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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by shdwtrpr13

  1. I had issues getting my helmet. seems something happened in the mailing transit, I'm waiting for CB to get back to me when he sends me the helmet again. I"m so eager to get it.
  2. I want to steal your bike...and the mannequan....the full set up!
  3. I am for one a fan of the dc 15x and the DLT 19 so if I could find a body I'd love to have both barrels to interchange on the gun. I can't wait to see how you do for the body.
  4. I found 8mm rivets at home depot and ace. they look damn close
  5. Myself personally I'll open be putting in a mic and maybe a red LED in the MC hollow snout for x-mas troops(havent decided yet if I'll actually do the LED) beyond that I am primarily a handler so maybe hookup so I can listen in on the radio chatter at big events. Also consider if you will have the trooper chatter going and where you want your speaker/s.
  6. Thanks for all this documentation Bat. I'll be getting my helmet from CB before my wedding and everything here will be very helpful for me to get it painted and together before we tie the knot
  7. Just ordered Mine. Looking forward to having something this Beautiful for Awsome con and my wedding table
  8. I have a KS helmet right now that just needs paint and finishing. I'm considering CB for my Next bucket a we speak (something to buy before the wedding). as for Armor I have SC and love it. But am Considering getting MC armor in the future since he reworked the armor it's more sharper and defined then the SC with comparitave pricing. my 2cents here for your helmet choice. Measure your head. Contact MLC CB SC an NI. ask for measurements and detailed pics. Check and see if they sell as kit, fully built and/or both. Compare each's prices and think hard. Take some time and figure which you like best and remember each helmet in the movie was made by hand, each with it's own flaws. no helmet made now or then was "Perfect", but just right for the actor or stunt man. be the scout you want to be.
  9. So I should be painting my bucket this week after I get paid. So whay I'm wondering is what's the best technique for painting ones helmet. I hear several things. Sand prime paint wet sand andnpaint agiant. (Helmets been sanded smooth with 400grit sand paper already) paint with fusion paints. And lastly send to a pro... so your guys input would be really helpful.
  10. One of my guys modifies the padding for a motorcycle hemlet. Very confy and very stable on the head.
  11. Thanks man. All the support I get helps. And any sneaky tips. So far one of the scouts in my garrsion has been quite helpful with small ideas. I just hope I can work on some of them this week.
  12. Ok so after a bit of work and taking my time the below is what I have gotten down. I have both areas glued but when I drie fit them together to figure on hole placement I find that their a bit off. about 1/8 to 1/2 of an inch on one side. (I'll post those pics up after my armor party today). 20131006_121850 by shdwtrpr13, on Flickr 20131006_121834 by shdwtrpr13, on Flickr 20131006_121822 by shdwtrpr13, on Flickr 20131006_121818 by shdwtrpr13, on Flickr I am planning on sand and painting the bucket once I figure out how to line it up properly. any help would be greateful.
  13. I'v been squiring for a year working on this armor. my fiancee agreed that after the armor was finished I could buy as many helmets as I wished....after the wedding. but I plan on a second helmet for xmas. be it one of these or an ARF helmet
  14. problem is I'd have to wait for xmas to buy one of his
  15. Is LW selling agian?
  16. I have to ask about your method of weathering. It looks greater. I'd go a touch less but I'd still love to know how you did it. There are very few scout weathering tutorials out there.
  17. actually my helmet kit is a good 6mm thick but yeah I'll go with the clamp tap and glue I'v done alot of sanding alread. pre taped and sanded as of now in my progress report threat http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=11226
  18. Ok wow that's a long hold time. I heard there's a 5 to 25 min glue that I could use too. Would you recommend using a heat gun to get the pieces to fit better before gluing? Also should I paint the face and visor? And if so before or after I glue them together? I'm actually making up a shopping list as we speak :-)
  19. Lol good because I have about a thousend questions. I'm going to asdume that you used bondo for the filler at the dome seal. So I'm going to ask now about how you applied the abs weld. Thin careful coating on one piece or both pieces?
  20. Very nice. I have only 2 questions left. 1. What glue did you use to adhere the parts together? And 2. How did you do the ear holes? Same as the bolt holes or different tools? I was thinking of attacking those with a dremel.
  21. This looks great lone. Its a greate reference for me to cut out the ears. Also you said you used a scalpe to cut the m3 bolt holes, not a razor knife?
  22. Ok so I should have started posting up a while ago when I started working on this thing but....Oh well...here it is.... Oh greate guru's or scouting help this young tree dodger with his helmet..... Below are 4 pictures of my current progress of the face shield and back, pre gluing. ((Mind you all I'm under the crunch here for I need to have this helmet ready before september 29th for engagment pictures. Yes I convinced her to have a small bit of star wars in the wedding!! )) 20130828_170352 by shdwtrpr13, on Flickr 20130828_170348 by shdwtrpr13, on Flickr As you probably notice theres not much of a deep area in the ears any suggestions on how to work this since I plan on opening them and putting netting behind the holes. If that is legion approvable that is.. 20130828_170334 by shdwtrpr13, on Flickr
  23. Ok big question. For the snout does the shade of grey really matter, just long as its not dark?
  24. I work with the warhammer models a lot. They have some good pigment paints. Also how does one wet sand?? And secondly what glues are best for abs ks kits?
  25. So I'm getting to that point where I need to paint my helmet. what primers and white paints would you guys recommend. Also I'm going to be painting my snout too. Testers or can I use stuff from gamesworkshop?
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