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Everything posted by Ghst915
Mike that looks much better then the other eyelash design you had on there, still working on the gloves. I was going to order new gloves in a bigger size but they are sold out now. i found a new glove that looks better and is cheaper too. Once I get them and Denise gets closer to getting her long list finished up she does plan on starting on the soft stuff for us. She is getting closer to having a shorter list, means getting closer to start on it. The name change - anyone can go in there write what ever they want to in there. You or I can go over and change it if we want to. I like going with information from StarWars.com the link below is the only thing I can find on the BARC and shows a diffrent glone riding the speeder the same one in the movie of which are on a diffrent planet too. Even the toys that came out last with the BARC speeder had those clones on it and the figures out now of what your building is called the kashyyyk trooper from the 41st elite. I still think it should be chnaged to Kashyyyk Trooper. BARC -Ross
Frank if you make it make it the same size as the decal Mike came up with. I know when I get around to mine I will be airbrushing mine on using a stencil Im going to make. And I cant say where I got my picture from so please dont ask me anyone, I said I would not say where I got it from.
Hey Mike, I was going thru some pictures today of the kashyyyk trooper which is the real name not barc. Heres is what I found in a picture and I blew it up too. I also think the name should be changed to with the correct name of Kashyyyk trooper 41st Elite and BARC. The BARCs are a whole diffrent set of clones. Anyway theres what the design is on the face plateside.
The Acrylikhan Armor Project Files
Ghst915 replied to Acrylikhan's topic in ROTJ Biker Scout Armor/Helmet
Hey Frank yes they are a little long but your shoulder bells are to small for you too. -
YES Frank and trust me I am working hard on these gloves, Mike has seen a few proto types already and is pleased with what I have done so far. The gloves I am working on will be all real leather as well as the forarm pad with the rubber geeblie on it. Once I have a proto type Mike and I are both pleased with I will release pictures of them, right now I just dont have them time to do this. I have lots of projects on my table and these gloves are at the front of the line with boots and carbines.
Thanks Mike, I found a new base glove tonight to for $20 here- Black Leather Base Glove
well in the really good pictures I have seen and have it looks like leather to me and is 2 piece not 1.
Ladyghst and myself are looking to go as of right now, we're working mocking up the soft armor for this.
Mike I'll have some pictures for you tomorrow on the gloves, I have a moc up and working on adding leather to the forarm pad. Denise and think making the back of the hand pads from leather will better also. Will know more tomorrow. So far Im pleased with what I have so far.
The Acrylikhan Armor Project Files
Ghst915 replied to Acrylikhan's topic in ROTJ Biker Scout Armor/Helmet
Hey Frank, Are you going to add in the side slot areas(dents) for the straps to sit in? You can see them in this picture from the movie and notice the small rivet on the armor also outside of the knee armor. Small and white. -
The Acrylikhan Armor Project Files
Ghst915 replied to Acrylikhan's topic in ROTJ Biker Scout Armor/Helmet
Frank looks great. -
That sucks you have to sell it, but if and when you do PLEASE try to sell it to someone on here or at the best someone in the 501st already so it does not go out to yet another recaster like it already has happened. This please Mike alot and a bunch of us on here as well. Good luck selling it, I wish I had the money to get from it right now but boot supplys and such come first before anything else does.
Way to go Chris, your doing a bang up job and keep it up, Congrats Brother.
Becuase the BARCs looks like a leather with cracks in it to me and suede will not give that cracked look and leather will do that.
THANK YOU Mike for you kind words Sir, I was trying my best to call these past few days while working but things have been very busy more then this time last year. I will get in touch with soon. PS. Thanks again for the stuff sent down we can see thigs more clear now. We'll be able to get on them now too.
Hey Mike we are planning on mocking up the gloves we have here this weekend with leather pads, will post or send pix to you.
They look good mike real good, but they should be more round on the corners and thicker too so they look like they have padding in them.Also they should be 2 pieces the gap between them is little more then what you have there. But damn they look good. Now wheres that package so we can get going on the soft stuff?????
Hey Mike hope things are good for you and look forward to getting the info from you soon. I will be all caught up by mid Feb. So when your ready send the info bro.
Lancer Deployment Request-TB5779 (WITHDRAWN)
Ghst915 replied to TB5779's topic in Lancer Deployment Request
You can check the boot thread for help with the boots. 1-The so called mudflap as I nicked named it should be rectanguler in shape, it should hang just below your butt and just cover the sides of your butt. 2-On the boots the dogbone over the top of the boots is the wrong shape also and should not come down over the sole on the sides, your also missing the toe strip that runs around the toe area to hide the edge of the vinyl which covers the boot. 3-Your chevron on your cumberbund cod piece should be a half circle not a upside down V shape. 4-I can also see some kind of L shaped white thing on your neck, maybe its a tag or velcro closer. 5-Theres a square piece of velcro showing on your back just above your belt that should not be showing. 6-The camel toe effect is from the cod piece being pulled to far down and under. This will happen when its made to long, it should stop just in front of and not go under. Heavy stablizer added inside keeps it from doing this as does a shorter cod piece in front. 7-The so called fish hook on the side of your bucket is wrong too, the bottom part of the hook is to long and should not have a angle to it. 8-T-bits are placed on your bicip armour wrong the small holes or dots should be facing out on the front part of the Tbit. 9-The rivet on the tank topper should be on the black part not on the white and should be lined up with the red handle part of the tank topper. 10-There should be 7 ribs with 8 stiches up and down on the cumberbund. For LANCER status I would fix the biggest major things above but not the little ones and Im SORRY I nit picked but the Biker Scout is like my ALL TIME favorite costume from all of the films. I would check out the other LANCERS to see what they have and adjust things. Again Im sorry and hope I dont make you feel bad or anything. Im just very picky about the costume. -
Lancer requirement - Gloves question
Ghst915 replied to Ripcode's topic in Lancer Deployment Request
Chris will the new gloves have the suede in the palms removed and the stiching on top be more accurate this time around and the suede on the thumbs have the right shape on thumb as well as the "V" stiching on them too? Right now the ones I have, have the wrong shape of suede and is sewen into the seem on the thumb this is wrong. -
I plan to use a soft deer skin leather to do mine with a little padding behind it.
Hey Mike they look freaking awsome brother but did you miss this detail or are you planning on doing this diffrent on them- Look where the straps run around the front they pass under the front rasied area of the shin guard, you have it solid, can it but cut to open it up so the straps run under it like here? Or will make changes for this to them?
WOW Mike everything looks great, you've been very busy my friend.
Thats where Ladyghst comes in handy guys, those are the same camos I plan to use and will be having her mod them for us. But I feel they still need to be darker in color.
These are the ones I like but they have the thumb pad on them.