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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Heavy

  1. Going on a hospital troop today on the kids cancer ward...

  2. I use an Aker with my mp3 player and I have the loop file from the 501st. forum on it - the kids love it, it sounds just like in the movie
  3. Hi I made my own two piece flightsuit, because then I don´t have to take the hole armor of for breaks - and it is acceptable for "normal" approval. If you want to go for Lancer, you need a one piece, like Mike wrote
  4. Trooping today at the childrens ward at a big hospital... looking forward to that ;-)

  5. Hi there is a link on the 501st. forum - here is it : http://www.501st.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=79542&highlight=cushman It´s a don´t buy from vendor ...
  6. Merry Christmas everyone and happy New Year
  7. Hi Marcel Thank you so much - can´t take all the credit, but my dad is very happy with all the comments on his work. I´m going to put it in for approval to the GML team - so x my fingers
  8. He he yes that is not a very defined description of a sniper rifle and the DC-15x is so cool.
  9. That´s a good question - do we have any ref. of a snow scout with one ?
  10. Thanks guys - going trooping with this one soon, so hopefully I can put up some pics of it in action too
  11. Thanks Grant - just let me know, and I´ll get dad working
  12. And it´s finished !! wup wup... new pics added to the album on photobucket - just follow the link in the first post...
  13. Oh he´s so cute !
  14. Sounds great Jasmine - I can´t wait to get my Stanley and try it out
  15. It surely is relavant, Joe Got two boys, who also comes with me at troops sometimes, so having a big tub on the back seat is not an option for me, it has to fit in the trunk Going to look for a mini-bus (10 pers.) in the new year, so I can fit both kids, armor-boxes and extra troopers and still drive safe and comfortable
  16. Oki - nice to hear about, how and in what you guys transport your armor - having a car with a "normal" trunk, the 50 gallon would proberbly be a bit to massive, so I bought the 24 gallon. Since I don´t have any troopers nearby, who got Stanley´s, I don´t have any feeling on, how much I can fit in, so if it doesn´t work, then I just have to buy the 50 gallon - luckily there is no problem selling those Stanleys again... thanks
  17. Hi Mike I just bought a 24 gallon Stanley, and I´m also thinking of having the helmet in a bag/box at the side like you guys do, just in case So now I´m just waiting for the delievery truck
  18. HI guys Matt: oki, but the 24 gallon would be good enough if the helmet aint in it too, or ? think the 50 gallon will be to much for me to handle with a bad back and a "normal" trunk. But thanks Marcel: yes the 50 gallon is a big one and having only a normal car with a trunk with a lid, I was hoping to get something, that can fit in there. Joe: thanks for the link, I have a vendor in Germany, that can sent a Stanley 24 gallon to me for a nice price, so I think, that I will go for that one. Super, big thanks - you guys are awesome !
  19. Hi all So, I´m trying to find out, what size of Stanley box, that I need for my TB for safe transport and still have some space in my car Are there any TB ´s in here, who can give me some info on, what size will be best ?? the 50 gallon looks really big on pics and the 24 gallon to small... It would be nice to have a storage box, that can hold everything... And if you could direct me to a vendor here in DK/Europe, I would appriciate it very much. Thanks in advance
  20. After trooping 2 event last week, my back is killing me... but it was so much fun ;-)

  21. Thanks Christian always nice to hear others opinion on a build, because one get´s kind of stuck on some things and don´t quite see it something is off
  22. Hey all After certain people obvious got a pain in the ass over me using my approved DLT-19 rifle at events, when wearing my TB armor, though others TB´s in our Garrison also use other "weapons" then the hold-out blaster at events and don´t get the same hard time, my father has now tried to build the DC-15x sniper rifle like the one from the game Battlefront. This version is one of the 3 weapons, that Marcel (DL) is trying to get into the CRL for the TB, and I hope that he will succeed. Here's a link: http://s1246.photobucket.com/user/Heidi_L_Sorensen/story/29595# The rifle still needs the second layer of paint, though I really like the weatered look, that it has right now I´ve used the ref. pics, that are in the album for accuracy, and it was a bit hard to see all the small details. But all in all, I think my dad also pulled this one of quite nicely. What do you think?
  23. Nice build - looking good
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