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Everything posted by Ghst915

  1. Let us know what you find out, they are a very good base glove a little short but could still work. Ilike the pads on the back side, they match up very good but the thumb does not maybe it can be removed. Let us know how much.
  2. WOW thats awsome I hope we can get some other stuff of the BARC like a 12" figure of some kind.
  3. WOW Frank those look awsome bro, nice work. I cant wait to see the whole thing done. I know if get some time this winter I am going to follow your steps on the helmet to do a new one. If I dont get the time I may have to buy an ABS one.
  4. Hey Mike you kow both Denise and I are VERY MUCH interested in getting your armor bro and a helmet for her, so add us both. Its look fantastic cant wait to see the rest.
  5. WOW Mike thats freaking awsome looking, let us know as soon as your ready to make more dude, you count Denise and I in for sure.
  6. Hey Mad, I really like those, dye em a little darker and I say they work.
  7. Mikey Mikey well I know where my carbine money is going to go when your ready to make more of this awsome looking BARC armor bro. Looking outstanding. Im still kicking Denise in the butt for the soft armor start up.
  8. You got it bro didnt know what was happening there, I didnt want to see your work get played with.
  9. Hey Mike someone is selling one of your helmets finsihed on ebay, you can check it out here - BARC Trooper Helmet Ebay Looks alot like yours, did you sell the first helmet you did?
  10. WOW FANTASTIC JOB Mike as always. Did you seal it with some kind of clear coat after the camo paint job?
  11. Hey we have our umbers now so its 100% offical now.

  12. WOW Mike thats awsome looking paint job so far.
  13. I know Ladyghst and I are planning on making all of the pouches and drop boxes out of a canvas with heavy strach to make them stiff to hold they're shape.
  14. Chris I think you should say that the armor can not be camo biker scout armor too. As a few have tryed and done this already, it looks nothing like the BARC should look like. Mike should jump in here and give his words of wisdom on this costume as well. Seeing he is the only one working on the armor right now and setting the standard for this costume.
  15. Thanks Jay, but I keep getting an error message the link wont open up for me.
  16. PLEASE pull the pictures and link them or post them here ok. Thanks.
  17. That would be up to if you bought the armor, and made it that way. There was a picture with diffrent clones in it and the BARC was all white. The picture was in INSIDER. Im sure that posting and picture are still here on the boards somewhere. My guess is Mad or TB-1019 will find it and post it here. Right guys?
  18. Hey wheres the pictures of the NEW armor at dude. I wanna see the NEW you. CONGRATS my friend.
  19. Awsome looking forward to seeing it and this one when its done as well paint job and all. Very sweet looking.
  20. Thats freeking awsome looking, great job. Are you going to do the Carbine now? The DC-15S the one the BARCS and clones used to storm the jedi temple. Thats the one I want.
  21. WOW amazing, I would love to get a pair of the white or tan boots. Should I PM him over on the TDH boards about this?
  22. WOW, thats looking great so far. Are you going to a run of these? And are you going to make the DC-15S carbine as well?
  23. HOLY LITTLE GREEN FROGMAN YODA THAT IS FREAKING AWSOME Unbelieveable Mike, outstanding. I woke up this morning this early to get drink of water, I figured Id check the boards and seen this. Words escape me right now dude. Can't wait to get Ladyghst going on the soft armor for you. And get the rest of the armor to match my helmet. Looking forward to seeing the boots now.
  24. Mike who made that helmet and of which I can say proudly I own one. He did try to make it so it fliped up but he ran into problems with making it flip up. So he went a head and made it static with no flip up face plate. But as in Jedi and all the behind the sceens stuff we know the scouts fliped up, but the CGI clones we never seen that happen so we can go with the fact that other clones did not have flip up face plates. So we can only assume that maybe the BARC may have had full helmets like the rest of the clones did. But to better answer your questions, no the face plate/visior does not flip up on the BARC helmet for now. And no one here has at least that I know of tried to do the mod work on it so it will flip up.
  25. I wish we were going too but we can't make it. I had to use my 1st week vaction time for my hand. But if we were going we both would do this for sure. You guys will have to do lots of pictures for this and some video would great to. Good luck with it guys.
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