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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Heatshock

  1. aye mate - its me again I get everywhere:D if u need a hand here or TK or clone world; drop me a pm mate ;P we can wait for the big boys in 41st Elite/Kashyyyk Trooper world to decide! Nate
  2. fair question bob but looks like a recast, and SGB doesnt do his lids in fibreglass IIRC but then again - wot do I know Nate
  3. most likey recast I contacted seller - was told its a SGB original, but then describes it as made from fibreglass avoid like plague - *edit* my personal opinion only Nate
  4. wow... thats an impressive 1st few posts! will be following with great interest, esp.ly since SF is currently only shippin within the US Nate
  5. john and lewis - very nice work. shame to hear I will not be enjoyin any of it being based in UK but will defo be lokin forward to this project! however, fully support ur clear and concise stance on recasting. kudos to the both of yer Nate
  6. great news man. thanks for the hard work ;P Nate
  7. major respect man. I know of the 501s official stance on recastin and realise how hands may be tied etc but that took major leadership and demonstrated personal commitment to the prop replica community's ideal (that I personally share). Even if a perma ban cant be officially applied eventually due to COC etc - kudos on the symbolic move mate *salute* Nate
  8. hear hear Army Scout and SGB! SGB - I might want to take u up on that offer btw - have pm'd u over on CE Nate
  9. Phillip - like I said; i'm not part of any 501 organisation as yet. But I do realise that the CO of any garrison as well as the 501 as whole has a troublsome dilema with regard to this whole hobby as it is all essentially stomping all over copyright and rides a fine line with Uncle George. I also didnt suggest that a CO ban a member for recasting. LIke I said - I have not had any of the correspondance 1st hand, but was responding to the post in which SGB said "......He was very un cooperative to say the least and basically condones this behavior I guess, and not once did he say well im sorry for the original artist ...." . Which to some1 new to the 501, but not collecting prop replicas, sounded a little off. It is heartening to here that u to believe that only thing we can do is educate members about recasts. I think this the right stance to take; as it still stays within 501 regulations, but lets members know its not a good thing to recast. Also, AC has said it isnt gonna do a blanket ban either. The BARC cossie certainly looks like a lot of effort went into it, and altough I support the original makers on their stance as a principle; I have yet to see evidence on either side of the argument to prove/disprove the recasting allegation. Best of luck to coming to a amicable resolution! Nate
  10. hey darth nova - I am new to this whole scene really. I think the concern is that not only is there a question abt an individual recasting, but SGB actually enquired to the GG officially - and there seemed to be a rather cool response from GG cmd (all this ofc is via this thread, and I personally have no direct source of info). Which kinda surprised me tbh. I know that the 501 central cmd has to have a rather open policy , but that local Garrisons would have slightly harder stance, even if not officially, then at least off-the-record. More importantly - to see personally that it is wrong. I am not in the 501 (yet, lol and after this I may not get in ;P) - but more from the SW prop side. Recasting - once proven - is a big no-no. Just, no. ur cossie (lol incl the blaster marks on the lid) looks very cool. But the big difference in my book is that u realise that recasting is wrong; which seems in contrast to the alleged offender and his CO. I am also a little perturbed by the statement that there are people who have knowingly bought stuff from SFP. I blame no one for buying stuff before knowing better, but after? And to say they are happy abt their purchase. THat is very worrying. And my personal opinion - wrong as well. a blanket ban to a country is a little extreme - but u can see it from the makers point of view when 'official channels' seem to readily aceppt, condone and maybe ?encourage recasting. I am sure makers long term customers (ie like u darth with ur 4 cossies) with proven track records would prob be safe. I am pointing fingers at no one. As I see it - at the moment theres no proof either way. And I am merely one very small voice in this whole discussion. I can see the problem re:recasting and the official 501 stance (they are knda stuck); and I can also see the point of view of the makers who have invested money, time, effort, love, blood and tears. But its the general response to original question - which basically was; can u show us ur WIP and manufact process really - which does prompt a few question marks and alarm bells in my mind. I mean; if its all really on the up-and-up; then wots to not show? I did look at the original WIP and thought - wow cool. I do hope that this does get sorted amicably Take care all. Nate
  11. soz to hear mike I really feel for u original sculptors when u get ripped off Nate
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