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Good news you guys we bought some new fabric to day for making this part, nice texture to it looks good. It should dye really nice and take paint for doing the camo on it. We'll keep you all posted on this.
As in the other postings for boots, I think I am still going to use these boots- M6 Desert Combat Boot
Here is the email Joey sent me a while back on these boots- Hey guys here is the respone from Ca boots- Unfortunatley the sole is an injection molded sole, So in order to make this boot, it would have to be made in a large quantity - like about 500 - 1000 pairs. To make short runs, in the quanities your asking about - 5 - 10 pairs, we would have to consider a different sole. Please include all previous emails with your response. Sincerely Joey www.caboots.com
I agree that there is only one per glove and I think it should go where the gun would rest on the glove when holding it up right to shoot.
The color dirty thing I think can be done with paint using a sponge softly touching the the leather as long as the paint matches the camo.
That work great if you could do that I know it would help me out. But its not a rush, like I said we're busy very busy working getting ready for Dragon Con in the next month. But I WILL be working on the gloves as soon as we get back. I will keep up on this here. The new or better drawings will help out also. Thanx guys, this is gonna be way cool for C4 next year. -Ross
Trust me guys I know what your all talking about with mads drawings which will help out, but the wrist area I dont see it being that thight around the wrist. Its more open then that. The so called armor piece yes its made of some kind of soft rubber or hard rubber molded to that shape and heat set or glued to the glove for the weapon to rest on. The padding on the back of the glove I would say is leather also and is sewen on to the glove. The wrist strap could be a strech band or a leather band with no clasp, it looks to have two stichs in it. Or a wrist band that strechs with a leather part swen into it in the middle. The most back half of the glove will be leather also with padding in it to give the full look. The leather outlet here in Tampa carries a wide selection of leathers in diffrent colors so i will go over there after Dragon Con to see what I can find and order the gloves too. The only part that I dont think I can do, due to money and time and such is the rubber aromr pad on the glove. But then again I might just give it try anyway.
Give my gf and I some time after Dragon Con and we'll start working on it and see what we can do. Actually I was just looking around online for gloves to work with and found these for a great base glove to rework it and make into the BRAC gloves. I can very close black leather for making the top part of the glove with the hard grayish/green colored armor looking piece on it. Once the glove is cut the top part of the glove is made sewen on to it and the armor part is attached to it I think it will look really good. Like I said give till after Dragon Con to rework these gloves. Not bad for 20buck if this works right which I think it will. BARC Trooper base glove
These new up close pictures of the BARC trooper will clear up the gloves issue and some other issues now that we see this costume better. Thanx goes out to TB.438 for sending me them. BARC Trooper #1 BARC Trooper #2 Also you'll see that the gloves are black with some camo on the glove not much but some.
WOW Mad where did you get that GREAT HI RES pic from? Do you have any more like that, look at the glove it looks like the guantlet. PLeas post any more HI RES pic if have them.
It looks like to flat bars like capt. bars and if its round why would both sides show light with a shadow mark in the middle if its one piece. If its one piece then there should a shadow on one side with a dark aside and light side. I still say these are flat like capt. bars, and do not stand out as much. More flat then sticking out. The work your doing is awsome dude, but I think you should redo just the bars again to took another look at them. But dont destroy what you have now, just try it to see.
fixed links, try them again.
Id say that they do that also and are flat bars that are held in place by the rasied areas, heres a picture link of it up close. BARC Trooper Bicep I just really zoomed in on that part again and seen that the bottom opening is bigger then the top opening also. Try this drawing to see if this helps out. This is what i see on there. Drawing
Sounds like Mike has a winning helmet on his hands, I look forward to geeting mine from him soon. Look forward to seeing the work you do on the helmet yourself Armyscout.
You know guys my girlfriend is a pro-seamstress and says that the flak/vest should be made out of a some kind of vinyl for the ribbed area with 1" wide or so pieces runnning up and down sewen on only where the lines are on them and make the top vest out of a good breathable cloth again as a one piece unit. Maybe with the soft pouches sewn on also.
I think one of the above boots would work fine with the armor. Well the combat boots and shoes fit tight around your calf and ankle so I dont think it would be a problem. The tan boots above are short boots too, so the armor would fit pretty good. Im planning on buy the tan boots next month to use for mine.
The above boot is in stock for $42 at this site- http://www.overstock.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi?PA...=80530&fp=F These are a good boot for us to use, I might buy these boots myself, not sure just yet. The only thing is these are insulated and will be warm. I also found these too, and are made for the desert and are shorter- Heres the picture from another site showing the bottom of the boot- http://www.botac.com/baasbo.html http://www.discountedboots.com/site/604790/product/E02455 What do you guys think? UPDATE I went over to ebay this morning and found the above short bates boot on there going for between $30 - $40 much better then $110. Have to keep an eye out for your size is all not many on there, but still better then full price. http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?c...&category0= UPDATE 7-8-06 I have not seen these boots on ebay in a while but I do look almost everyother day while looking for other stuff.
I have other projects of my own i am working on right now, but will be paying for my helmet this Friday and hope to get ASAP from Mike. I will be jumping right on this helmet as soon as I get it. This thing is awsome. This man has TALENT pure TALENT. By the way who is the action figure wanna be in the above picture? Anyone know?
I was also thinking of the same pattern dude, i was over at the Marine base here in Tampa the past few days in a row and seen the new digi camo they had on and it lloked really good from a far. If its dyed dark brown it should look good. You might also try it with a little black mixed in too not too much thou. Let us know how to looks. Cant wait to hear from you on the helmet too and getting mine from him. WOO HOO.
Thats awsome, your doing some really great work on this project. When your ready to make more of them please count me in on this. I really want of your helmets for this costume. If you can pm me with more details on payments that would be great.
So when can we place an order with you pghfett for one of these great looking helmets? They are so amazing.
Hey guys here is the respone from Ca boots- Unfortunatley the sole is an injection molded sole, So in order to make this boot, it would have to be made in a large quantity - like about 500 - 1000 pairs. To make short runs, in the quanities your asking about - 5 - 10 pairs, we would have to consider a different sole. Please include all previous emails with your response. Sincerely Joey www.caboots.com So we have to keep on looking for boots that will work for this costume. I ahd asked them to make more then just 5 to 10 pairs for us it was more like 30 or so.
Hey guys I found this over on the Blaster Builders Club, these are the Templates for building the DC-15B short range blaster. Now there are no how to step by step but looks easy to make. Here's the link to the zip file for it- http://www.imperial-fleet.com/bbcforum/vie...php?p=7188#7188 Enjoy guys. http://www.imperial-fleet.com/bbcforum/index.php
My God I said it before and I'll say it again you ROCK that thing is awsome looking, sign me up for helmet dude, sign me up. GREAT JOB
I was checking out the D/H site for Jango boots and seen this picture of a boot that would work very well only its not made any more, so we have to look really hard on ebay and such to find them. Bedford Stu, or even if we can find someone to make them for us? UPDATE- I just sent an email to the guys over at CABOOTS to see if they can reproduce the boot above in tan for us and how much they would run. I also told them I can get them more pictures of the boot we want from the movie for color match and sole. As soon as I hear back from them I will post here, lets hope they can do this.