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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by TreeHuggerMatt

  1. Dont know if just me but other than the initial pic the rest are broken links
  2. That sucks. Mind you the current sanctions on Russia wont be helping matters.
  3. Time Zone depending I'd be up for just dropping in and saying Hi if that would be okay. Mind you supporting west coast NFL and MLB teams means im no stranger to late nights on my laptop.. That sounds so wrong lol
  4. Ahhh get what ya mean. I’ll go and check the rotj wip Really curious as to how it would work. Love nerdy stuff like this , creating solutions to problems ftw
  5. you have to make many adjustments to it to fit the bucket or is it just a straight swap and tidy up?
  6. Wow! your ingenuity is amazing , love the way you find solutions
  7. yeah it was. thats gone on my little notebook of tips to steal..I mean borrow 🤣
  8. outstanding mate
  9. That’s amazing Dennis!!! And with a fantastic thread as well. Superb stuff and great solutions.
  10. Looks pretty good. Anyway you could rotate the pic?
  11. Ohhh thats a neat trick for the belt rear fella.. Im liking that dea a lot!
  12. Fantastic write up! Wonder how they both compare to chefs latest boots?
  13. Or there's always chefs creations if you dont mind it coming from the uk. I know a lot of guys have used his stuff and by all accounts its excellent. All options to choose from eh
  14. Wonder if theres an alternative to a full one curing station as thats impractical for me sadly but the technique is amazing
  15. Really excited to see what youre gonna with this @AradunFF Your WIP threads are exceptional mate
  16. what MJ said 🤣
  17. Funnily enough I was watching the last one just this afternoon my time id like that sometime maybe It seemed fun
  18. Meant for the next one obviously ahem what a 🤡 I am today Not my best Thursday ever 🤣 hehe
  19. **looks up flight costs from Edinburgh** 🤣
  20. Cheers Mickey... if it aint broke and all that 👍
  21. Thats good to know that boss as I was hoping to be able to put my phone in as well for cheeky trooping pics. Was looking at small sections of plastic card but would you say the foam was a better option? Could get either easily enough
  22. What he said
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