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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by bselphfsu282

  1. Look for the cotton webbing, but natural color. I know my Walmart carries it if all else fails.
  2. Can you not just paint over what you have down??
  3. Yep, I'm stupid. Glued left greeb upside down. Had to rip it off and redo it when I realized it at 12am as I was about to go to sleep.
  4. While battling my kids' summer vacation and keepin them entertained, I have managed to get some of the suit done. All that is left are the lines under the eyes (which I still have no idea how I'm going to do), the belt, and cummerbund. CA glue worked fantastic on the left arm greebs. Thanks Matt for putting up pics for reference. Question. On the leg pouch, how long should the flap be on the thigh? Final question. I see how you attached the belt to the black strap, Matt, but couldn't you just add the snaps onto the cummerbund itself and snap into the cummerbund and forgo the blak strap? I think I may take this approach so the cummerbund ends behind the belt.
  5. It's weird, cause I thought they were on the sides themselves and not towards the back. Also, how many protrusions are in the little resin box? I know the large one in the left and small on the right, but is there a second on the left?
  6. Ha! I did grow up not too far from where Deliverance was shot.
  7. You'll love the build! After doing a tusken and a TD, there is nothing bad I can say about this build. The small few who are kashyyyk are greatly helpful with answering any questions you may have. I have to say, this costume combines freedom of movement with a great filed of vision. You can't see squat in a tusken! The only things you will need to buy on your own are the materials for the cummerbund, some Velcro, snaps (if you want them), and you'll have to figure out how to paint the lines under the eyes. That is the only decal that doesn't come in the kit. Please feel free to ask away. Recon and I have threads going on the same kit you are looking at, so check them out. Also, after being so long in the swamp now, I'm having a much greater appreciation for banjo music.....interesting.......
  8. Yep, did the same thing for my shins!
  9. Also, check the glue with the belt. From my experience, te glue will harden, but will actually break in flexible items, like the belt. So constant wrapping around you and back off, will cause the rigid glue to shatter, and then fall off.
  10. Wait, the crotch piece should have fabric over it right?
  11. Yeah i glue the straps last night, and it worked well. I also spit-glued the straps around the shin, every so often, to make sure they didn't slip down at all. It worked out well with putting the ends in the shin itself instead of the outside. I also cut the shoulder connector out of the foam and out in place. I like the foam since it can give a little with the walking around.
  12. Grab a handicap sign at Lowes. That's what I used. I had to add about the same amount as well.
  13. Tim, I think your tank came out fantastic! Great idea with the tabs. It may have been easier to install the the tank greeb after painting, just makes painting the greeb and the tank easier, but blue painters tape is a glorious thing! I do not envy the bondo the you have in front if you, but what I foun that was great, is one of those cheap caulk smoother that you get at the hardware store. The kind that is a square or a circle, and has the different edges for the bead of caulk. I used it around the tank and it really cut down on the needed sanding. Dude, bring it to the house at the armor party. I should have some left over paint and the liquid latex I used for masking that you can grab.
  14. For the left bicep greebs. Since that rubber is hard to glue, I may make those rubber pieces out of that foam instead so it will glue better. How are you painting the strips under the eyes? I'm going to try to glue the shin strap greebs right to the strap itself without the metal bracket. The ends I will secure inside the shin itself so I won't have to deal with the ends outside where they can be seen.
  15. How did the CA glue work? I found some dense foam at the hardware store, which I may end up cutting those greebs out of and just using that instead of the rubber. It is a square for a saddle tee conversion gasket for tapping cast iron soil pipe. Found in the plumbing section and only a couple bucks for a 6x6 square. Going to use or the shoulder connectors as well.
  16. And are your strips 1 and 1/4? I can't find any grey around here in that size. I'm about to either order it or dye some white.
  17. Are the strips supposed to be sewn all the way down on each side, or in sections like you have?
  18. Sorry bud, it made sense in my head, but not on paper. I cut the forearm strap short ways and not long ways. When I shortened it up, I was actually able to use just one and not even touched the other. I guess I could have wrapped it in a circle and left more in the forearm piece, but I secured with snaps on each end instead.
  19. Yep, you're good!
  20. Colors look good man. I'm starting this weekend on the cummerbund. Still have a bit to go on the hard armor, but with wife out of town, I'm getting nothing done. Just a heads up, I only used one of the rubber forearm straps in the whole build. I ended up cutting it in half and used half for the left and the other for the right. At least I will have a spare. Are you doing a zipper or Velcro for the back of the cummerbund? Last question, have you cut the gaps in the shins for the straps? If so, how far down from the top did you go, and how much between each strap?
  21. Allan, really?!?!?! Man you must be dang good with that Dremel! I don't trust myself enough. A few passes with sharp razor and grab some pliers to snap. Little sanding and good to go!
  22. Man, I almost forgot what it looked like after so long and work! You'll have fun with this. Also check out some lexon scissors. They made life much easier on a few things. Score and snap though is what you will do most of. Check out all the threads for help, but I know me and Recon are working on the same kit, so feel free to ask anything!
  23. As for the fan question earlier, I'm not sure the fan I am going to use. I have the small laptop fans in my tusken, but they are pretty weak. I want to include a push button operation for the fans in this one, and mount towards the mouth area so u can just reach up and turn it on and off. I left a very small gap on the bottom if the lens, so it does help with fogging (trick picked up working on a TK). I was originally intending to put the fans near the side vents for good air flow but now sure I will have room.
  24. Oh, and a little goes a long way with the stuff. It also has the tendency to glue the skin of the tips of your fingers to the armor. I would not use the glue on everything since it has no flex to it, like e6000, so items that will be flexing at the joint are best to be glued with the e6000. Since the bicep greeb will stay stationary, it would be fine, but for the belt, say if you wanted to glue to Velcro, it would eventually break the hardened zapagap. The zapagap will get hot when it is curing from the kicker, so do watch your fingers. It will cause a chemical burn if you don't watch it. Last tip for zapagap, the kicker will act as a paint remover on newly dried paint. Once sprayed on, just don't touch and it will evaporate. If you grip it where you sprayed, it can cause the paint to run or rub off. Like I said, I used it for the entire kit so far and I got all the joining done in this kit in less than an hour, minus all trimming and such.
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