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Executive Office
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Everything posted by Dart

  1. Nice! Looks like it's progressing well.
  2. Just a quick note... I picked up the Episode IV, V, VI box set on DVD today and I was looking for evidence of this mudflap. There's one shot that illustrates perfectly how one biker had it. It looked like it actually came down about half-way down his arse, not the entire length. I also noticed a few other shots (looking at it frame-by-frame) that seemed to support this half-flap theory. I feel kinda weird saying this all, since it means I was intentionally looking at some dude's rear-end. So having said that, would the length be an issue for future Lancer hopefuls? Or is it all about just having the mudflap, period?
  3. Wow, 2 lancers in as many weeks? People must really be paying attention to all the great info around here. Good on ya, Rick!
  4. Congrats! I like the whole Lancer deal... gives us noobs something to strive for, ha!
  5. THAT looks much better than just the airbrushed camo. Keep goin' and I'm sure you'll have some great lookin' armour.
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