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Everything posted by Ghst915

  1. To me it looks like the sleeve is diffrent from the padded area there. Look at the camo where it stops and changes in texture as well. It could be a padded sleeve all together and then the gloves.
  2. The MUDFLAP is just a heavy piece of black suede the hangs over your butt to just cover it. It shold only just cover your butt and not come around tyhe sides or hang to low. Also the cod straps comes up and over it in the back. We take the mud flap and sew velcro on to it on the one end and sew the other part pf the velcro on to the bottom back side of the cummberbund so you can remove it to wash your vest/cumberbund set with out washing the flap and making gray to fast. This works very well for the flap.
  3. [/center]Your armor looks awsome, you guys should take on the Clone Scout Helmet from the Clone Wars movie. That the next costume I wanna do and so do some others, if you guys could do the helmet you could do really well with it. The armor you have now is sweet looking. If things get better after the new year I wanna get armor from you guys and I hope you take on the Clone Scout helmet too.
  4. Yeah its a NEW bucket totally diffrent then any other bucket out there, the armor is the same done in camo not normal camo thou. I am waiting for someone to do the helmet once they do I will be getting armor to do this. There is some talk on it over on the clone boards.
  5. Imperssive, most Impressive maybe you are as powerful as the Emperor thought.
  6. where did you guys get your dark camo from? can you post a link please.
  7. WICKED COOL BROTHER Someday I will have time to do the costume till then I'll just keep playing my plushy face hugger too, those things are cool.
  8. DUDE that ROCKS , that is one of the best looking Nerf Mods i have seen in a while, you have to have seen the new N-Strike Chain Gun coming out soon - I cant wait to get one of these bad boys, can you say ALIENS OH YEAH.
  9. They look ok but not that great. The guns they are using are made by NERF they are the Longshot guns from the N-strike series, $20 NERF guns nothing like fun. I knew those guns as soon as I seen them, I have a nice nerf collection myself that is growing.
  10. yeah I read that to over on the starwars site but I have looked and looked for them on Kashyyyk and never seen them being used there. thats why I think the name change should be made to Kashyyyk trooper not BARC trooper. BARC stands for a speeder bike not a trooper. but then again Kashyyyk stands for a planet and not a trooper too. So I guess we would have to call them 41st Elite troopers and leave it at that. But thats alot of letters to throw out, so Kashyyyk trooper would be best.
  11. Hey Mike I just went thru the video again for the 101th time and seen what you were talking about. There are what we call Barc Troopers riding the AT-RT's on the beach you really have to look for them. I wasnt looking for them before just the speeder bikes. OK so now we know these guys ride on the swamp speeder as well as the AT-RT. Mikes right you have to look close and fast for them on the AT-RTs during the beach attack just before Yoda gets attacked. Lower left side just after the swamp speeder goes by with 2 in it the AT-RT and then theres another one on the right running just before the Turbotank fills up the screen. Again you have to look for them. I went back to the first time we see Kashyyyk also and you can find them on the AT-RT's also running by fast in the background if you do a frame by frame. But still no proof of the BARC Speeder Bikes.
  12. Ive been thru the clips of these guys on Kashyyyk like a 100 times now and find none of them in this type of armor riding on anything other then the swamp speeder down in the lower left corner of the screen when we first see the battle doirds view of taking the beach when the Turbo Tanks are coming over the dunes. There are AT-RT's walking in the background off to the right but you can tell they have on diffrent armor. The kind of armor the drivers have on when they come up on the dead wookiees after order 66. The toy trooper name has also changed over the past years since the release of the movie, the Barc trooper is now called the Kashyyyk trooper. So with all of the following of the toy rule then Id say that toy makers were told to change the name. The name Kashyyyk Trooper would be the right nickname then and 41st Elite is the true name.
  13. I got one of the first buckets made by Mike and have not touched it since I got. I have in a container waiting to be done, its in my cloest on the shelf out of the sun in a cool dry place. Now that Im out of work with a bunch off tie on my hands I might start on it.
  14. OK here's some really good pictures of all the pouches on the kashyyyk trooper, but I cant say where I got them or who gave them to. Plus I cant post the whole pictures.
