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Everything posted by StudioCreations

  1. Kalt, Wow, did the helmet really come with that warp in the plastic, I know you got one of the first 5 helmets pulled off the new molds, but I did not think we sent out anything with that odd of a shape? PAndatrooper shows and ingenious way to heat and twist plastic into the needed shape in his armor assembly thread ...http://forum.bikersc...?showtopic=9781 The drill holes are still being worked out as I type. San Diego Comic Con and CVI hit us hard and we have not had time to test and retest the drill hole placement to be put in the molds. Mid August looks to be a little more open in the schedule to add some workshop time and get those drill holes figured out. Right now everyone has to tape the visor and faceplate in place, then drill from there.
  2. Wholly mackeral.. you are a Bevelled Edge GOD! I am humbled by your level of patience to do this technique. WOW! -Jeff
  3. Looks like the indention in the back are 'soft', just like the movie used helmets. Very nice touch! The snout has all the ridges off the Yamaha model, that's very nice to see as well. While I agree that it should be a vacformed lid, I'll let them call it "Legendary" as long as I get a chance to "try" to buy one!
  4. MJ, Older mums can fit this armor. We are working on a more traditional style Photshoot for this Femtrooper too (no skin showing) but that will not happen until convention season is over.
  5. Okay, I see what you are saying now. Yeah, these parts are hand cut and variances do occur. You can either fill the gap with a silicone caulk, or sand the area down that is pressing into the seam to be more like the area that is not pressing into the seam, this way you have symmetry all around. Is the gap noticeable when you are wearing the helmet?
  6. The Dome and the Back of the helmet are setting flush against each other, and the gap is only where the back edge is not 100% lining up against the crease line in the Dome, correct? You can safely glue the "center back" of the parts together with minimal pressure applied to get them to sit flush onto one another?
  7. My Brother (SuperKrates) and I have been teasing everyone here on the BSN boards for years about doing custom FemScout armor, well, we finally did it! Behold, The SC FemScout.... Enjoy! Photos by Twisted River Productions We are working on a MK II Costume, with black all the way up to the head, white shoulder bells, and traditional thermal det. Photos of that will probably surface after DragonCon (September).
  8. Yeah, we haven't quite found out how to measure someones head to safely make a judgement on fit. We were thinking the eye brow/circumference measurement would be enough, but a couple people had "high crowns" on their head and hit the Top of the Dome. Grrrrr. We are working on better decals for the kit, and when we do have them in hand, we will send the new ones to anyone who purchased the older decals and asks. We are working on an assembly tutorial for the helmet this coming week too. I'll post a link to that when it's ready. Anyone who got a helmet kit and didn't get printed instructions, I am sorry about that. Message me here and let's I'll send you some PDFs for you to read.
  9. The first kits are reaching the buyers doorsteps and while I am getting good comments on the quality of the parts, a couple fans have expressed concern about the size of the helmets. Seems my helmet is not suited for a large head at all. Small and Medium heads only.
  10. Wait LoneWolf doesn't make helmet parts regularly? Really?
  11. I think the "LoneWolf" helmet is the recommended helmet for people with big heads.
  12. The first batch of Helmets shipped out today. Grendels is one of them. I look forward to reading about his intense scrutiny of the kit when he receives it.
  13. Is that a vacformed boot toe cap?
  14. I consider KS to be more accurate than SC armor, just because of the bevels in the chest and back armor and the 'one piece' Utility Belt.
  15. I consider Puerto Rico a USA destination. We'll see what my local Postmaster says when I try to ship the box this week.
  16. Sorry, I got wicked slammed at the 'day job' and have not had time to pop into the BSN to check on things. The helmet we are offering on our website is the same one I have been discussing here on this thread. The images that Grendel refers to are the older images, and I just pulled down those images and uploaded new images of the 3 different kits we can offer at this time. We will be tweaking and updating the helmet design over time. Probably in the upcoming winter, as costume season is cranking up now and we'll be busy on other things through the end of October.
  17. We are looking at the chincup picts now and we will be including one with our kits (I'll say now, ILM's design is horrible, but it's cannon, so what can we do). We have modified the temple areas of our molds to allow for the chinstrap to come through the side of the helmet just like the ILM ones.
  18. Looks awesome! I am envious of that return edge.
  19. Guys, thanks for the kind words about the new Thermal Det Box. SandtrooperScout, if you want to send me back your old thermal det, i'll swap you even for one of these new ones.
  20. Below are images of the first test helmet with the added tweaks to the molds, assembled and detailed. The grey snout is solid resin cast, molded from an aerator and accurate Tamiya Model part.
  21. First test pulls of the new Thermal Det box. We 'rush cut' the first box (top) and cut the 'pipe tunnels' a bit shallow, but the second one that we cut (bottom), we did a better job. For those that want to measure and make sure their new greeblies will fit, the rectangular test-greeblie is 25mm tall and 60mm wide. For comparison, below is that infamous Bluray image ...
  22. I am hoping we can offer these helmets very soon. We just have to finish a couple things and then we can concentrate on fine tuning the process.
  23. We are working on a new TD mold and hope to have it ready for the fans by end of May, if not sooner.
  24. Here's a thread about vendors..... hope this helps. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=8569
  25. This weekend we ran air vent channels to the back indention areas in the helmet so we can get crisper detail in the back, cleaned up the side temple areas to allow for a wider plastic area (for the elastic chin strap that Pandatrooper talked about earlier), and identiied a lock down area in one of the ears that binds when pulling the plastic off the mold. We should be assembling 4 or- 5 helmets this week to test our bolt hole placements in the mold, then tweaking the molds as-need-be next weekend. Picts to follow soon.
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