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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Skinner3D

  1. I don't know. I purple scout sounds sweeet.
  2. looks good so far. I love the shadow scout idea, but have been on the fence about being one. http://tradingmytwocents.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/2cents2.png my two cents.
  3. green gabs? is that like mad gabs with colors? I can measure the decal that came with the sc kit to give you a base idea. Pandatrooper's armor build tutorial has a whole bunch of sizes listed as he cut his own stripes out.
  4. yep, that is the gap that I have been seeing and trying to fix. Thanks for the pics, I will see what I can do.
  5. oh I just pulled out my ruler and measured the holes that I have bored. They appear to be the same as the non-pictured instructions. So 1/4" and two 5/16" holes. That was actually one of the issues I was running into, as I had the faceplate at 1/4" Still trying to figure out positioning.
  6. I got instructions, but I feel like I am missing like 2 steps. When I got the instructions, the sc dude also said, and I quote: "Attached are the basic instructions that we have come up with for the helmet. They are not even close to perfect, so email me any questions you have about them as you assemble the helmet. I do know that on page 4, we reference a 9/16 inch drill bit, it should be 9/32 inch drill bit." I had actually forgotten this, so I will be emailing him promptly.
  7. i bought the sc armor, because people didn't think my armor would get approved. Now that I have it the wife and I will be dual scouting . I definitely prefer the older helmet. I might actually try to trade the sc for something a little heavier. That will depend on what the wife thinks when it is done. *Edit* Will be using the full sc to get approval, and then making changes.
  8. I am working on a sc helmet and am having trouble getting three major pieces to line up with the bolts. Could someone who has put an sc together answer a few things? Could I see a front and side view of the finished helm? Did you use the pilot holes that were provided? On the visor did you drill out the hole to the bolt size or almost to the big disc size? How of the visor did you glue to the faceplate? Just the top, or down the sides too? and for everybody else and just for kicks with this and the side view, anybody able to take a guess as to whole made this bucket? It is pretty solid all the way around and the dome is definitely only one piece.
  9. have you worked with the bolts yet? I am having issue getting all the pieces to line up, but I am not totally sure what is supposed to line up.
  10. Can you or your wife sew? It cuts the cost tremendously if you make your own soft bits. Some of the providers of the armor offer a couple different prices. Sometimes they provide the parts as one thing and a finished version as another. The parts/ DIY is always cheaper. I think I have put 800ish in at this point. I and my wife have made every cloth bit we could, and edited things like the undersuit by hand. Remember you can always collect the parts over a span of time. If you go this route, I would suggest getting the helmet first. It tends to be a better promise/reminder that the rest is coming at some point, and its a good display piece. If your wife is also into star wars then have her look through the 501st site (or Rebel Legion) Yes it means more cost, but if you stretch it out then you both get costumes when the time comes to perform. And agreed with blackheart, the amount of fun you bring to other people is an awesome reward.
  11. I actually just passed up on a chance to do these two things together, on the basis that getting the paint out of everything would be a little annoying. Looks so cool though.
  12. as per instructions. less is more. Build done.... sort of... sorry just had to post, will update this thread for real when its done.
  13. I did a test fit and the blaster seems to sit very well in the holster. I don't know how loose it will be for walking. Here is the length. Didn't realize how badly my camera warped stuff til now. Here is the back end If I drill out the scope and the major axis, do I have to put anything back in? I feel like it would lighten it.
  14. I've read all the way through his tutorial, but will go back again. I suspect if Panda did it, its lancer spec. He is very detail minded.
  15. mine came all in pieces and in one box. I was really confused because I forgot the helmet wasn't a solid object and wouldn't need more space.
  16. My ks blaster and holster came today. They are really nice pieces, but I have questions. The blaster weighs in at 1.6 lbs or .725kg. How does that compare to other blasters? What am I going to have to do to the boot to hold it?
  17. I feel dumb. ok. question solved. The belt question was posed because I am a skinny guy and it is possible that the hard belt will make it to my back.
  18. I know how the crl looks, but can someone explain why we don't put the td on the other direction? http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?app=gallery&image=351 and the hard bits extend about to your back hip bone, or is it just 5 hard segments no matter what? is the completely hard belt for level 1 or level 2 approval? I have read the crl, but I know that sometimes they aren't all updated together. <---this is how I feel all the time.
  19. as much as that is awesome i think you need to edit it a bit to save the vendors and all that.
  20. I would like to see it on you. I really like the dirty look too, but was just told that my old armor was too heavily weathered
  21. hmmm just got sa gloves, and am seriously considering removing the liner. Mine also had a hidden zipper, and in each pocket there was a mitten made out of lining fabric. Anybody have any clue why or what?
  22. Is filling the back area the only reason that you would want to repaint the whole bucket, or is there another reason? Have you messed with any of the edges other than sanding? Yours looks really good so far and gives me hope for my own.
  23. Understood. I do plan on getting approval in white and then weathering later. It is going to be hard to put good effort into it when space and tools are of limited availability right now. Oooh wheel brake stuffs I will definitely add that to my list of 'nasty things to use on armor'.
  24. I too am putting a sc helmet together, so this thread has been most useful. In regards to the above quote, I am very confused. I feel like some of the other buckets have more detail and have a more solid feel to them. Any thoughts?
  25. lol I totally had that flipped. That makes way more sense. It most certainly helps. Now I just have to implement it.
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