me,sgtski and lonescout understand we don't like tall people.............
sgt. looking good, man. some adjustments and you will have one rocking KT.
you need weathering. the black strip on the tank, use a paint maker.
bring your thigh pouches up. they should be above thigh pockets on your pants. the cod is big, but it is big on me. i am 5' 8". you might need some velcro on the cod and pants to hold it down a bit.
making the biceps smaller, i would cut them on the side that is on the inside of your arm. take a half inch out then see how they fit. your seams glued and bondoed need to be good and solid though so they do not crack when you bend the biceps some.
the only other thing is your cumberbund pouches seam to be too thick. is there any way to sand those down on belt sander to make them thinner??