  15. Yes I understand that, thats the same as the AT-AT's that carried the speeder bikes for the Blizzard Force's that over took Echo Base on Hoth. Not seen in the movie but seen in the books. But we're getting away fom what is only seen in the movie, the only thing that is true canon is in the movies. So with that the only true BARC Troopers are the ones seen riding the BARC speeders. You never see the 41ts Elite riding the speeder bikes in the movie. You see them walking, running and riding in the swamp speeders but you dont see them in the swamp just on the beach fighting. Maybe someone can contact someone who works for ILM and find out the true name of the clones that made up the troops on Kashyyyks beach head battle in the movie. This would give us the true name of the clones fighting on Kashyyyk.
  16. WOW Mad you still dont have the movies on DVD. If I had an extra set I would send them out to you. I agree with what your saying here. I ahve seen the movie over and over many times like most have here and still see no BARC speeder bikes in any of the Kashyyyk sceens. I only see the swamp speeder in the first time we see Kashyyyk. This speeder is a 2 seater and you can clearly see that the guys driving are in fact the ones that the armor is being based on and built by Mike. The on ly time I see the BARC speeder being used is like I said above in the sceens I talked about before. This is way I say the neame change should be made to stay true canon. We cant base names on the toys, EU, or comic books. We all know that those companys get things wrong all the time.
  17. I think they will fix that before they get to much out. Those guys are not even on Kashhyyyk in the movie so you have to go with whats in the movie to stay canon. Comics and toys dont count nor do video games. So if you stick with the movie, the clone in the picture is a BARC and not a Kashyyyk trooper. ONce again the toy makers are doing whatthey feel looks good or want to release.
  18. Dont trust what you read Wookiepedia anyone can write what thye want on there. Im just going by what is in the movie to stay canon for this costume. I still have not seen the Kashyyyk troopers on the barc speeders to make them be called BARC Troopers. Now I have seen the others guys riding them who are called BARC Troopers. As for the swamp trooper I have a concept drawing of the swamp (lagoon) trooper and they are totally diffrent from the Kashyyyk troopers and the BARC Troopers. Here's the Lagoon concept drawing. And the Sky Trooper that was made into a figure but not in the movie. A little diffrent from the figure.
  19. Yes that is him and they are.
  20. Yeah its close to that but it has that red circle with the P in it back to back like this-
  21. Mad, I just went thru the Kashyyyk sceens again and seen no such bike, can you find it? I seen them riding around on the 2 leg walkers, and the 2 seater SWAMP speeder but not bikes. The BARC speeder bikes are used on Coruscant when Yoda, Mace and Obi Wan are flying in the Republic Gun Ship to send Yoda to Kashyyyk. You can see them fly by but cant tell who is on them. Once Yoda's gun ship lands, there 5 Barc Speeder Bikes parked. Then again during order66 when the 2 clones pull back on Stass Allie was killed on Saleucami. Thats the only times I can find when the BARC speeder Bikes were used.
  22. OK here is why this posting is called what it is. After going to SWWs for the past 2 weekends now and talking some people there and the guy in the picture who owns a few diffrent clone costumes. What we are calling the so called Barc trooper here on the BSN, is in fact NOT the Barc trooper, my friend in the clone armor thats marching in the picture shown below is wearing the BARC Trooper armor. These guys are the ones riding the BARC speeders in RofS not the guys we call Barc troopers. They guys we call Barc's are in fact Kashyyyk Troopers from the 41st Elite lead by Gee and Yoda. So with that I move we change the name of the clone we have here to the Kashyyyk Clone which is the correct name of them anyway. Of all the others I spoke with at SWWs they have said the same thing we are calling them by the wrong names, they mixed up. This guy is the Barc Trooper and we have the Kashyyyk Trooper. BARC Troopers from RofS on the speeder bikes with they're Jedi General.
  23. SWEEEEET Nice job Jennie, I told you this past weekend youd get it. See you soon
  24. I might, if you use a pencil do it very lightly just enough so you can see it. Look forward to seeing your finished work.
  25. Hey Army I found that same boot for a little less here, I still like the look of it. http://www.code3tactical.com/originalswatb...assic9boot.aspx Then again there is this shoe too???????
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