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Everything posted by Ghst915
AWSOME find Mike, where in the world did you find those and what size are they?
Nick slideshow, thanks for sharing. As always great work.
The Acrylikhan Armor Project Files
Ghst915 replied to Acrylikhan's topic in ROTJ Biker Scout Armor/Helmet
Good job so far Frank...... Look over there get him..go go go stomp that ewok into the ground...behind the screen get him go go go Ewok stomping. I love seeing my boots on my costumers it so cool. -
As soon as one of the glove companys on-line that I have been watching gets gloves in-stock again I plan to buy gloves and make them. We are going to do a soft leather bulg on the back of the hnad using soft leather from tandy. We'll take the leather and sew it around the edges with filler under to give the bulg look, but bulgs will be one piece. Then we can attach it to the glove. These gloves are in two parts, theres the glove its self then the larger forarm pad with the rubber piece on it. This part will be soft black leather also from tandy, once we have that down Mike is going to cast the rubber parts for us. Im finishing up the last of my scout boots and will be getting on these gloves very soon. I wish the sites I want to buy the glovees from would get them in-stock.
WOW Mike its looking awsome, keep th epictures coming in. Im still looking for gloves in stock to make the barc gloves. So far I found gloves that work but none are in stock or in my size. All I keep finding are XL, XXL, this will not work. I need med. size gloves even if they have a liner in them. My scout gloves were med with the liner rremoved and fit just right. Also the gloves I have found are around the $23 mark so that is good. Now if I can just find a store that has them in stock. The holidays are selling out of them. Might have better luck after the holidays.
Sorry Mad but I got on this one buddy, here's a picture of of what we call the BARC trooper riding in the swamp speeder 2 seater. This is taking from the movie right before the clones try to kill Yoda, its brief moment as we see what is going on down on the beech with a birds eye view of the battle. Then we're takin down to the beech and just as we see a clone tank come over the sand dune on the left side of the screen you'll see this swamp speeder come in firing. Its all marketing, becuase we see the BARC speeder in the movie with diffrent clones flying them. Yet the Lego Clone Tank comes with the swamp speeder and the clones riding the BARC speeders in the movie are the clones riding in the swamp speeder for the lego version. ON another hand with the lego BARC speeder we get the BARC trooper figure, and we all know that the BARC trooper never rode on the bike in them movie. So the toy companys most likely have free rain over on what looks good to them to sell the stuff, and what they think will sell the toys to kids and collectors alike.
Thanks Snub, I got from the new picture we bought on line size 8x10. Did little fixing on it and blew it up.
WOO HOO Ladyghst said thats good, but pre-wash it before you dye it dude, and use a little dye at a time to get the right darkness. You dont wanna over dye it and get it to black. Keep us informed dude. If it works nice I might go out get the same stuff this next weekend.
That looks really good to me, I think that would work great and we can all get the same fabric as well. Another thing will work is that with us all doing our own shirts and pants of this fabric, they wont be the same pattern on them due to the maker. I mean who ever makes the pants and shirts, no two will be the same pattern in the same spot, you know. The same pattern but not the same look.
Better picture of the BARC Trooper.
Those look ok but the armor is not tight enough around the calf area, and I dont wanna use rubber farm boots. Heres some good close ups of the boots, you can see the armor and how it is sort of not touching the boot in spots. I like one of the shoes Mad found, after they are covered with the vinyl and armor they would look good.
The boot has armor over the front and top of the boot. We just got the pictire of the BARC Trooper and we scanned it at high res and you can see the boots and other stuff really good now. There is armor over the top of the foot.
GRRRRR these gloves are still not in stock yet, but I was told to keep watching they site, they should have them soon. So I will wait and wait and wait and then I'll wait some more. As I look on line for the same gloves from another site, I know I can find them.
Needs to be more dark, theres not any of the light colors in the camo the BARC wear and should be closer to the tiger dark camo look.
I will be buying a pair of the above glove this weekend and going to look for some soft leather in green to start working on the gloves. Will update on this later this weekend.
In the words of Steve the pirate......Gaarrrrr I can'ts waits to get me hands one of those fancy looking muskets Gaarrrrrr.
This is the glove Im going to go with just as soon as its in stock again, I have emailed the company that carrys it and Im waiting to hear from them. Im going to order a few pairs of them so I can start working on these gloves. I plan to have the rubber looking gray/green part on the glove made by someone here on the boards. The rest I plan to do myself. Lets jusy hope I can get these gloves, i feel they will make the best base glove for us to use. UPDATE I heard back from Leatherup and they said to give them about 3 or 4 weeks and they should have these gloves back in stock. As soon as they are in stock I post here, and Im going to buy some for me to start working with. Stay tuned.
Hey the armor sculpting is really coming along, I cant wait to see it when its done and pulled.
Hey guys Ifound a two pairs of gloves on-line tonight that seem to make good base gloves, tell me which one you think is the best. I wanna order a pair so I can start working with them. I like the short glove as a base, it looks like the larger padding part goes under the glove.
ArmyScout I looked at the armor you did and then looked again at the screen shots. The angles look sharpe they should flow more smoothly with more curves. I still think that the left part, the so called BARS on the armor still look flat to me and more set back in. Not so rasied out from the armor.
Here yet another boot that could work if painted or redyed the right color. Boots
Hey Mike the tank topper looks awsome dude, Id have to say your on the right track with it. With the pictures being so fuzzy to compare its close enough for me. Looks great.
This is what I pla n to use unless someone find this pattern turned the right way running up and down. For $50 buck its not bad, I like it better then the US digital camo. Russian combat gear And this is even closer with a little darkening up done to it. This cost a little more but worth it for the right pattern. Russian VSR camo
I just recieved my helmet in the mail to day when I got home. When I seen it I was freaking AMAZED and STUNED by the work that Mike has done with this helmet kit. I am very much impressed with my BARC helmet, and I very much look forward to working on it and getting ready to wear. If anyone out there is looking to buy one of these helmet kits from Mike for a costume or to display in your collection, you wont find a better helemet kit out there for this trooper. Mike my hat is off to you on this helmet, simply AWSOME and you ROCK!!!!! Thank you for putting this wonderful helemt together for us. Keep up the great work. I will post pictures here once I start work on this helmet.
Cool, but its small very small for a kids hands. But I'll still buy one for me use as a reference to go by some what. It looks really good for hasbro and so does the rebel blaster it looks good to, but both are to small, they built them for kids hands. The DC-15B has a two finger trigger, theyer's has a one finger trigger and have added on a few things to it. All and all it looks great. I perfer to build my own blasters all but the scout blaster. Do have any idea when they will be out?