly higher than the bottom of the troopers butt cheeks. Suede or faux suede thigh patches must be present, extending over the flight suit crotch and down the front finishing above the knee armor. The thigh patches must be secured by 50mm (2") black elastic, sewn in under the front and back of the thigh patch. Suit must not have any visible labels, logos or zippers (including built in flight suit pockets). For level two certification (if applicable): Real suede should be used, and the suit should be fairly fitted and not baggy.
  10. Thanks Patrik ... Well, I hope, that they will approve it, since you can´t see it´s in two pieces - just ordered my chin cup too, so I´m almost there now...
  11. Hi all - So I finally got my one piece flightsuit from MC, but it´s way to big, so I can´t use it... My mum has helped me make a 2 piece instead, easier since I´m a girl.... But is it also acceptable for Lancer ??
  12. Hi there and great choice of custome - you might take a look at Pandatroopers build in the armor section and get some idea on, what, where and so regarding the suit and vest - are those to big or small ? I live in Denmark, so I don´t know about a nearby Garrison, but I´m sure, that you´ll get some help from the others members in here for that too. Hav fun with your build. Cheers
  13. Nice start - I did it the same way with my SC kit...
  14. No way, those look great !
  15. Well it´s getting there... today I sew almost all the straps/elastics, so now the forearm, biceps and shoulder bells are finished ! the knees need the small elastic with the rivets + the flakvest = done. The belt also nearly done, only need to snaps in the back for the boxstraps... so tomorrow I´ll make the slots for the elastic in the front and back armor a bit bigger and put it it together with the shoulderbridge. My mum is nearly finished with the pants - the suede has to be sewn on and the mudflap needs to be made too, I´m going to cut the earholes in my bucket also, just hoping I won´t ruin it - as it look right now, I´m going to be finished this weekend.... YES (that is, if everything goes right)
  16. Thanks - yes I was warned about dealing with MC, but what the heck... got all the materials and pattern today, so tomorrow I´m going to make the undersuit with my mums help - and when it´s done, it´s no big deal to make the straps and so for the armor. Everything is ready to be put together...
  17. Well finally got my suit from MC - and guess what - IT`S TO DAMM BIG !!! - so now I have to get my mum to help me make a 2-piece. I found a great working shirt, which with mods looks great... but I´m really disapointed over MC, because they got my measurements in advance and it took so long for them to send the suits... Guess I´m not going to be approved for my sons birthday on the first of april, but I´m going in my TB - hell yeah !
  18. You do need one rivet in each side of the belt to attach the webbing to the plastic part - I think Boetscher means to clue the plastic belt together, if you have the SC kit, since that one comes in 3 pieces, instead of putting rivets in it. I´ve glued mine, since I want to go for Lancer in the future but do look at Pandatroopers buildthread - it is really great !
  19. Looking forward to see your build in Progress
  20. If you read the CRL it says : FLIGHT SUIT The undersuit is a one or two-piece black textile suit, such as military flightsuits, motorcycle racing suits, industrial work clothing (Dickies), or similar suit modified appropriately. Must have a suede or faux suede butt flap attached above the waist hidden by the cummerbund, rectangle in shape. The flap should be slightly narrower than the width of the trooper and stop slightly higher than the bottom of the troopers butt cheeks. Suede or faux suede thigh patches must be present, extending over the flight suit crotch and down the front finishing above the knee armor. The thigh patches must be secured by 50mm (2") black elastic, sewn in under the front and back of the thigh patch. Suit must not have any visible labels, logos or zippers (including built in flight suit pockets)
  21. Hi Rob yes I read it like this too - either "no mesh" or "simulated dark areas..." - I´ve send my GML a mail and are now waiting for a reply on that. What is the best tool for making the holes ??
  22. So I got my bucket from SC and it´s great... but I´m kind of confused, do I have to cut holes by the ears for "normal" approval ? right now there´s black decals on it... I want to go for Lancer in the future, but right now my goal is just to be finished and approved by the 1st. of april on my sons 6 years birthday...
  23. So little update... made the holes in the drop boxes and the belt for the straps and for the rivets in the belt... think I´m going to put some velcro inside on it to for better fasten. Also made some snaps and glued those on the belt inside for the straps aka like Pandatroopers Still waiting for my flightsuit, but now it has been shipped from San Francisco on an airplane, so perhaps next week it will be here ? But I´m stuck for a hole week, because my kids have vacation from school and kindergarten maybe I can do some things like the elastics and chin straps for the bucket and so, when they sleep...
  24. Great Rob - I guess, that I´ll try to do the velcro instead and use the clips, which SC provided for the build, since I´ve allready put it on the TD Thanks for the picture - it helps to see it...
  25. And here is the link to the photos of my SC bucket... guess I need to paint the bolts, since they´re plain metal ? and put some magnets on the visor + chin straps http://s1246.beta.photobucket.com/user/Heidi_L_Sorensen/story/15371#
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