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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by elwyn5150

  1. Dang! I had another look at the pouch stitching and there's a single thread of external stitching. Is it easiest just to pick them out and glue the fabric where the stitches used to hold the folded fabric together?
  2. Thanks for your replies. I've got a few questions to clarify things. Do you have any recommendations on the best way to repaint this without messing things up? I ended up repainting the white parts of my bucket many times due to small mess ups. So I need to remove them, cut them closer and reapply. With the stripes on the back of the helmet, is it best to attach them individually? I kept them together so they would stay parallel and equidistant from each other. Do the legs need to be done again? I know the arms need to be done. What about the torso? The stitching is on the inside and was a bit of a mess so I trimmed it and applied "thread stopper". Unfortunately, it was the first time I had used the stuff and the nozzle confused the heck out of me and I used too much so the glue marks can be seen on the front.
  3. Biceps: T-bits close up: Forearms: Shoulder bells - modified to have more curved corners: Knees:
  4. MC Armour: Torso: Belt: Front: TD - with DJ updated greeblie: Back:
  5. Helmet: MLC with MC snout and 3M bolt covers Inside and with chin cup: No mesh in holes:
  6. Balaclava: Front: Back: with velcro added to be held in place Cummerbund - Modified MC by Deby Damage: Front: Behind: Rib stitching: Stitching and velcro: Crotch: Pouches: Gloves - Sith Armor Racing Suit - modified Wesco Style 9 Proban Custom Front: Back: collar and velcro that holds balaclava front - suede riding patch and elastic racing suit - riding patches, butt flap and elastic from back - See more at: http://s1138.photobu...h.vY3XjltX.dpuf Vest - Le Pits Front with velcro to hold up cummerbund: Back with extra velcro to hold up cummerbund Sleave ribbing Back velcro - 2 inches, right flap over left
  7. I'll break it up into several posts because my PC is old and crashes when it runs out of memory. Front full: Behind full: Left full: Right full:
  8. Requesting Lancer status... Here's a folder of my photos: http://s1138.photobu...2?sort=3&page=0 I've broken things down into two subfolders - Overview and Parts Closeup because some things are hard to verify in the overview pictures (eg that the knee parts have a silver unpainted rivet on each side). I've only made one change since these photos were taken - the elastic that goes from the torso armour to the shoulder bells was too long and can be seen dangling in the photo from behind so I cut it. Components in the close up section and general comments: Balaclava - eBay Belt - MC Biceps - MC Blaster - stuffandjunk Boots - MC - modified soles by me Cummerbund - modified MC by Deby Damage (friend) Forearms - MC Gloves - Sith Armor Helmet - MLC with MC snout and 3M bolt covers Knees - MC Racing Suit - modified Wesco Style 9 Proban Custom by Deby Damage and me Shoulder bells - modified MC - edges rounded by me Thermal det - MC with DJ updated greeblie Toro armour - MC Vest - "Le Pits" (friend)
  9. I thought that thread is for people who are fully confident of passing.
  10. Well not much in this section of the forum.
  11. * bump * It's been almost three weeks. Should I just post to the Lancer Request thread to get feedback since it seems nobody comments here?
  12. How many people have gotten to Lancer status with one of those?
  13. I've been approved to Pathfinder status and am trying to achieve Lancer status now. Here's a folder of my latest photos: http://s1138.photobucket.com/user/elwyn5150/library/Scout%20trooper%20build/2013-06-09%20Approval%20photos%20%20Attempt%202?sort=3&page=0 I've broken things down into two subfolders - Overview and Parts Closeup because some things are hard to verify in the overview pictures (eg that the knee parts have a silver unpainted rivet on each side). I've only made one change since these photos were taken - the elastic that goes from the torso armour to the shoulder bells was too long and can be seen dangling in the photo from behind so I cut it. The areas that I am most concerned about are the cuts to the boot soles and I think the gap between the drop box and the chest armour may be too large.
  14. I'm amused that there is a black and a white glove in that photo. Is he the Michael Jackson of scouts?
  15. You guys do realise that Mon Cal's (MC) scout helmets are made by MLC? Two different vendors but you can get most of the non-soft parts from MC in one shipment.
  16. Things have been frustratingly slow since I created this thread. I asked a friend for help with my cummerbund and she offered to modify it by replacing all of it except the crotch flap. She made the cummerbund higher and it fits better. However, it took awhile for her to make the changes since she has a part-time business making roller derby clothing and gets orders from all over the country. Anyhow, last week I submitted the photos to my garrison's approvers. I haven't heard back from them. These were the photos: http://s1138.photobucket.com/user/elwyn5150/library/Scout%20trooper%20build/2013-05-05%20Approval%20Photos%20Submission?sort=3&page=1 including ones I would reject. Since then, I've had time to make some further improvements: added Makita clips to the TD added velcro to the vest to hold up the cummerbund Things I still need to do: curve the shoulder bells - what size of coin would be a good guide (and what is the diametre of that in either mm or inches) add velcro for the forearm and bicep parts - I am still not sure where they are meant to sit even after looking at the CRL lots.
  17. I never used the MLC snout since MC sent me a snout. I also didn't use the MLC bolt covers since I bought the 3M bolts. Somebody else probably knows more about the correct snouts but I just know that there is meant to be a backing plate on the snout greeblie.
  18. Wow! An eBay story that has a happy ending.
  19. Most of the time, we keep our helmets on to maintain the illusion of being faceless minions. The rare times that I've had to deal with children helmetless were when we were doing a parade with them and had to wait around for half an hour before it started. Like this: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=10270
  20. I messed up my measurements too and put on a bit too much weight. So I'm getting a friend to do it. Unfortunately, we're in Australia.
  21. Don't get the "finished" one. Someone else and I on BSN paid for it be painted but it wasn't primed properly. After a few months, the bondo (or whatever glue that holds the hemispheres together) leaked through to the surface and needed a repaint.
  22. I like the idea of graded kits because it makes things easier for people who are interested in doing costumes such as Death Troopers or highler weathered submissions. I am fortunate that I haven't had any problems except that I paid for a painted helmet which wasn't primed properly and the glue leaked through and I ended up learning to spray paint it again myself. So I had a learning experience.
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