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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Heatshock

  1. the CGI camo looks more splodgy than well defined mate TOms mentioned sponge or brush effect in the past I am sure - rather than air brush I would say I am dreading this part as well - I am more used to TK and plain white clones
  2. nice goign vodika - coming along nicely pat - great thing abt bondo? its easy to work with mate and if you dont like it you can sand it away easy. although a mouse sander or beltsander would save you loads of time. it isnt realy something you needed much with other cossies, but for the clone stuff - its almost an essential skill. Good thing is even idiots with 2 left hands and no thumbs its easy to work with. Nate
  3. close enough mate should do for the base colour
  4. hey mate - I think its a ilttle too green I have been researching the colour for UK with a paint sample from Mr Bungle based on computer scanning solour match - I have found the equivalent in the UK its Emulsion Interior House Paint from Dulux, Gooseberry Fool, shade 4 heres a link http://www.dulux.co.uk/servlet/ColourSchem...oseberry_fool_4
  5. never too late man looks like a nice base I am still lookin for a nice budget glove myself. check out my posts on teh boots as well man - thats the other headache part of this cossie
  6. pat - pm replied mate IIRC correctly - angelo (lone scout) had managed to source some british BDUs stateside a while back? not sure if he still has supplies. any1 else interested - just drop me a pm guys
  7. well worth the cash man nicely made as well no complaints.
  8. right guys - got a close up shots of the sole of this boot! http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33092
  9. congrats mate 2 cleared cossies in less than a year - yeeesh, you really know how to make some of us look like lazy sods!
  10. wow great helmet great price pm sent who says 2 KST lids is enough ;P
  11. looking good mate molding with greebs on? cuts down build time, increase paint time? good luck with the mold!
  12. wow amazing wot some small mods do to the overall look. it already looks a lot less 'dumpy' Tom I got you version 1 as well - and looking at the complex curves on that face plate; I dotn envy yer matey. nice progress though. will call yer this weekend? Adam - congrats on your purchase! I too am researching if I can do w/o a wash. but not holdoing on to too much hope.
  13. is that dye or paint to get the even grey Tom? looking better and better
  14. try this link guys - same shoe - but you can rotate it and zoom up to it too http://www.panoramic-imaging.com/view_obje...e=ffHWbnhHYJVig
  15. oooo lookie wot I found!! heres the UK based website - its called the PT05 Police Tactical Waterproof, mid way down the page - check out the 3D view of the boot and the SOLE! http://www.gladstoneboots.com/acatalog/Thr...ngth_Boots.html
  16. I'm in for a size 10.5-11 which ever is closest
  17. nice lookin crotch there angelo! wow - very nice work to MB and LS; looks like its really gettin there with the look of the KST. liking the colour more on ur boxes than on the armor mate - no offense
  18. I liked the proportions of ur verson 1, so a longer face would prob knock that off. you already mentioned that u were gonna cut the visor shorter and sand the cheeks down a bit more werent yer? thats should lengthen the face on its own I think Nate
  19. I await with interest mate Nate
  20. aye agreed to changes on the CRL FRANK!!!! long time no see ;P hope u are well mate
  21. I think ur left shin is 10 mm asymmetrical compared to the right ;P rubbish. soz mate - just kidding; its coming together very nicely.... angelo - I think u may soon be displaced as the best lookin KST troping with the 501 Nate
  22. heh - no problem Terry, I presume u are like me and went straight to New Posts u can almost tell by the names whos posting on wot - the likes of angelo, myself, Mr Bungle, Falcon1 tend to be found in the KST/clone-y side ;P
  23. progressing on from previosu thoughts - if we are thinking of using a nice base leather glove to paste on grey rubber greebs - here are some nice candiates http://www.silvermans.co.uk/ProductDetails...04/Default.aspx GLOVES CLASSIC LEATHER M/CYCLE or the ones closer to teh bottom right of the selection the LEATHER MOTORCYCLE GAUNTLETS
  24. 1st off - I really like the work done by Angelo and Tom. heres the tutorial by Angelo - http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=4949 ok so after a long day of kids partying (my eldests bday party was today - 14 4yrs olds running round the house all day! yay) anyway some quiet time made me think abt KST cumerbunds again.... (1) lookin at the pics I was wondering how we came to agree on the 2'' cloth 1 '' elastic vertical strips? only wondering as the ref pics on here - make it look slightly thinner. but Toms mock up looks real nice - so we all agreed on the spacing? (2) next up was the thickness of the garrison belt part on the cummerbund - angelos tutorial states 2'' for the generic measurement (he used 1'' to fit his body). Tom - it looked like u used 4'' on your prototype? again heading back to the ref pics - and measuring off the screen = the garrison belt looks to be 1.5x the thickness of the cloth strip ie slightly thicker than the vertical cloth strip. wot u guys think?
  25. the ones in post 5 mate not the most accurate, but cheap
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