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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Heavy

  1. Awesome big thanks 😉
  2. Got the bag, but what kind of army belt would be the most correct one for this ?
  3. I got a my helmet build by Jeff from SC and no problems at all ! You will need to cut the ear holes and paint the bolts or change them to the "right" ones, but if I could do it, so can you
  4. Congrats
  5. Great ! looking forward to the build Well, my mum thinks I´m a crazy also, but she is helping me making the costumes non the less
  6. Heavy


    Hi Michael and welcome - good to see you in here
  7. This is not quite correct (don´t know, how your GML-team is though) - I´ve talked with my GML team regarding the issue of letting me carry my DC-15X sniper rifle, and when it´s Canon, the only weapon we may carry will be the Hold-out blaster, since it´s the only one in the CRL. At Semi Canon events it´s the EC that you will need to get an accept from - not all are allowing other weapons though. And at Non Canon you can more or less use everything
  8. Wup wup !! Congrats Christopher
  9. That´s how I made my shoulder bridges too - and I got approved
  10. You´re off to a good start - and yes indeed Pandatroopers WIP has helped a lot of people ( like me ) and take time to look at other builds too for good advices and how-to...
  11. I use foam also + there is still room for me to have my Aker in one of the pouches too
  12. I would cut the holes out - it looks better + it gives you a bit more air inside the helmet I have a SC helmet to and I used the decals as templates.
  13. Very nice job, looks great - I´ve got the SC armor and helmet also, and it´s a clean and easy kit to work with
  14. Hey I´ve got the same Aker and yes the rank strips on the boot holster needs to be removed like Tim writes and you need some white fabric to cover the shoulder bridges... but we need to see it on you
  15. Hi there You´re almost there, looks good and with the small adjustments Mike pointed out for you, you´re must soon be ready for approval pics but are these new pics ??
  16. Congratz - boy I need to get mine ready too...
  17. Guess so, if you want to be able to breathe I do it also like Marcel and then just turn the bund around.... same way with the belt and to fasten the TD.
  18. Did you get some spare fabric with it ? if you did, you can make an expanding piece and move the velcro a bit by first removing the velcro, sewing the expanding piece on and then sew the velcro again...
  19. I´ve got a SC bucket and got both a fan and a mic in it without problems, the Aker and mp3 is in one of my front pockets, in the other pocket I´ve got my trading cards. I like the idea about the camel pack for long troops a lot, perhaps I should get that installed too Also like the idea about the LED light in the helmet I could hook it up with the fan.
  20. I know how you feel - I was totally lost too, when I got my box... but you´ll get there
  21. I´ve got both the SC armor and the helmet and got it approved - great service, quick transport and no problems with extra help/pieces afterwards. So I can warmly say, that it´s a fine place to buy from and I love my armor and helmet.
  22. What a great troop yesterday... next saturday it´s the TB turn to troop ;-)

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