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Everything posted by Ghst915

  1. I think he means just take the Scout Standards and modify them for the BARC. Just change the wording around to fit the BARC is all. Same set up, diffrent wording. Carry on.
  2. Hey Bro things are looking great so far, your doing a hell of a job with your armor. Your boots are a little to tall, but we can fix them no problem. I would not go mid calf that will make them to short then. There should be about a 2" gap between the top of the boot and the knee armor. When i made them for you, I took off 2" from the height you gave me, so maybe you measured to close to your knee. But we can fix that for you as soon as your ready dude. Just send that back to us and we'll fix them up for. Mark them where you want them for us, we'll fix them and send them back out to you. Looking great so far, looking forward to seeing the finished armor.
  3. You missed the leg pouches not the boxes hanging off the belt but the darker pouches that are sewen into the front of the leg arae under the hanging boxes. There 16 total pouches on these guys. I missed at first too but they are there.
  4. Thats diffentally not was saying your right. I just wanted to comment that I got one when Mike was making them to say I got one of the first helmets he made and was lucky enough to get one. Im very sure your making the same quality work as Mike did. Its still just cool to have one of the first helmets made. Best of luck with making more and its great your gonna to make more for others.
  5. Im soooo glad I got mine when I did, having an original from when you were making them is awsome. Im really looking forward to getting the rest of the armor from you.
  6. Hey Mad they have those deerskin gloves with liners in then for a few more bucks, they look a little more full like they should be. I think we can still use them as a base.
  7. Ghst915


    Hey Simon great job brother, since your using the same boots as me I will pm you pictures soon as what I have done to mine. The boots are gonna look great, just be very very careful if you carve up the soles. They are very soft and easy to do, but just watch out. I used the same blade on the 2nd boot and it was a little dull, it jumped on me. I now have a big cut on hand from it with 4 large stiches in it. I will pm you when your boots get here and when I am able to work on them for you. Again outstanding job dude .
  8. It could even have a short piece of elastic that just runs under the center of the croch area but is only like a 3 inchs long or so. It could be done with snaps or velcor on the end that attachs to the cod piece and sewen on to the suit or pants at the other end.
  9. What if the cod piece was made from a heavy canvas material and then use a liquid starch on it to hold its shape. Then do a snap or velcro on the back to hold it place???? When you look at the small boxes and the cod area it looks like it has a heavy canvas look to it. Ladyghst says this would work, by making it, doing the camo and then the liquid starch to hold its shape. I made the picture this big to show the texture of the piece and boxes.
  10. Make pattern for it then trace your hole out and cut it out. I would alos cut it out just slightly smaller then what you traced. Can't wait to see this.
  11. Mad if its recessed into the glove. Then what about cutting out the opening for it and sewing it into place to keep from moving around and the leather peeling back away from it?
  12. WOW those are great, Ive been looking all for gloves to do. I know Mike siad he would do the rubber part for us. Now I have to choose which to use. Nice work Mad looks great.
  13. mike what about both in one? a stiff soft armor. this would be like the scout cod area, you can see in the movie how it stays in place and folds in the middle when the scouts sit down and pushs back out when they are stand or running. a heavy stablizer sewen in would work for this.
  14. Mike can please post your pictures for all to see, the link only works for 501st members not all. Thanks. I believe theres a few things to be changed on your costume to make even better. I was looking at your pictures in the gallery and these some thing that are wrong. If you can post the newest current pictures of your costume it would help to see better. Thank you.
  15. Those look pretty cool Mad. They look like 3 /34" figures. Now that I have seen those I wanna do a 12" Barc Trooper costum now. After C4 thou.
  16. WOW Mike looking great bro, loving it BIG time so far.
  17. Way to go Mike, ConGrats, now lets see those pics.
  18. I was lucky enough to get my hands on one of Mikes helmets hemade him self before passing on the bucket making to someone else. I'm waiting for Mike to finish this outfit before I start painting my helmet, this way I can paint the whole armor and helmet at the same time. I want to have the camo job to match.
  19. They look heavy an dhot becuase of the rubber coating on them, im guessing they have some kind of padding in them? If so that will make them hot too. Do they have the padding in them? I also agree with Army Scout about cutting them down just above the ankle.
  20. Well Hasbro messed up yet another figure again, here is what they are calling the 41st Elite figure or the BARC Troper if you will. Hasbro BARC Trooper figure I just hope that if they do a 12" figure they get it right.
  21. Looking great as always Mike come the pictures coming, dont rush anything. Your on the road to greatness here.
  22. She is, NOW GET BACK TO WORK. -CRACK- whip snapping in the air above her head. -CRACK- SEW SEW SEW. BRING ME NEW LOCKS SHE HAS PICKED THEM AGAIN. GRRrrrrr.
  23. WOW Mike very cool. Can't wait to see the rest of it. Looking forward to this when its done brother.
  24. Yeah no doubt there dude, been there done that before. The armor looks great bro, looking forward to the rest. Gloves are coming up soon, very soon.
  25. Hey Mike I just went and looked at the screen shots I have and the soles will need to be thicker then those. Are you planning on making them out of rubber and adding the rest of the boot to them some how?
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