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Everything posted by Heatshock
i'd use E6000 skip http://www.palmermetals.co.uk/E6000-Clear-...-oz.-11272.aspx tbh - the boots are gonna be a constant problem for this costume, and the CRL will need to be pretty soft in terms of clearance I would say.
kinda of wondering what was happening as well Angelo - as Tony seems to have made a rather bold statement w/o much evidence of whats goign on, and what seems to be a U-turn on a previous good review. MB has been really helpful with various parts of builds and advice, and tbh so has TOny in the past with the various parts of this cossie and CRL discussions. just seeking clarification and to be honest a little bit more fairness to MB as goign by his WIP on the sculpt and build, it looks like more than a decent kit.
erm wow Tony - http://forum.501tag.com/index.php?showtopi...20&start=20 wots ur real opinion abt this kit as it looks good in the WIP and initial build ups provided by MB? agreed clone stuff is never easy to put together, but it seems like a complete 180 change in ur opinion of this kit, with no WIP of ur own attempts to put this kit together? Nate
been starting to look at gauntlets - like the LARP guys use. longer sleeve. then thinking of the nice back-of-hand pads u got rouge. gauntlets like these - u guys must have equivalent shops in US http://www.silvermans.co.uk/LargeImage.asp...ges/70653-1.jpg or these! http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=h...ntryGB%26um%3D1 heres a nice pic just to break the monotomy of glove hunting http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/images...bbon-corset.jpg I also thought abt fencing gloves, they got the nice length, plus the single pad at back, but they only ever come in white just by the by (not even close to being a candidate for a KST glove) - came across this site in my glove search. man those have got to be the best looking gardenign gloves I have ever did see!!!!! http://www.gardentribe.co.uk/home.php?cat=250
looks pretty cool there mate been wondering whether is the alternate way round the whole glove problem 1st set of pads look much better.
hmmm... I actually prefer the 1st colour tone MB. my reason being that once u green wash and dirty it up, it would prob look better than the darker 'new' base - does taht make sense to any1 else aside from me? pm recevied Angelo - I know wot u mean!
Kashyyyk Trooper CRL discussion - consultation close Mar 2012
Heatshock replied to mrbungle's topic in Kashyyyk Trooper HQ
as always Tom - count me in on a KST cummerbund run as for colour - we are agreed that its light grey with appropriate watering in black and brown only? the only reason I throw green in there is 'real life' ie if I were in a swampy place some where being an recon scout like swampy trooper, I would imagine some green muck eventually ending up on my nice light grey cummerbund. wotever the colour though, I am certain its weathering and much rather than an actual camo pattern 'pattern' -
this is gonna get too nit picky. again - inconsistencies with ref pics. Think all of em are good. you colour looks good, but theres still green wash and black misting to go on to of it...... as it stands, it will withsstand scrutiny man Problem though Tom - custom made paint is ok for mad people like you, me, angelo, frank rouge scot falcon1 etc etc etc (you guys know who you are!!!) but for joe-blogs regular costumer - we are gonna have to come to a nice compromise and try to get a nice rattle can alternative which is close enough, me thinks
Kashyyyk Trooper CRL discussion - consultation close Mar 2012
Heatshock replied to mrbungle's topic in Kashyyyk Trooper HQ
soz lat eto discussions. looks grey guys. Looking at the pics on here from ghst915 and frank - cos them pics look even better than the movie stills - and definatelt grey. only prob is in bright light it looks like a really light grey. CGI inconsistency? I would prob guess - its base grey with green/brown weathering - but no cammo pattern per se on it. soz for late reply Tom - life yada yadda yadda -
the new MB KST build thread WIP!
Heatshock replied to mrbungle's topic in Kashyyyk Trooper Armor/Helmet
wow that turned out really great mate must be such a sense of relief having finally reached this end-stage! and it looks the dogs dangly bits ;P!! proportion of the chest and back-tank are very nice. tank also slips into the back up real snug. already mentioned to u over phone abt the elbow lip; but easily modified by whom ever builds up the armour. I would agree that 090 is prob wht best compromise between sharpness and durability. -
wasnt saying u did falcon; soz if it came across like that. this whole game is rather like a big gentleman's club, if u ask before - every1 tends to be really nice abt things (as I am sure Mr Bungle was). But if its done after teh fact, thats when people get slightly miffed. So, so far u've not done anything wrong. IIRC that other lid that u have is one which was of "he who shall not be named" - which was basically recast off a pghfett lid. that alone is gonna be a major re-work to make it accurate. I am a big fan of the KST and theres always room for more fan sculpts! so go ahead if u already have major plans in the works man.
good luck mate; love watching genuine own sculpt WIP's. you do realise that some original makers also think its bad form to measure off their helmets to make ur own? might want to drop a line to both Mr Bungle and Pghfett just to let em know u are working off their lids. if u really want to have a genuine fan-sculpt; its best to go off reference pic's and put ur spin/intepretation on it. last point - correct if I am wrong tom/mike; but ur lids are based off 2 different sets of ref. images, a "stunt" and "hero" look; so combining em Falcon is likely to make a lid which is neither? ie hence the suggestion of picking ur own set of ref's images to work off; and to keep to. look forward to progress.
the new MB KST build thread WIP!
Heatshock replied to mrbungle's topic in Kashyyyk Trooper Armor/Helmet
darn dude - soz for keepin u on the phone so long y'day!! u'd prob would have had more time tpo do some more pulls looking good man, looking good. -
Clearing up some confusion on the PGHFETT helmet
Heatshock replied to a topic in Kashyyyk Trooper Armor/Helmet
ta for heads up mate soz I didnt recognise it earlier Nate -
Tom - very nice, talk abt trail blazing to a KST 'lancer' (btw we cant use the same term for our beloved KST can we?) I heard ur est for the gloves man - u think if we get a bulk order in we can get some form of discount? for the time being, priced out of range for me; but will definately keep an eye on it Nate
MB KST armor kit interest list.
