Hey all
After certain people obvious got a pain in the ass over me using my approved DLT-19 rifle at events, when wearing my TB armor, though others TB´s in our Garrison also use other "weapons" then the hold-out blaster at events and don´t get the same hard time, my father has now tried to build the DC-15x sniper rifle like the one from the game Battlefront. This version is one of the 3 weapons, that Marcel (DL) is trying to get into the CRL for the TB, and I hope that he will succeed.
Here's a link: http://s1246.photobucket.com/user/Heidi_L_Sorensen/story/29595#
The rifle still needs the second layer of paint, though I really like the weatered look, that it has right now
I´ve used the ref. pics, that are in the album for accuracy, and it was a bit hard to see all the small details. But all in all, I think my dad also pulled this one of quite nicely.
What do you think?