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Everything posted by BananoPower22

  1. Hey there guys and girls! A couple of minutes ago I just bought my SC armor.. yeah.. MY SC Armor!! I haven't gotten to the stage where I actually realize I'm soon about to be a full scout trooper.. but once I see that big brown box I will jump with excitement and joy I've got the gloves, flightsuit, cummerbund w/ off white pouches, don jarr greeblies (I bought them but I misplaced them and now I can't find them, silly goose) and KS helmet, which is up to Lancer standards , I hope. I need to get a blaster too since i don't have one. for the build: I've got hot glue, e6000, 4 clamps, 2 inch white elastic and lots of enthusiasm... but what am I missing? Is there something else I'm missing?
  2. The first picture, don't worry, the visor covers that up. And for the rest you shouldn't worry either, you need to trim off that area
  3. Nice brother TK! Can't wait to see you all suited up
  4. Gracias por traducir, Juan. Bienvenido a BS.N, Sneik. Bienvenido al foro compadre
  5. Sneik, puedes tratar de utilizar el traductor de google (pero ese no es muy bueno). El traductor de bing es mucho mejor - Sneik, you can try to use google translator (but that one's not really good). Bing translator is a lot better
  6. Bienvenido! No creo que hallan muchos miembros que hablen español, pero te hare el favor y te dare la bienvenida por todos nosotros Veo que ya comenzaste con el casco, muy bien! Tienes algunas fotos que puedas compartir? tratare de traducir todo lo que se me sea posible para que los otros miembros entiendan My name is Snake in spanish (I'm new and I don't know any english. I can't even write it but I'll do what I can. All I have right now is the helmet. - What I said (Lo que dije) Welcome! I don't think there are many spanish speaking members here, but I'll do you the favor and give you the warm welcome for all of them I see you have started with the helmet, very good! Do you have any other pictures that you can share? I'll try to translate everything that's possible for me so that every member can understand you
  7. Shipping to Puerto Rico is not that bad. I might consider these for when I start on my Storm Commando/Shadow Scout.
  8. Your armor looks excellent imo. If you wouldn't have pointed out that the lid was slightly different I wouldn't have noticed. And yeah, TrooperBay decals are excellent for the KS bucket.
  9. NIce! I can't wait for mine. Good luck on yours!
  10. To be honest it even looks better than my KS! Fabulous work Andy!
  11. Wow, I can't believe THAT monstrosity can be turned into that beauty
  12. looks like it was left out in the sun for three years...
  13. bought my td greeblies from don jarr, i've heard they're awesome
  14. I'm not sure if there's any other glues but CA glue (super glue, krazy glue) does dry fast (10 or 20 seconds maybe), since the e6000 takes like 24/48 hours to fully cure, I used some little CA glue on some spots so the cap and back stayed on place so it let e6000 do its work.
  15. What do you mean by hero? Is there stunt too? And is thread that explains this?
  16. Haha, funny thing is I used some Novus Polish on my helmet yesterday. It looks like a mirror and I kinda regret it now..
  17. I love e6000, it's the best glue I've seen and it works perfectly. Why paint the helmet? It's already white, right? I didn't sealed the back seam, i just sanded until i had a 'perfect fit, gradually using 40 grit, 80 grit, 100, 200, etc until it's nice and smooth and i get a tight fit, then glue with e6000 and wait for it to dry. IF you want to use bondo, I don't see why that could be a problem. Then you'd need the white paint and primer to cover it up
  18. Awesome, can't wait to see how it turns out. Here's the helmet I'm talking about, I don't know if you've seen this video before, but if you haven't enjoy. If you HAVE, still, again, enjoy
  19. nice weathering. it reminds me of the same weathering the screen used helmets had. or at least the one from the review video; not sure if every scout helmet was weathered the same way :S
  20. Can I please have that info too? !
  21. the scope looks great, did you just added some extra pvc? I'm seriously considering doing this. i have an old e-11 w/ doopydoos kit installed that i don't use since i upgraded the blaster to an accurate one. so what the heck?
  22. I found this from the official 501st site. http://www.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TB_scout_trooper-suitdetail
  23. thanks for asking this, i need this too.
  24. I think this is what you're looking for http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8879&hl=&fromsearch=1
  25. then i might not go so crazy after all with all the waiting
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