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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by bjsavage7

  1. It's not so much about where it's attached, but how it looks overall in respect to the rest of your costume. So, you can sew/velcro pouches to the bunn, or attach them to the inside of the chest armor. Its all personal preference. I think they were sewn or permanently affixed to the top of the bunn in the movie, but it's not known for certain. Mine is velcroed to the bunn, but a different way might work for you better.
  2. He gets dressed right before he eats his spinach.
  3. Cool. I like the idea of having something like that to put trading cards in so I can easily grab them with gloves on.
  4. Sounds like you're headed in the right direction! Good lick with your build. Maybe you'll be the next Lancer!
  5. Nice gloves!
  6. Congrats, SHYRAX! Well done!!!!
  7. The webbing that came with mine wasn't cotton, but that was close to two years ago. It might possibly come with something different now.
  8. Great suit. Only one problem...the vest has to be seperate. I believe this same suit is now being made with a seperate vest if you want to message the seller and ask. You could possibly get this one, then add a seperate vest over it, though I'd recommend the suit without the vest built-in.
  9. Highly recommend!
  10. It's real, but not worth any more than the $20-$30 it cost back in 1997. Buch better buckets out there to choose from.
  11. The Wes boots look better. The soles are one color & there's no string to get rid of.
  12. That's the kind I have. They are comfortable, and work nicely for basic acceptance. Although, if you want to go Lancer, after carving in the approximate design into the soles, you'll have to get rid of the stitching and two-tone color as well. It can be done though.
  13. He'll respond. Just be patient. His armor is well worth the wait.
  14. MC is around. He's just busy. He'll get back to you eventually. He's also the one-stop-shop for everything you need, including the belt & TD. And no. I wouldn't wear it until it was finished. That would be kinda like going to the store with no pants on. Just my 2 cents.
  15. Depends on your definition of necessary. If you aren't going to join the 501st, it's really up to you. If you want to eventually join (and why wouldn't you? LOL), it's best to just do it right the first time and take pride in your work. Taking the time to put quallity in your costume is very self-rewarding. If you are going to just wear it at conventions, be mindful that most convention-goers know what a Biker Scout should look like, and wonder if you left your belt in the bathroom or something. So, I'd at least finish it up to minimum standards before making appearences.
  16. You won't be disappointed, Jules.
  17. I agree with you, Jeff. Hopefully a really clear pic will surface soon. It's probably correct, but I would like to be certain, without a shadow of a doubt. We've already clearly identified (pretty much) every part of the Stromtrooper costume from each movie. Hopefully, with more analyzing of the the Blu Ray, we'll be there soon.
  18. IMO, Scout armor is like pajamas compared to wearing full kevlar. When you first wear it, you'll have to keep in mind that its a lot more fragile than your regular flak vest or helmet As far as the heat, I'd say it's about the same, more or less. I think the heat in body armor tends to stay around the chest, but in Scout gear, the heat seems to concentrate slightly lower due to the cummerbun. Thats just me though.
  19. Very true! I really don't look forward to prying mine off to replace it, but I'd rather have the correct piece on there. Might as well get one while they're easily available.
  20. I hope it can be done. Those were a good source for boots for a while now. Keep us posted.
  21. Are these still acceptable? http://www.target.com/p/Men-s-Merona-Ryker-Workboot-Wheat/-/A-13764043#?lnk=sc_qi_detailbutton
  22. Nice! I'd keep it the way it is, but thats just me. Do you plan on trooping in it, or just displaying it?
  23. I used tea to darken my elastic straps that connect my chest & back so they would match my drop box straps. It was really tricky, but after dyeing & having to re-whiten them with a bit of bleach water a few times, I finally got the color pretty close. It can be done, but it's a pain. It would have been nice to have everything match from the start.
  24. The MC forearms are more accurate. I've thought about modding my SCs, but figured I'd eventually upgrade anyway.
  25. I second that! LOL!
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