hey darth nova - I am new to this whole scene really.
I think the concern is that not only is there a question abt an individual recasting, but SGB actually enquired to the GG officially - and there seemed to be a rather cool response from GG cmd (all this ofc is via this thread, and I personally have no direct source of info). Which kinda surprised me tbh. I know that the 501 central cmd has to have a rather open policy , but that local Garrisons would have slightly harder stance, even if not officially, then at least off-the-record. More importantly - to see personally that it is wrong.
I am not in the 501 (yet, lol and after this I may not get in ;P) - but more from the SW prop side. Recasting - once proven - is a big no-no. Just, no.
ur cossie (lol incl the blaster marks on the lid) looks very cool. But the big difference in my book is that u realise that recasting is wrong; which seems in contrast to the alleged offender and his CO.
I am also a little perturbed by the statement that there are people who have knowingly bought stuff from SFP. I blame no one for buying stuff before knowing better, but after? And to say they are happy abt their purchase. THat is very worrying. And my personal opinion - wrong as well.
a blanket ban to a country is a little extreme - but u can see it from the makers point of view when 'official channels' seem to readily aceppt, condone and maybe ?encourage recasting. I am sure makers long term customers (ie like u darth with ur 4 cossies) with proven track records would prob be safe.
I am pointing fingers at no one. As I see it - at the moment theres no proof either way. And I am merely one very small voice in this whole discussion. I can see the problem re:recasting and the official 501 stance (they are knda stuck); and I can also see the point of view of the makers who have invested money, time, effort, love, blood and tears.
But its the general response to original question - which basically was; can u show us ur WIP and manufact process really - which does prompt a few question marks and alarm bells in my mind. I mean; if its all really on the up-and-up; then wots to not show?
I did look at the original WIP and thought - wow cool. I do hope that this does get sorted amicably
Take care all.