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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by LookBehindYou

  1. Was the addition to the front because it didn’t line up or was there a gap? I don’t appear to have that issue on mine. It’s close and not much room for error but you can’t see in with it closed.
  2. Thanks! Yep knew about that after I finished printing it. Going to fill that in as it’s a longer print and “shouldn’t” be too hard to fill in. Guessing there is still supposed to be an indent just not the vent bars, so that may be a bit trickier. Yeah I did a bit more sanding on that top after I put those updated pics. Pretty good difference so there is definitely some leeway. Do you know if the original aerator that came with is approveable?
  3. Hopefully the pics show it but I was able to round it out a fair amount. I also rounded around the visor slightly, but not much. First pic is the before
  4. Thanks for the quick reply Chopper! I did see that about rounding the top edge of the helmet so I’ll get that taken care of and also fill in the lines on the tank, he included both files one with the tank lines filled in. I should’ve printed that one instead. But it’ll be easier to just fill them in at this point. Hopefully that’s all that will be needed. I’m hoping the rest of the pieces look good to go (EC17, thermal detonator center piece, top of tank (which I’m currently reprinting in a different orientation to look better).
  5. Hi everyone! I’m finally going through with doing a scout trooper build. Always been my favorite so I figured I’ll finally go through with it. I am 3D printing all of the armor and helmet with Galactic Armory’s files. The soft parts from KriptonTop and I’ll be making the boots. Below is the progress so far on the helmet and armor. Is there anything that sticks out as not being approvable? I know the helmet needs to have the inlets on the back filled in for the sticker, same for above the snout. I also need to fill in layer lines on the dome and a few small areas. This is just the first coat of primer some of the pieces to see where I was at with the sanding. one thing I do question is the tank. The CRL doesn’t specify the lines being decals like the parts on the helmet. Is them being imbedded an issue? Im sure this is going to be a long journey but wanted to see if there are any “show stoppers” so far. Thanks!
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