Heatshock replied to mrbungle's topic in Kashyyyk Trooper Armor/Helmet
hey vodika - I am not involved in any of Mr Bungles FS stuff, but I am sure MB was selling (1) armour for $550 shipped in US (2) helmet for $200 shipped in US (this was abt 6mths ago; on the 1st run.... it may not be the same price still) the helmet is a nice bit of kit and comes with everything to complete it - including the greebs, decals and visor. Nate ps Tim - u getting into Kashyyyk too? nice -
soz abt resurrecting an old thread: was lookin at this thread and DaVe's thread which identified 14 pouches with eye-balled measurements given as this : arent there 4 side pouches per side (ie a total of 18 rather than the total of 14 suggested by DaVe?) - see the 4th pic in post #1? also - whilst lookin at the measurements; they would match the pouches in picture #1 and #3, but not the ones in pic #4 (they look taller here). I suggest an update of pouch number to 18 and using DaVes original eye-ball measurements? Reason I was bringing this up Tom - was that looking at ur pouch mock-up in ur version I; you've got the correct number, but ur side pouches are the taller verion seen in pic#4 rather than the squat version as suggested by DaVe's measurements. wot do u think boss?
tell me abt it - snowed under with work in UK atm, summer time is conference time ! yeesh. ta for reply, pp away frank! thanks. Nate
hey mate - I know how it gets; sent u a pm abt wot we were discussing re: greebs a week or 2 ago did u get it? Nate
MB KST armor kit interest list.
Heatshock replied to mrbungle's topic in Kashyyyk Trooper Armor/Helmet
thanks for adding me to list Tom, definately wanting in on this run ;P lmk details etc to sort things out - cheers man Nate -
the new MB KST build thread WIP!
Heatshock replied to mrbungle's topic in Kashyyyk Trooper Armor/Helmet
ooo rubber belts you do realise that u have one confirmed buyer for a full set of armour dont you tom ;P angelo - any word from ur seamtress? Nate -
the new MB KST build thread WIP!
Heatshock replied to mrbungle's topic in Kashyyyk Trooper Armor/Helmet
very nice mate the speed that u are gettin this done astounds me man - mostly cos u got a full-time business to run as well! man I love that dog -
Kashyyyk Trooper CRL discussion - consultation close Mar 2012
Heatshock replied to mrbungle's topic in Kashyyyk Trooper HQ
nice discussion goign now cant see any problem with ready made pouches, as long as they are close to teh required sizes and outlined by DaVe. The thing with the pouches as well, isnt just abt their individual sizes, but how the look like next to each other. I think we should state the rough sizes they are, and then be they scratch built, pre-made or vac formed versions - should be all ok. Agree abt glove - both version shoould be allowed; extra long gauntlet versus greeb-on-the-sleeve look. As there is conflicting evidence, think this 2 option shouldnt be a deciding factor on lancer status or not. on the 2 specific points ur brought up MB I like these suggestions. Esp.ly if its for a regular KST (as nice as Angelo's pouch mod is!) Angelo - version 2?? version 2?? come on - if u are goign to the same seamtress; get a small run going mate!!! there must be enough of us wanting this .... ooo 5 u think? You, myself and Tom are already 3. lastly - I noticed the current KST CRL says the helmet is a one-piece. Tom, NZ Jedi and I have discussed abt it - and IIRC; the smooth lines on this clone helmet make a flip up not possible. I have thought of a rather complicated mod - where u can put the faceplate on rails like a drawer (ie its slips in and out on the straight horizontal) then flips; but tbh, I am not sure I got the skills to complete that mod. -
Kashyyyk Trooper CRL discussion - consultation close Mar 2012
Heatshock replied to mrbungle's topic in Kashyyyk Trooper HQ
Hey Tom, phew where to begin huh. 1st off - we should be thinking of 'basic requirement' and the KST equivalent of lancer status I would say. I know wot u are like mate - u're basic standard would prob be more in keepin with a lancer equivalent ;P hard armour - no probelms with stipulations. In fact I would say you and mikes armour should form the base line of standards to make. In fact, I know blue cyclone is the official detachment armourer, so is there gonna be a separate KST Armourer as well? soft armour - this is gonna be a right mine field. I am all for making the british desert DPM the official base for the under armour. dyed to the appropriate shade with the inner grey - perhaps leather/suede patches like on biker scouts? Are we gonna stipulate that the pockets be removed? dont think this will be necessary personally, as all of it will be covered by cummerbunds and armour I personally would like a balacava underneath, more in keepin with maintaining the illusion; so u dont see flesh underneath. Cummerbund - Angelo's tutorial for a cummerbund would form a nice start for the basic requirements - http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=4949. Agree that a molle vest wouldnt look right. pouches - its in the appropriate section already; there are fairly good guestimates by DaVe - http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=1651. Now, as u and I know - its pretty tight space in between the chest armour and the belt - I would say some lee way needs to be given to make sure theres space for the costumer to move freely, even if its just the long set of boxes in the front. gloves - a topic the powers that be are gonna have to decide on, I have seen the arguments provided by Frank, and I actually would prefer this configuration instead, ie the greebs being on the sleeve rather than the gloves. boots - a major problem, and something I think some compromise will need to be made. this is wot the GM WIP CRL is something a bit more generic like that would prob be needed. just my cents mate -
I mut admit - I went for a set of the tan ones. its a locl brand I think, its one of the'industrial' use type used by various workmen in this country - brand on the box is groundwork? the shop I got it from is goign out of business - they cost £25 at the moment; thats abt $37 a pair? Nate