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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Skinner3D

  1. What program are you using? Definitely interested in this build. sent from my Androideka using Tapatalk
  2. i get frustrated when a website doesn't have a tapatalk option
  3. My DP bucket looks a lot like that one In form, not weathering
  4. If you can figure out a way to get a clean stencil on a curve then I think it would work sent from my Androideka using Tapatalk
  5. This image was taken at a slight angle from the side (i.e. the visor is mostly centered in actuality) but you get the idea of the warping. The putty shows where the helmet cracked from stress Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I577 using Tapatalk 2
  6. So other helmets will stand up better to heat? I will submit pics when I get home Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I577 using Tapatalk 2
  7. Wrote this last night as I was falling asleep and realize now it was a pretty useless post The actual question was about repairing the bucket. It is a DP helmet that the previous owner formed to the crl standards. I think during one of my house moves it got heated and warped a bit. Do I just heat it back up to try to give my head more room? Right now my ears are in danger everytime I put it on Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I577 using Tapatalk 2
  8. For awhile now I have wanted to switch my SC and dp helmets and haven't because one of my armor sets is clean and the other dirty I finally sat down tonight and scrubbed the do helmet so I can wear it with the clean armor. I feel like I killed its personality but its wearable now. I think i need to dirty up the new some Pics coming Any random thoughts? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I577 using Tapatalk 2
  9. Why does it say you posted in 1969? nvm seems to be fixed. For a moment it really said 12/31/1969 How long did it take to get a KS helmet? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I577 using Tapatalk 2
  10. I use flikr but have to make sure I get the download link for the forum Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I577 using Tapatalk 2
  11. You have to upload them to some other file sharing site, and then paste the link If you use the add image button from the editor you have to make sure the link is to the actual jpg or whatever file
  12. Gino you wouldn't happen to have pics from the archives would you? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I577 using Tapatalk 2
  13. I have an extra let me know where to send it. Its SC made
  14. you have to host the pics on an external site, and then link the actual image address to the forums
  15. I don't know if it will help, but I will post pics of my sc holster. Maybe you can figure out the ks from that.
  16. at least your mothers do stuff. Mine thinks I am little weird, while being supportive at the same time, for me wanting to dress up in plastic. My wife, on the other hand, is completely on board and doing her own costume.
  17. Tagging on that, there are a couple of people on the forums that make boots that are approvable.
  18. roll in the mud, then spray the armor with clear coat or hairspray :D I suspect the movie was either black spray paint used at a distance, or regular black paint flicked on with a scrubbing brush or something. Like when you run your finger across a toothbrush. I will let others talk more about the actual process. Just remember only sandtroopers get to look like they fell down a hill. The rest of us have to go for a lightly weathered look As for the 501st, some events require a 'clean' look, but those tend to be the really big events that you have to 'apply' for anyway. Sometimes parades require that too. I am pretty sure that you can get approval if your weathering job looks really good and appropriate. The best thing to do is get approved as a 'death star white' and then think about weathering it. I feel the same way as you about my armor, but it is going to stay pretty clean until I can get to a place where I can spray paint without worry.
  19. I ordered the gun and holster from KS and after the initial payment (up to which they were phenomenal communicators) I didn't hear from them for a long while. I contacted them on Facebook and got a response and then more time went by and finally got my parts. In the Facebook message they said I would get better service if I emailed them. I had emailed them several times. I think there is a communication issue between the email person and the facebook person. I went with SC for the armor and had it all in like three weeks. I used the RedKap coveralls as the basis for mine. I had to remove some pockets and sew a velcro closure on the neck and that ended up being a decent amount of sewing. If you aren't sewing friendly, then I would suggest looking up cucblack on the forums. He makes the soft goods to order. Even on a teachers salary you can end up with more than one costume It just takes a bit longer to get the pieces together.
  20. I know a guy that sent his royal guard helmet to the car body shop to get it filled and sanded and painted. I suspect you can do the same trick.
  21. The sc armor is probably your best bet. Its not too hard to trim it down. The scout is mostly cloth, so you just make the pieces to your height. My aunt is no more than 5'2 (probably shorter) and she did a TK. She had sooo much work to do. Scouts have it easier that way.
  22. Heyo I read that as 'I am an eight year old member' and I got confused Goodluck
  23. Dang it I wrote all of what they said than then didn't get to click the submit button due to other circumstances. Oh, well, so much for being the first to answer. :D
  24. You have to push the back farther up into the top. Tape doesn't like to hold it well. I tried too. There will end up being somewhat of a gap there. It is just how the kit is made. If it bugs you lots you can fill it or something. Watch out for the holes on this. They weren't quite lined up on mine. I think it was the faceplate that was off. I had to drill new ones
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