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Everything posted by Dart

  1. I actually have very few problems with my glasses bumping the lens. I've got a large head but I don't have a ton of padding in my KS bucket. Just enough to keep it from rotating on itself while I'm wearing it.
  2. If you wanted a very realistic look, you can get yourself some duck cloth or soft canvas-type of material. Ideally, you use the same stuff for the 'bund and the pouches. Many people just use a heavier white cotton twill. It's really up to you. As for the shape of the pouches, most of us put some sorta filler in them. Some prefer to completely fill out the pouches, making them look very square while others don't like to stuff them too much. I actually use my pouches to carry my crap when I'm trooping so I've got only a little bit of pipe insulation with some plastic elbows keeping the shape.
  3. I guess it's possible. But I think the shorter ones were used in the movie but with the tan bits dyed black. I remember someone here comparing some original Esprit gloves that had the black bits and they were larger than the SA gloves, which are purported to be the same as the screen-used ones.
  4. Actually, the dots point to the back when you're wearing the bicep armour. Most people just glue them in once they're painted. No reason to remove them. E6000/Goop will do the job nicely.
  5. As for the t-bits, there's a minor detail that you should take care of - Make sure the large rectangular bits are facing the same way. See where there's two "dots" on the corners? Those should be pointing to the back. One of your t-bits is fine but the other is glued(?) exactly the same. If you can cut one apart and re-glue it the correct way it'll really help the entire look. It's also a great way to figure out which one goes on which arm. Also, don't worry if they're not perfectly flush, just blame it on those pesky Ewoks.
  6. If you didn't pay much, that's good. That first belt is definitely an MC belt and box setup (just watch the strap length). As for the rest of the armour, everything but the chest/back and the holster are ok. Actually, you can probably salvage the chest but I'd contact SC to get a new back with new tank and topper. Also, you need the hose and endcaps for the thermal det as well as the greeblies. Also, you might wanna save up and get yourself a nicer bucket unless you plan on redoing that Rubies. You're most of the way there, just need a few bits here and there.
  7. I think they're still available on the 501st forums.
  8. The tutorial is the recommended way of doing the boots. It's not that expensive either. It's something you can do fairly simply. As far as I know, there are no retail boots that are 501st acceptable.
  9. Very much so. The MLC is based off a Don Post bucket originally. The ones that are featured in this thread are much closer, if not spot on, to the original screen-used lids.
  10. While I'm not a Lancer (yet ) when I put my shoulder bells on, I make sure they're no more than what Marcel above suggested.
  11. My understanding is that if you're a canon scout, then it's just the holdout blaster. But if you're not at a canon event, you can probably do whatever you'd like.
  12. Ah. Ok... try this one... I'd suggest you print it out at full size, cut it out and see how it fits on your thigh. Then just adjust as needed.
  13. I believe in the gallery section, there should be a general template to how the riding patch should look. Keep in mind your own measurements. I've got big thighs so my patches were about 2 1/2 times larger than the template. As for the mudflap, the general rule is that it should go from your waist to the bottom of your butt and should be about waist-wide. Peruse the gallery to get a better idea of what it's supposed to look like (specifically, the screen caps)
  14. If you need to trim some off to fit ya better, trim away. I'd still suggest using rivets since it's much more secure than just velcro. What I did for my belt was to rivet it to the webbing and also add velcro to the inside of the webbing and to the corresponding spots on my 'bund. That way, I don't have any belt droop and it just plain looks neater.
  15. Hey folks, Just thought I'd see what everyone else out there was doing to keep their right boots from slumping too much. Here's the inside of mine: I've got a 6" x 2" strip of velcro in there along with a 1" elastic strap that I loop through a loop on the inside leg of my undersuit. It holds alright but I'm still in search of something better. I'm thinking of reinforcing the vinyl with some plastic but I really don't want to rip my boot apart and re-do it. So, what's your right boot look like?
  16. I believe the main belt can be white nylon. That's what usually comes with the kits. Of course, if you're going for the weathered look, you could probably get away with using an off white/natural colour.
  17. If it's one of his newer suits, it's at least up to Pathfinder status. Pics speak louder than words in this case.
  18. Thanks for the links, Frank. I'm not overpowering my fan with the battery but now I'm definitely going to rewire the switch. I've got a troop on Saturday but I don't think I'll need my fan then. As for the black wires, should those be soldered together or just twisted together with a marette?
  19. Here's my fan setup... I've got a hollow MC snout which I've drilled a hole in and put the squirrel fan behind. I actually got a kit from a guy on ebay that was selling the fan, switch and battery harness for around $17 USD. I picked up a better battery box (as seen above) for maybe $2 or $3 somewhere. I'm actually thinking of re-wiring this setup. Not digging the switch (it's a push-button) as it's sometimes hard to know if it's on or not. I'm also thinking I need to redo the wiring as my crappy soldering job might be why the battery gets a bit hot and why it doesn't last tremendously long, hahaha! Also need to fix how the switch sits. I just threw together the current mount and while it's stable enough, it's not good enough for me. I also have to figure out how to route the wire from the fan so that I don't always have to tuck it in underneath the edge of my lens when I pull down the visor.
  20. Also agreed on the theory. Good discussion on this, folks! Really looking forward to the next pull to see just how it looks!
  21. While I'm not trying to keep my scout clean, I'm also not trying to be too dirty. Partly because I want the suit to weather naturally and partly because the cleaner version is a bit more suitable when doing canon events. When I get the cash, I'd actually like to have 2 suits: 1 clean and 1 dirty.
  22. Well, the flak vest is available through a couple of members here and the mandarin-style collar is usually the option for some of the racing suits a few of the members here use.
  23. I did the magnet mod and also glued some thin foam to the inside of the holster. Holds the blaster very well with no slop.
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