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Everything posted by Heavy

  1. I also agree, let´s keep the scout as it is, and let Marcel see, if he can get the 3 weapons on the CRL. I´m sure it wont be a problem, as there are a lot of ref. pics of scouts using different weapons . So let´s x our fingers - GO Marcel ...
  2. I totally agree with Jim
  3. Is that thigh armor on both sides ?? because it looks like it could be the holster from the boot that is placed there instead...
  4. Great Jim On the last pic of the 3 scouts - aint that DLT-19´s or ? kind of hard for me to see...
  5. Great Marcel - that´s just super ! thank you very much and I´m x my fingers, that the LMO is going to let this pass after more views on it. Why shouldn´t they ? right ? My dad think, that he will be finished with his version of the DC-15x in a week or two, so it would be nice to get you guys opinion in here on it before trying to get it approved at my Garrison. So I´ll make a build thread with a link, when it´s time... Again, thanks Marcel and all of you - best detachment ever !
  6. And here we go......... Discussion/debat call it what you want, and yes I have followed this on the forum, but since I´m going to get a hard time, if I´m commenting it there, I preferred to ask in here. But thank you for your comment... and I´m looking forward to getting my DC-15x approved...
  7. Sorry if you think, that I´m doing that - that was not my intention. Only trying to point out, if it´s not in the CRL, our GML for exampel doesn´t approved it, and I´m sure, that they are not the only GML team in the world, who follow the "guidelines" in the CRL so strickt. Yes I´m going to try to get the DC-15x sniper rifle approved in NG, so let´s see, when the time has come for that - which will hopefully be in a week or two Great up-close pic of the rifle Jim, my dad is using the other one at this point, so now he can make some adjustments to it for accuracy. And thank you very much Marcel, really appriciate it. Great with all these replies to the topic, guys !
  8. Oki thanks all - so, I have no chance at all to get that permission, since the NG is very strong minded ... Perhaps it could be a task for you Marcel to put in a request for getting the sniper rifle into the CRL, so all TB´s have a fair chance of getting their weapons approved and not turned down because of strongminded Garrisons/GML´s ?? My dad has also noticed, that the sniper rifle from the game is not like the MG42 or MG32, so he has made it all from scratch, again (like he did with the DLT-19) - don´t know, if he gets it as top notch like yours, since he´s building mainly out of wood, but I think, it´s getting close
  9. Hi there and thanks for the great comments and opinions all of you My dad is partial using Marcel´s pics of his build to make a sniper rifle, but he uses the ref. pics from the game Battlefront the most. Who gives clearence for using this one at troops, (when it´s not in the CRL) like Marcel has gotten to use his ?
  10. Hi Jim Thanks a lot - just wondering why it appears on an old page of the CRL for the TB though and has been a part of the CRL before ? My dad is right now in the building of the sniper rifle used in the Battlefront Games (like the one Marcel made) so perhaps this one could be added to the CRL at a point ?? We could x our fingers for that I too have a DLT-19 which I have used to some troops, but I´m not going to use it for troops anymore......
  11. Hi all There is a debat going on right now in the Nordic Garrisons forum regarding weapons for the TB, because there we are only allowed to troop with the hold-out blaster at bigger events. As the CRL is today, the TB has only the hold-out blaster, but I have seen another CRL page dated 2010, where the DLT-19 rifle also was an option to use. Now, I know, that a lot of people are trooping with the DLT-19 and also the sniper rifle from the Battlefront game (some convert a DLT-19 and add a scope) So here is the question for our CRL team : Is it possible to get both the DLT-19 rifle (back again) and the sniper rifle on to the CRL as optional accessories, so it is okay for us to have these great props too ?? Thanks in advance
  12. I used option one also, partial - I put velcro inside the box and attached the straps just below the hole at each side inside the box, this way, the drop box is in one place all the time
  13. Going for my 10th troop tomorrow at my sons school for a surprise since it´s his 11th birthday. We´re going to burst in and kidnap him ;-)

  14. Yes like Victoria I also have elastic stirrups on mine, and that works perfect
  15. Nope, recording the build pics from SC, the clips are for the belt - there are some other clips in my helmet for the lens.
  16. Sounds nice Donovan Well, I have bought some money-clips, which I´m going to put on the TD. My dad is going to paint them black for me. Right now, I only got the plastic clips from SC, and those are not holding it good enough - the kids can easily pull it of the belt, if they want. But as Patrik writes to you, there is a lot of different ways to do it - try look at Pandatroopers build, he got magnets on his TD and belt
  17. The new model looks really great and according to the pics, also more accurate... just my two cents
  18. Welcome - just ask and I´m sure, that a lot of people will help you out
  19. I have braces on my bund too, so it doesn´t get under the breast armor - I just put some snaps on the bund and elastic bands over the shoulders. Works fine and you can´t see the braces ...
  20. Yes I would go for SC directly too - great service, fine armor and quick delivery
  21. Oh my, the weekend was absolutely fantastic !

  22. Wee Star Wars days this weekend in Legoland, going to be so much fun !!

  23. Hi and great to see, that you´ve gotten your armor I used a normal but sharp kitchen scissor for my armor and did the adjustments with a hobby knife + fine sand paper to finish it of with. - guess you more or less can use, what you have at hand. But if you want to make more armors, perhaps it would be a good idea to get those lexxan scissor, that Patriks talks about Have fun with the build and remember - pics or it didn´t happen !!
  24. Wee just like Christmas
  25. Looks really good - great job !
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